
Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IMG) is public scientific institution, important part of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS). Focusing on research in the field of molecular and cell biology, immunology, genomics and bioinformatics.



Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics

Research focused on development of new genetic models (mice, chicken, fish), clarification of genetic factors connected with various diseases, sequencing and analysis of large part of genome and large volume of genomic data.


Molecular Virology

Main topic of this research field are cell receptors, which allow viruses to enter in cell and also retroviruses, which are able to incorporate themselves into host genome and alter it.


Molecular Oncology

Research of oncogenes and antioncogenes, activation mechanisms of these genes in cells, shifts in chromosomes and role of other factors, which are responsible for oncogenic transformation of cells.


Cell Biology and Immunology

Cell biology research is focusing on molecular structure of cytoskeleton (microtubules), molecular architecture of cell nucleus and its role in transcription and regulation of genes. Immunology research is focusing on molecular mechanisms, which are responsible for activation of various types of white blood cells and role of membrane microdomains and several signaling molecules.


Cell Signaling

Molecular mechanisms of signal transduction from cell receptors to the inner parts of cell leading to activation of cells, proliferation, apoptosis or secretion of specific products.


The main priority of the Institute activity is basic research with publications in prestigious international journals as its main output, but also valuable applied research with particular practical applications. An important part of the Institute are service groups and state-of-the-art large national research infrastructures (Czech-Bioimaging, Czech Centre for Phenogenomics and CZ-OPENSCREEN), which ensure optimal usage of sophisticated instruments and provide a basis for development of new tools and methods utilized by scientific community not only at IMG, but also at other institutes and research laboratories in the Czech Republic or abroad.


logo - Czech-Bioimaging logo - Czech Centre for Phenogenomics (CCP) logo - CZ-OPENSCREEN


Promotional Video

Photos of IMG

Last change: November 11, 2019