Photosynthetica 2003, 41(3):365-372 | DOI: 10.1023/B:PHOT.0000015460.48593.00

Developmental Change in CO2 Compensation Concentrations in Spartina alterniflora Results from Sigmoidal Photosynthetic CO2 Responses

M.O. Bärlocher1, D.A. Campbell1, S. Al-Asaaed1, R.J. Ireland1
1 Department of Biology, Mount Allison University, Sackville, Canada

We investigated seasonal patterns of photosynthetic responses to CO2 concentrations in Spartina alterniflora Loisel, an aerenchymous halophyte grass, from a salt marsh of the Bay of Fundy (NB, Canada), and from plants grown from rhizome in controlled-environment chambers. From late May to August, CO2 compensation concentrations (Γ) of field-grown leaves varied between 2.5-10.7 cm3(CO2) m-3, with a mean of 5.4 cm3(CO2) m-3. From September onwards field leaves showed CO2 compensation concentrations from 6.6-21.1 cm3(CO2) m-3, with a mean of 13.1 cm3 m-3 well into the C3-C4 intermediate range. The seasonal variability in Γ did not result from changing respiration, but rather from a sigmoidal response of net photosynthetic rate (PN) to applied CO2 concentration, found in all tested leaves but which became more pronounced late in the season. One explanation for the sigmoidal response of PN to external CO2 concentration could be internal delivery of CO2 from roots and rhizomes to bundle sheath cells via the aerenchyma, but the sigmoidal responses in S. alterniflora persisted out to the tips of leaves, while the aerenchyma extend only to mid-leaf. The sigmoidicity persisted when CO2 response curves were measured from low to high CO2, or from high to low CO2, and even when prolonged acclimation times were used at each CO2 concentration.

Keywords: aerenchyma; bundle sheath; Carex; leaf age; leaf anatomy; net photosynthetic rate; seasonal changes; species differences; Zea

Published: September 1, 2003Show citation

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Bärlocher, M.O., Campbell, D.A., Al-Asaaed, S., & Ireland, R.J. (2003). Developmental Change in CO2 Compensation Concentrations in Spartina alterniflora Results from Sigmoidal Photosynthetic CO2 Responses. Photosynthetica41(3), 365-372. doi: 10.1023/B:PHOT.0000015460.48593.00.
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