Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


← Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 4/2019

Pavel Šaradín, Jan Outlý, Michal Soukop, Iveta Vrabková:
Politika na půl úvazku aneb Neuvolnění starostové: Jak fungují jejich obce? [503]

Šaradín, Pavel, Jan Outlý, Michal Soukop, Iveta Vrabková. 2019. „Politika na půl úvazku aneb Neuvolnění starostové: Jak fungují jejich obce?.“ Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 55 (4): 503-522,

This article presents findings on ‘part-time’ mayors in the Czech Republic and to what extent the fact that they only work part time as mayor affects how well their municipality functions compared to those who work as full-time mayors. Drawing on data from an open database, this article analyses several variables relating to the status and activities of disengaged mayors. It also examines the quality of the functioning of municipalities with parttime and full-time mayors, respectively, and reveals whether there are more problems reported in the function of municipalities that have part-time mayors than those with full-time mayors. The findings of this evaluation are based on an analysis of the annual audits of municipalities.

Keywords: part-time mayors, full-time mayors, municipality size, quality of local self-government, local politics, Czech Republic

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