In May 2008 CVVM probed, how do Czech citizens evaluate activity of Czech Republic in area of environment and also how do they view the working of some state institutions and ecological organizations in these questions. Concretely we were interested in opinions of Czechs on activity of Government, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Parliament, Regional Offices, Municipal Offices and Ecological organizations.

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In May survey 2008 CVVM focused on evaluation of environmental situation in Czech Republic by our citizens. Battery concerning this topic contained 11 items and respondents had to evaluate, whether in concrete case see the situation as “very good”, “rather good”, “rather bad” or “very bad”. The worst situation is according to obtained answers in charge of environment by road transport, when 91 % of Czechs view this problem as bad.

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Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment. People were asked whether they are interested in information concerning environmental situation in Czech Republic, if they have sufficiency or insufficiency of these information and how Czech Republic cares about protection of the environment in general. The survey also investigated how Czech citizens evaluate gravity of some problems related to global environment.

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In May 2007 Centre for Public Opinion Research investigated how Czechs and their households are active in environment protection and what possible precautions concerning environment protection they would agree with. The results are filled in with comments concerning sorting of answers according to sociodemographic indicators.

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Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment. People were questioned about their satisfaction with environmental conditions in the Czech Republic as well as at the place they live in general and in some concrete ways and they were also asked to evaluate activity of some institutions and organizations in connection with care and protection of the environment.

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In May survey CVVM focused on questions concerning environment. Respondents had to evaluate how some enchosen state institutions and ecological organizations take care of environment. The best evaluated were ecological organizations and local councils. Parliament was the the worst evaluated. Question, whether Czech Republic sufficiently cares about environment , has divided our respondents into two almost same parts.

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In May 2006 CVVM investigated topic – environment. 41% of respondents take always dangerous waste to special enchosen places and other 30 % does it often. Same number of respondents sort domestic waste (39% always and 36% often). The number of people, who exceptionally or never buy ecological friendly products, lower number of drives because of enviroment protection and save energies and water because of nature protection, prevails.

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As a part of May survey there were some questions concerning public opinion of environment. The results show us that most respondents are satisfied with environment in the place they live. Dissatisfaction with it was expressed by a quarter of respondents. Environment in Czech Republic is positively evaluated by a half of respondents on contrary almost a half of people are dissatisfied with it.

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May survey contained a topic – environment. More than four fifths of respondents agreed that every single attempt to save the environment is important.

37% of respondents take always dangerous waste to special enchosen places. And other 35 % does it often. Same number of respondents sort domestic waste (33% always, 42 % often). A third of respondents take part in activities organized under companies for environment protection such as working groups and revitalisation of nature.

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In May survey most of respondents were satisfied with condition of the environment close to their home and in Czech Republic.

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