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Nacházíte se
Workshop / Čtvrtek, 14.11.2019 09:00 - Pátek, 15.11.2019 18:00
Michal Dušek, Ondrej Šipr, Václav Petříček and Margarida Henriques.
Seminář / Úterý, 19.11.2019 10:00
Oren Tal (Weizmann Institute of Science)
When the size of electric conductors is confined to several angstroms, quantum effects can be used to gain novel electron transport properties. We have shown that thanks to quantum effects, spin-polarized currents can be generated at the single-molecule scale without magnetic components or magnetic fields. Specifically, we detect spin-polarized currents in paramagnetic molecular junctions based on silver electrodes bridged by a vanadocene molecule. Remarkably, in some cases the obtained spin currents approach the limit of ideal ballistic spin transport. Detailed comparison between conductance...
Seminář / Úterý, 26.11.2019 10:00
Benjamin Heinrich (Editor at Nature Nanotechnology London, Shanghai, Berlin)
The publishing process in a peer-reviewed journal may look like a black box, especially to early career scientists. Using the example of Nature Research journals, I will give some insights in the editorial process; what happens to the manuscript after submission, what are the stages a paper goes through, how decisions are taken, how do we choose reviewers, and what do we as full-time editors add to manuscripts. Furthermore, I will discuss what we look for in submitted manuscript and what the editorial criteria are for sending a paper out to review. I will also provide an overview of the...
Seminář / Úterý, 26.11.2019 10:00
Gorm Olle Steffensen (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)
Abstract: Progress in microfabrication has allowed fabrication of highly tuneable semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures yielding new platforms to both create and manipulate subgap states. Such bound states, isolated in energy by the superconducting gap, are important building blocks for many schemes of quantum computation. In this talk I will present how bound states arise in Quantum Dot-Superconductor systems, how we can model them and what we can learn from transport measurements. Finally, I will address the complexity in experiments with double quantum dots and the physics it...
Workshop / Pondělí, 02.12.2019 09:00 - Úterý, 03.12.2019 18:00
Lukáš Palatinus, Mariana Klementová, Petr Brázda
Stránka workshopu
Stránka programu Jana2006
Ostatní workshopy tohoto typu
Oznámení / Pátek, 13.12.2019 14:00
Obhajoba disertační práce k získání titulu "doktor věd": doc. Mgr. Alexandr Malijevský, Ph.D.
Obhajoba disertační práce doc. Mgr. Alexandra Malijevského, Ph.D., "Geometry induced phase transitions at patterned surfaces“ se koná 13. prosince 2019 ve 14:00 hodin před komisí Fyzika kondenzovaných systémů v zasedací síni Fyzikálního ústavu AV ČR, Cukrovarnická 10/112, 162 00 Praha 6.
prof. RNDr. Roman Kotecký, DrSc. - Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK Praha
MSc. Anna Maciolek, DSc. - Institute of Physical...
Workshop / Čtvrtek, 06.02.2020 09:00 - Pátek, 07.02.2020 18:00
Michal Dušek, Václav Petříček, Jan Rohlíček
Workshopy "Ad hoc" o programu Jana2006 jsou dvoudenní akce pořádané autory krystalografického programu Jana2006. Účastníci workshopu si sami vybírají témata, která jsou vyvěšena na webové stránce, a workshop se koná, jakmile se několik osob shodne na výběru témat.
Minulé události
Seminář / Čtvrtek, 07.11.2019 14:00 |
Solitonics with polyacetylenes |
Seminář / Úterý, 05.11.2019 13:00 |
Optical peculiarities in carbon-doped garnets |
Seminář / Úterý, 05.11.2019 13:00 |
Optical peculiarities in carbon-doped garnets |
Seminář / Úterý, 05.11.2019 10:00 |
Quantifying exchange forces of non-collinear magnetic structures on the atomic scale |
Seminář / Pátek, 01.11.2019 12:00 |
Dynamics and Hidden Phases in Photo-Excited Mott Insulators |
Seminář / Středa, 30.10.2019 15:00 |
The influence of Cu-Mn content on the structural and physical properties of bulk CuMnAs |
Seminář / Úterý, 29.10.2019 14:00 |
Water Repellent Surface Structures by Laser Patterning |
Seminář / Čtvrtek, 24.10.2019 10:00 |
Strain Engineering of Lattice Dynamics and Spin-Phonon Interaction in Rocksalt Magnetic Binary Oxides |
Workshop / Čtvrtek, 24.10.2019 |
Colloquium Prague v19 |
Seminář / Úterý, 22.10.2019 15:00 |
Quasi-one-dimensional stochastic approach for modelling size separation of colloids |
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Krátké zprávy
FZÚ v médiích
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