NMST 570 Selected topics in psychometrics
(Vybraná témata z psychometrie)

Syllabus (last update: September 26, 2019)
Course description in English and in Czech.
Pages of a related course Seminar in Psychometrics.

Course schedule

Lecture: Tuesday, 3:40-4:30pm, K4, Sokolovská 83, Praha 2.
Lab session: Tuesday, 4:30-5:10pm, K4, Sokolovská 83, Praha 2. (webpage)


(Sep 25, 2019) Course starts on October 1, 2019.
(Sep 26, 2019) There will be no class on October 29, 2019.
(Sep 26, 2019) There will be no class on November 12, 2019 (Dean's Sports Day).

Tentative course plan

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Lesson 1 (1.10.2019) Introduction
SlidesReadingExercises Data
Lesson 2 (8.10.2019) Reliability and measurement error
Slides Reading 1, 2, 3 ExercisesDataR script
Lesson 3 (15.10.2019) Validity
SlidesReading 1, 2 ExercisesData
Lesson 4 (22.10.2019) Traditional item analysis
Lesson 5 (5.11.2019) Regression models for item description
Lesson 6 (19.11.2019) IRT models for binary data
Lesson 7 (26.11.2019) IRT models for binary data
Lesson 8 (3.12.2019) IRT models for ordinal and nominal items
Lesson 9 (10.12.2019) Differential item functioning
Lesson 10 (17.12.2019) Differential item functioning
Lesson 11 (7.1.2020) Computerized adaptive testing and other topics in psychometrics.

Course credit requirements

The credit for the exercise class will be awarded to the student who is present at the exercise class sessions (two absences are tolerated) and hands in a satisfactory solution (8 assignments in total, requiring 60% of total points) by the prescribed deadline. In case of more than two absences, student needs to excuse in advance and he/she will receive extra work. Homework will be assigned during lab sessions and deadline to hand in homework will be one week after.

Exam and grading policy

Final project will be assigned during the last lecture. You are welcome and encouraged to use your data for theproject in lieu of the project assigned to the class. In such a case, you are expected to prepare written project proposal and submit it to the lecturer at least one week before the last lecture. Final grade will be assigned during oral examination, which will consist of follow up questions on final project (50%) and on homework (50%). Project report needs to be submitted to the lecturer at least 3 days before oral exam.

© 2019 Patrícia Martinková / Template design adapted from Andreas Viklund