Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 6/2017

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Zvláštní rubrika

Zsuzsa Gille, Martin Hájek:
Introduction to the Special Section: Discourses of Economic Behaviour in Times of Instability [799]

Martin Hájek, Tomáš Samec:
Discourses of Thrift and Consumer Reasonability in Czech State-Socialist Society [805]

Lukáš Kala, Lucie Galčanová, Vojtěch Pelikán:
Narratives and Practices of Voluntary Simplicity in the Czech Post-Socialist Context [833]

Karel Čada, Kateřina Ptáčková:
The Domestication of Financial Objects: Narrativisation, Appropriation and Affectivation [857]


Krzysztof Konecki:
Standing in Public Places: An Ethno-Zenic Experiment Aimed at Developing the Sociological Imagination and More Besides … [881]

Rumiana Stoilova, Elitsa Dimitrova:
Emigration from the Perspective of the School-to-Work Transition in Bulgaria [903]

Diskuse k článku Zábrodské et al. (CSR 3/2016)

Filip Vostal:
Happy Together? On Satisfaction in Czech Academia—A Response to Zábrodská et al. [935]

Johana Chylíková:
A Few Comments on the Methodological Aspects of Zábrodská et al.’s Study [945]

Roger Dale:
Analysing HEism [947]


Karel Čada:
Arjun Appadurai: Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance [957]

Petr Kaderka:
Graham Murdock and Jostein Gripsrud (eds): Money Talks: Media, Markets, Crisis [959]

Romana Careja:
Louise Ryan, Umut Erel and Alessio D’Angelo (eds): Migrant Capital: Networks, Identities and Strategies [963]

Kim Bosmans:
Paul Marx: The Political Behaviour of Temporary Workers [966]

Erika Palmer:
Morten Knudsen and Werner Vogd (eds): Systems Theory and the Sociology of Health and Illness: Observing Healthcare [969]

Lenka Kissová:
Vic Satzewich: Points of Entry [972]

Sergiu Delcea:
Petre Petrov and Lara Ryazanova-Clarke (eds): The Vernaculars of Communism: Language, Ideology and Power in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe [974]

Johana Kotišová:
Helena Flam and Jochen Kleres (eds): Methods of Exploring Emotions [977]

Mimo rubriky

Recenzenti statí rozhodnutých v roce 2017 [981]

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