PhDr. Zuzana Silagiová
+420 234 612 306
Department of Medieval Lexicography
Research focus
Medieval Latin lexicography - editor-in-chief of the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands
Scientific literature of the Middle Ages: mathematics, chronology, botany (editions of texts, terminology)
1967-1972 Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (formerly J. E. Purkyně University Brno, study programme Latin - Czech
1976 PhDr., the thesis Varro´s Etymologies in his Treatise De lingua Latina
Employment history
1979-present: Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
1976-1979: Pedagogical Institute of J. A. Komenský of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, department of Comenius Studies
1972-1975: teaching of Latin and Czech at secondary schools
Investigator of the grant project GA AV ČR Latin Terminology of the Medieval Scientific Literature of the Czech Provenance (mathematics, medicine, mineralogy)
Investigator of the grant project of MŠMT LD 13043 The Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands
Participation in the grant project GA ČR 401/97/0374 Texts on the History of Medieval Thought (investigator Lenka Karfíková, Palacký University Olomouc)
Participation in the research programme of the MŠMT LN00A011 Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts (investigator Lenka Karfíková, Charles University Prague, co-investigators Hana Šedinová, Institute for Classical Studies Prague CAS, and Jana Nechutová, Masaryk University Brno)
Participation in the Centre of excellence GA ČR P401/12/G168 History and Interpretation of the Bible, investigator Jan Dušek, Charles University Prague, co-investigators Jiří Beneš, Centre for Classical Studies Prague, and Vít Hušek, Palacký University Olomouc
Participation in the Centre of excellence GAČR P405/12/G148 Cultural Codes and their Transformation in the Hussite Period, investigator František Šmahel, Centre for Medieval Studies Prague, co-investogators Alena M. Černá, Institute for the Czech Language CAS, Prague, and Jiří Kuthan, Charles University Prague
Participation on the grant project GA ČR 17-06326S The creative copying: Collections of Oldřich Kříž of Telč (†1504); investigator Lucie Doležalová, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University Prague
Fellowships and research stays
1983 Poitiers, Summer School of the Medival Studies, 3 weeks
1991 München, study visit in the departement of Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 4 weeks
1993 Stockholm and Uppsala, study visit in the departement of Glossarium mediae Latinitatis Sueciae, 2 weeks
1998 Kraków, study visit in the departement of Lexicon mediae et infimae Latinitatis Polonorum, 2 weeks
1999 London, study visit at the Warburg Institute, 2 weeks
short term study visits in the libraries: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève; Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana; Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Universitätsbibliothek; Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellońska; München, Bayerische Staatsbiblithek, Universitätsbibliothek, Monumenta Germaniae historica
2007-2015 Medieval Latin for archivists, distance learning course, Faculty of Arts, University of Hradec Králové,
1996-2007 Medieval Latin for archivists, Faculty of Arts, University of Hradec Králové
2016 Introduction in Disciplines and Themes of Medieval Studies, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague: Mathematics at Universities of the Middle Ages
2016 Lexikographische Matinee, lectures for the students of the University of Rostock; lectures: Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum, Lehnwörter im Lexicon Bohemorum
2014 Vocabulary of Medieval Latin, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University of Prague
2012 Seminar of Lexicography, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University of Prague
2011 Introduction in Disciplines and Themes of Medieval Studies, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague: Computistics at the Prague University
2011 Das mittellateinisches Wörterbuch für Böhmen und Mähren, lecture for the students of University of Erlangen
2008 The reading and Interpretation of the encyclopedic and scientific literature of the Middle Ages, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague
2003 Algorismus and Computus, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University
Conference papers and lectures abroad
1998 Università cattolica Milano, Dizionario di latino medioevo per Boemia e Moravia e le sue fonti
1996 Freie Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Klassische Philologie, Das mittellateinisches Wörterbuch Böhmens und Mährens und seine Quellen
1988 Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Le dictionaire du latin médiéval en Bohême et Moravie et ses sources
2012 Fachsprache(n) im mittelalterlichen Latein, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, paper Die Sprache der Komputi
2010 Influencias léxicas de otras lenguas en el latín medieval, León, Universidad de León, paper: Spuren des Tschechischen in lateinischen Texten böhmischen Provenienz: Lehnübersetzungen
2004 Le néologisme en latin médiéval, Barcelona, Union Académique Internationale, paper Die Entlehnungen aus den Volkssprachen in lateinischen Texten aus Böhmen un Mähren
1990 La storia di Griselda in Europa II, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, paper Les versions latines de Griselda
1988 La storia di Griselda in Europa, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, paper Griselda en Bohême
Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic
2010 Centre for Medieval Studies, Miserrimum est esse sine compoto
2005 Union of Classical Philologists, The Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands - sources, arrengement, using
2000 the symposium The Medieval Scholar Cristannus of Prachatice, lecture: Master Cristannus of Prachatice and his Mathematical Textbooks
1996 Union of Classical Philologists, Mathematics in the Middle Ages
2012 Prague, Vila Lanna, Lexicological Miniatures, paper Latin Terms of Computistic and their Czech Parallels (organizer: Institute of the Czech Language CAS)
2006 Prague, Vila Lanna, Das Wörterbuch als Inspiration, paper Compotus dicitur (organizer: Institute for the Classical Studies CAS)
2004 Prague, Vila Lanna, Europe and Antiquity. Tradition and Intertextuality, paper The Ancient Mythological Names in the Material of the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands (organizer: Institute for the Classical Studies CAS)
2002 Prague, Vila Lanna, Number in the Texts until the Year 1600, paper Word and Number (organizer: Centre for Studies of the Democracy and Culture)
1999 Prague, Vila Lanna, The Memory of the Words, paper Utroque idiomate loquebantur (organizer: Institute for the Classical Studies CAS and Institute of the Czech Language CAS)
The lectures, seminars and workshops during the Open Days of the Centre for Classical Studies and at the Sommer School of Classical Studies
Editorial positions
member of editorial board of the rewiev Archivum Latinitatis medii aevi (ALMA)
co-editor of the series Fontes Latini Bohemorum in the publishing house OIKOYMENH, Praha, together with Hana Šedinová
Memberships in academic associations and other academic bodies
Union of the Classical Philologists, member of the committee
Association of the Classical Language Teachers (ALFA), member
Commision for the Cataloguing of Manuscripts, member
Current projects
Dictionary of Medieval Latin in Czech Lands - articles, editor in-chief
Translation and commentary of Isidorus Hispalensis´ Etymologiae (part of the book XVII)
Edition and commentary of the collection of the mathematical exercises in the manuscript Prague, National library XIII G 18