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Photosynthetica, 2017 (vol. 55), issue 3

Original Papers

Leaf anatomy and photosynthetic efficiency of Acrostichum danaeifolium after UV radiation

A. M. Fonini, J. B. Barufi, É. C. Schmidt, A. C. Rodrigues, Á. M. Randi

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):401-410 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0654-3

This paper reports effects of ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation on leaf anatomy and contents of chlorophyll and carotenoids, as well as photosynthetic parameters, in young sporophytes of Acrostichum danaeifolium Langsd. & Fisch. (Polypodiopsida, Pteridaceae) exposed to UV radiation treatments for 1 h daily for six weeks. The leaves showed large aerenchyma and present chloroplasts in both epidermises. After cultivation under PAR + UVA + UVB, leaves showed curling and malformed stomata on the abaxial face. After the UV treatment, chloroplasts in leaves were arranged against the inner wall of the epidermal cells. Transmission electron microscopy...

Light availability and soil flooding regulate photosynthesis of an imperiled shrub in lowland forests of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA

B. R. Lockhart, E. S. Gardiner, T. D. Leininger, M. S. Devall, A. D. Wilson, K. F. Connor, P. B. Hamel, N. M. Schiff

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):411-420 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0655-2

Physiological responses to light availability and soil flooding on Lindera melissifolia (Walt.) Blume were studied. Shrubs were grown under 70, 37 or 5% of full sunlight with either 0, 45, or 90 d of soil flooding. We measured leaf photosynthetic rate (PN) to test the hypothesis that soil flooding reduces P N in L. melissifolia following shrub acclimation to low light availability. Results showed that light availability and soil flooding interacted to affect P N. In the 0 d and 45 d flooding regimes (flood water removed 36-39 d prior to measurement), P N was similar between shrubs...

Relationship between photosynthetic pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence in soybean under varying phosphorus nutrition at ambient and elevated CO2

S. K. Singh, V. R. Reddy, D. H. Fleisher, D. J. Timlin

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):421-433 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0657-0

To assess the relationship between chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence (CF) and photosynthetic pigments, soybean was grown under varying phosphorus (P) nutrition at ambient and elevated CO2 (EC). The EC stimulated, but P deficiency decreased plant height, node numbers, and leaf area concomitantly with the rates of stem elongation, node addition, and leaf area expansion. Under P deficiency, CF parameters and pigments declined except that carotenoids (Car) were relatively stable indicating its role in photoprotection. The CF parameters were strongly related with Chl concentration but not with Chl a/b or Car. However, total Chl/Car showed...

Morphological recognition with the addition of multi-band fluorescence excitation of chlorophylls of phytoplankton

M. Lauffer, F. Genty, S. Margueron, J. L. Collette

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):434-442 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0663-2

The recognition of aquatic organisms plays a crucial role in the monitoring of the pollution and for the adoption of rapid preventive actions. A compact microscopic optical imaging system is proposed in order to acquire and treat the multibands fluorescence of several pigments in phytoplankton organisms. Two algorithms for automatic recognition of phytoplankton were proposed with a minimum number of calibration parameters. The first algorithm provides a morphological recognition based on "watershed" segmentation and Fourier descriptors, while the second one builds fluorescence pigment images by "k-means" partition of intensity ratios. The operation...

Effects of paclobutrazol on cultivars of Chinese bayberry (Myrica rubra) under salinity stress

Y. Hu, W. Yu, T. Liu, M. Shafi, L. Song, X. Du, X. Huang, Y. Yue, J. Wu

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):443-453 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0658-z

Salt stress is one of the most critical factors hindering the growth and development of plants. Paclobutrazol (PBZ) is widely used to minimize this problem in agriculture because it can induce salt stress tolerance in plants. This study investigated the effects of PBZ on salt tolerance of seedlings from two Chinese bayberry cultivars (i.e., Wangdao and Shenhong). Plants were treated with three salt concentrations (0, 0.2, and 0.4 % NaCl) and two PBZ concentrations (0 and 2.0 μmol L-1). Application of PBZ increased a relative water content, proline content, chlorophyll (a+b) content, and antioxidant enzyme activities in both...

Photosynthetic response of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat to water stress

Y. P. Li, Y. Y. Li, D. Y. Li, S. W. Wang, S. Q. Zhang

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):454-466 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0659-y

Photosynthetic characteristics of ear and flag leaves of wheat species, tetraploid Triticum dicoccoides Kom and hexaploid Bima1, were studied in plants grown under well-watered (WW) and water-stressed (WS) conditions. Compared to ears, flag leaves exhibited higher photosynthetic rate (P N) at the filling stage, but more severe decrease under WS. P N in the tetraploid wheat ear remained higher than that in the hexaploid wheat during the grain-filling stage. Water stress decreased PN in both the organs; this decline was caused by a reduction in Rubisco activity, not by drought-induced stomatal limitation. Tetraploid...

Effects of light quality on growth and development, photosynthetic characteristics and content of carbohydrates in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants

L. Y. Yang, L. T. Wang, J. H. Ma, E. D. Ma, J. Y. Li, M. Gong

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):467-477 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0668-x

In this study, effects of yellow (Y), purple (P), red (R), blue (B), green (G), and white (W) light on growth and development of tobacco plants were evaluated. We showed that monochromatic light reduced the growth, net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2, and transpiration rate of tobacco. Such a reduction in P N occurred probably due to the stomatal limitation contrary to plants grown under W. Photochemical quenching coefficient (qP), maximal fluorescence of dark-adapted state, effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (ΦPSII), and maximal quantum yield...

