Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have become a tool of choice for military as well as a commercial world. These applications have received an enormous attention, both from scholars and general public. However, another application, the use of drones for scientific purposes, is still rather unexplored territory. The aim of this CFP is to bring together a collection of papers that deal with drones as scientific instruments. We invite contributions dealing with drones in the context of scientific research, broadly construed. The list of topics includes, but is not limited to: - use of drones in Earth sciences
- use of drones in life sciences and conservation
- use of drones in archaeology
- use of drones in "extreme" environments, such as the Arctic
- new ways and opportunities of visualizations enabled by drones
- other remotely operated vehicles in sciences (ground, underwater, etc.)
- new methods of conducting science enabled by drones
- prospective uses of drones for scientific purposes
- characteristics of drones (customisation, easy operations, etc.) that help to conduct research in new and/or better ways
- case studies and reports of successful employment of drones for scientific studies
- value of remoteness for scientific work
- obstacles accompanying drones in the realm of science
Abstracts of 500 words accompanied by a short bio, including name and affiliation of author(s) should be sent to teorievedy@flu.cas.cz and 342586@mail.muni.cz by 31st May 2018.Notification of selected proposals will be sent back by 15th June. The deadline for article manuscripts (4.000–6.000 words) will be 31st October 2018. |