Photosynthetica 2012, 50(3):353-361 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-012-0040-8
Effect of Ca/Mg ions ratio on copper accumulation, photosynthetic activity and growth of Cu2+-treated Salix viminalis L. 'Cannabina'
- 1 Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poznań, Poland
- 2 Department of Chemistry, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poznan, Poland
The aim of the study was to the assess the influence of Ca/Mg ions ratio on the photosynthetic activity of Salix viminalis L. 'Cannabina' plants cultivated in medium enriched with Cu(NO3)2. The experiment was conducted in controlled conditions in a phytotron for 21 days; hence the early plant response was tested. Plants were cultivated with different Ca/Mg ions ratios, i.e. (4:1)l, (4:1)h, and 1:10. Plants were additionally treated with Cu(NO3)2 at 1, 2, and 3 mM concentration in cultivation medium. Net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration were measured after the first, second and third week of cultivation. Additionally, chlorophyll content, leaf morphology, root biomass and copper accumulation in leaves and roots were investigated. The investigations revealed differences in plant response to particular treatments - differences in Cu accumulation for particular Ca/Mg ions ratios were detected. It seems that plants are adapted to high Cu2+ concentrations, when 1:10 Ca/Mg ions ratio is applied. The highest Cu accumulation in roots was noted for plants fertilized with 1:10 Ca/Mg ions ratio, together with high Cu translocation to above-ground plant organs, which suggests its higher potential in phytoremediation.
Keywords: Ca, Mg ions ratio; copper, net photosynthesis rate; phytoremediation; Salix sp.; stomatal conductance; transpiration rate
Received: February 8, 2011; Accepted: March 15, 2012; Published: September 1, 2012Show citation
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