Ozone sensitivity of four Pakchoi cultivars with different leaf colors: physiological and biochemical mechanisms

L. Zhang, S. Xiao, Y. J. Chen, H. Xu, Y. G. Li, Y. W. Zhang, F. S. Luan

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):478-490 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0661-4

Ozone (O3) is important air pollutant inducing severe losses of horticultural production. Cultivars of the same species, but with different leaf colors, may differ in their ozone sensitivity. However, it has not been clarified yet if different leaf coloration influences such a sensitivity. In this study, two purple-leafed and two green-leafed cultivars of Pakchoi were selected for ozone fumigation (240 ± 20 nmol mol-1, 09:00-16:00 h). Elevated O3 decreased chlorophyll content, increased anthocyanin (Ant) content, damaged cell membrane integrity, enhanced antioxidative enzyme activities, depressed photosynthetic...

Photosynthetic and physiological responses of foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) to low-light stress during grain-filling stage

X. Y. Yuan, L. G. Zhang, L. Huang, X. Qi, Y. Y. Wen, S. Q. Dong, X. E. Song, H. F. Wang, P. Y. Guo

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):491-500 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0645-4

Two foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) varieties were subjected to different shading intensity treatments during a grain-filling stage in a field experiment in order to clarify physiological mechanisms of low-light effects on the yield. Our results showed that the grain fresh mass per panicle, yield, photosynthetic pigment contents, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry, and electron transport rate decreased with the increase of shading intensity, whereas the intercellular CO2 concentration increased in both varieties. In addition, shading changed a double-peak diurnal variation...

Atomic ratio of N to P influences the impact of UV irradiance on photosynthesis and growth in a marine dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense

W.C. Guan, L. Li

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):501-509 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0670-3

The effects of the atomic ratio of N to P (N:P) on the response of Alexandrium tamarense to UV radiation (UVR) were investigated in this study. Artificial sea water of 5 different N:P ratios for indoor culture and with 3 different N:P ratios for outdoor culture were used for a period of 14 and 9 d, respectively. The short-term response of cells to UVR was analyzed using a fluorometer. Cells that acclimated to nutrient conditions at the Redfield value (16:1) showed the fastest growth rate and highest pigment concentrations in both indoor and outdoor conditions, compared to those acclimated to the non-Redfield conditions. Moreover, these physiological...

Effectiveness of cyanobacteria and green algae in enhancing the photosynthetic performance and growth of willow (Salix viminalis L.) plants under limited synthetic fertilizers application

M. Grzesik, Z. Romanowska-Duda, H. M. Kalaji

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):510-521 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-017-0716-1

The physiological response of plants to triple foliar biofertilization with cyanobacteria and green algae under the conditions of limited use of chemical fertilizers was investigated. Triple foliar biofertilization with intact cells of Microcystis aeruginosa MKR 0105, Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, and Chlorella sp. significantly enhanced physiological performance and growth of plants fertilized with a synthetic fertilizer YaraMila Complex (1.0, 0.5, and 0.0 g per plant). This biofertilization increased the stability of cytomembranes, chlorophyll content, intensity of net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance, and...

Lotus corniculatus L. response to carbon dioxide concentration and radiation level variations

P. Kostopoulou, M. Karatassiou

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):522-531 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0671-2

Carbon dioxide concentration and light conditions may greatly vary between mountainous and lowland areas determining the photosynthetic performance of plants species. This paper aimed to evaluate the photosynthetic responses of Lotus corniculatus, growing in a mountain and a lowland grassland, under low and high radiation and CO2 concentration. Net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and intercellular CO2 concentration were measured while the water-use efficiency and the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence were calculated. Photosynthetic response curves to different levels of radiation and...

Soil water content and photosynthetic capacity of spring wheat as affected by soil application of nitrogen-enriched biochar in a semiarid environment

S. Yeboah, R. Zhang, L. Cai, L. Li, J. Xie, Z. Luo, J. Wu, D. L. Antille

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):532-542 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0672-1

A field trial was conducted to determine the effect of nitrogen-enriched biochar on soil water content, plant's photosynthetic parameters, and grain yield of spring wheat at the Dingxi Experimental Station during the 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons. Results showed that biochar applied with nitrogen fertilizer at a rate of 50 kg ha-1 of N (BN50) increased soil water content in the 0-30 cm depth range by approximately 40, 32, and 53% on average at anthesis, milking, and maturity, respectively, compared with zero-amendment (CN0). Stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate after the BN50 treatment increased...

Predictive capability of a leaf optical meter for determining leaf pigment status during senescence

G.Y. Li, D.P. Aubrey, H.Z. Sun

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):543-552 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0678-8

We conducted an experiment to assess the predictive capability of a leaf optical meter for determining leaf pigment status of Acer mono Maxim., A. ginnala Maxim., Quercus mongolica Fisch., and Cornus alba displaying a range of visually different leaf colors during senescence. Concentrations of chlorophyll (Chl) a, Chl b, and total Chl [i.e., Chl (a+b)] decreased while the concentration of carotenoids (Car) remained relatively static for all species as leaf development continued from maturity to senescence. C. alba exhibited the lowest average concentration of Chl (a+b), Chl a,...

The effect of CaCl2 on calcium content, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll fluorescence of tung tree seedlings under drought conditions

Z. Li, X. F. Tan, K. Lu, Z. M. Liu, L. L. Wu

Photosynthetica 2017, 55(3):553-560 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-016-0676-x

The study investigated the effects of different CaCl2 concentrations (2, 5, and 10 mM) on photosynthetic enzymatic activities, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll fluorescence of tung tree seedlings under drought conditions. Plants were sprayed with either CaCl2 or distilled water until run-off. Irrigation was then withheld to induce drought stress. The strength of drought stress was evaluated by relative leaf water content and soil water content, which was 27.3 and 9.5% on day 0 and day 12, respectively. Drought stress decreased activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase,...