HILASE.CZ, 5.11.2019.
Ve čtvrtek 5.11.2019 byla v Šanghaji...
Stefan Zollner | Electrons and Phonons: Precision Measurements of Optical Constants | 25.06.2019 15:00 |
Maria Camarasa-Gomez | Mechanically-tunable quantum interference in ferrocene-based molecular junctions | 25.06.2019 10:00 |
Gustav Bihlmayer | Exploring 2D magnetic topological materials with density functional theory | 24.06.2019 14:00 |
Thomas Barthel | Many-body entanglement scaling: Crossover from the ground state to volume laws | 24.06.2019 10:00 |
Dr. Stefan Zollner | Optical Properties of Solids X | 21.06.2019 09:00 |
Vladislav Pokorný | Josephson transport in superconducting quantum dots | 18.06.2019 15:00 |
Dr. Stefan Zollner | Optical Properties of Solids IX | 14.06.2019 09:00 |
Stephan W. Koch | Extreme Nonlinear Optics in Semiconductors | 11.06.2019 15:00 |
Abdel F. Isakovic | Terahertz, Nanofabricated and Atomic Scale Probes for Density Waves Studies | 10.06.2019 14:00 |
Mauro Fernandes Pereira | Progress on Nonlinearities in Semiconductor Superlattices | 04.06.2019 15:00 |
HILASE.CZ, 5.11.2019.
Ve čtvrtek 5.11.2019 byla v Šanghaji...
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