Photosynthetica 2014, 52(3):444-455 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-014-0049-2

A sunny day at the beach: Ecophysiological assessment of the photosynthetic adaptability of coastal dune perennial herbs by chlorophyll fluorescence parameters

R. Bermúdez1, R. Retuerto1,*
1 Department of Biologia Celular y Ecologia, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Light is critical in determining plant structure and functioning in dune ecosystems, which are characterised by high incident and reflected radiation. Light variations demand great plasticity of the photosynthetic apparatus. This study assessed the phenotypic plasticity of foredune species by analysing their light response and dark recovery curves measured under field conditions. We also addressed the question how coexisting species, structurally distinct, differed in their photochemical efficiency in response to short-term changes in light. Finally, we examined how the varying intensity of stressors operating along a dune gradient affected responses to light. The species differed in light use strategies but showed similar patterns of the dark recovery. Species differences in photochemistry varied seasonally, with species being winter specialists, summer specialist or generalists. Some aspects of their photochemistry varied significantly along the gradient. Unexpectedly, other traits did not vary as predicted. For example, changes in light efficiency of plants along the gradient were not consistent with assumed directional changes in the severity of stressors. The different light use strategies observed in coexisting species did not conform to the prediction that stressors constrain the range of possible functional designs in harsh environments. However, the species followed very similar patterns of post-illumination recovery, which suggests that evolutionary pressures might be acting to maintain similar recovery mechanisms. Our results indicated that dune gradients might be nondirectional, which determines unpredictable patterns of variation in leaf traits along the dune gradient. Seasonal differences in the relative performance may allow species to coexist where otherwise one species would exclude the other.

Keywords: Eryngium maritimum; Euphorbia paralias; light curve; Matthiola sinuata; nonphotochemical quenching; Pancratium maritimum; photochemical quenching; quantum yield of photosystem II

Received: July 12, 2013; Accepted: November 21, 2013; Published: September 1, 2014Show citation

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Bermúdez, R., & Retuerto, R. (2014). A sunny day at the beach: Ecophysiological assessment of the photosynthetic adaptability of coastal dune perennial herbs by chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Photosynthetica52(3), 444-455. doi: 10.1007/s11099-014-0049-2.
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