

Euro-BioImaging joins European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) (1.11. 2019)

On October 29, 2019 European Commission approved ERIC status to Euro-BioImaging (EuBI) forming European extensive research network for bioimaging, with nodes in 14 countries including the Czech Republic. Euro-BioImaging thus joins European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), which will facilitate open access, services and training to a broad range of state-of-the-art biological and medical imaging technologies among Europe and beyond. IPHYS BioImaging Facility, providing open access to 8 imaging systems (confocal and multiphoton microscopy, in vivo imaging), participates in one of 21 bioimaging nodes of EuroBioImaging ERIC.

Fyziologický ústav navštívili zástupci tchajwanské ITRI (4.10. 2019)

Ve středu 2. října 2019 proběhla na Fyziologickém ústavu AV ČR návštěva delegace tchajwanské vědecko-výzkumné organizace Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). Její zástupci, Prof. Eric Y. Chuang a Dr. Horus Huang, přednesli přednášky, kde představili svou činnost i celkově činnost ITRI, a možné okruhy vzájemné spolupráce. Poté navštívili několik oddělení ústavu, zejména oddělení Biomateriálů a tkáňového inženýrství, spolupracující Institut klinické a experimentální medicíny, a rovněž dislokované pracoviště Fyziologického ústavu v BIOCEV. Setkání nastínilo možné směry budoucí spolupráce obou institucí v oblastech bioinformatiky, cílené dodávky léčiv do různých tkání a orgánů, testování potenciálních nových léčiv na zvířecích modelech, a v neposlední řadě i v oblasti regenerativní medicíny, konkrétně tkáňového inženýrství kožního krytu za pomocí moderní technologie 3D tisku. Vzhledem k projevenému zájmu delegace i o genomické studie bylo delegaci v rámci návštěvy umožněno shlédnout i další pracoviště zabývající se uvedenou problematikou, jako je odd. Genomiky a bioinformatiky na Ústavu molekulární genetiky AV ČR v krčském areálu, a dále odd. Funkční genomiky a České centrum pro fenogenomiku v BIOCEV. 


František Kolář awarded the Jan Evangelista Purkinje Honorary Field Medal (3.7. 2019)

František Kolář has been awarded the Jan Evangelista Purkinje Honorary Field Medal for merit in the biomedical sciences. He has received the award from the hands of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Eva Zažímalová on Monday, June 1. More

Jan Kudláček awarded the Sanofi Prize (28.6. 2019)

Jan Kudláček has been awarded the Sanofi Prize for Pharmacy for university students. He has received the award from the hands of the French Nobel Prize winner for chemistry, Jean-Marie Lehn. The competition for students of pharmaceutical sciences has been organized by the Embassy of the French Republic in Prague in cooperation with Sanofi for the eleventh time. Jan Kudláček placed third with his research on epilepsy treatment.

"Epilepsy requires long-term treatment and patients often need medication for life. Unfortunately, drugs are ineffective for approximately 30 % of patients. To find more effective treatments, it is necessary to understand the long-term dynamics of epilepsy and to clarify the mechanisms that drive long-term fluctuations in brain susceptibility to seizures. Mechanisms that control long-term seizure dynamics have not been considered in drug development; they represent a new therapeutic target not only for seizure-suppressing drugs but also for the treatment of epilepsy itself," Kudláček explained. He added that it is his research that could lead to advancement in this issue.

Jaroslav Kuneš awarded the Mendel Medal (28.6. 2019)

On Thursday, June 27, Jaroslav Kuneš received the Gregor Johann Mendel Honorary Medal for Merit in Biological Sciences from the hands of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Eva Zažímalová. The Academic Council granted this prestigious award to four scientists who through their work contributed to advancement and popularization of their fields. "The Academic Council unanimously agreed to award the medal to the laureates, and we are honoured to do so," Eva Zažímalová said at the award ceremony at the seat of the Czech Academy of Sciences. More


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