- Palaeoecological pattern of Coal Seams of the Lampertice Member, Jan Šverma Mine, Intra-Sudetic Basin (Langsettian) , GA AV , Jiřina Dašková
- Spatial and temporal changes of sandstone provenance in the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin and their tectonosedimentary implications , GA AV , Martin Svojtka
- Tectonic and volcanic controls on hydrothermal silicification in marginal zones of the Ohře Rift , GA AV , Jiří Adamovič
- Geochemistry of phonolitic-trachytic magmas: their sources and fractionation trends (examples from the Bohemian Massif) , GA AV , Jiří Novák
- Mineral magnetic and magnetostratigraphic research of cave and river sediments in the Central Europe , GA AV , Pavel Bosák