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call for papers

CFP: 13th Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference

13th Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference. Territorialities, Exterritorialities, Non-territorialities
29 June – 1 July 2020, Prague
Conference organized by the Institute of Philosophy and the Czech Academy of Sciences.
For more information see conference website or PDF

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CFP: Conceptual and Methodological Aspects of Biomedical Research

A Philosophy of Medicine Conference
June 4–5, 2020, Prague
Conference organized by the Department of Analytic Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences. Please send an abstract via email to pmpos@flu.cas.cz., deadline: January 10, 2020. For more information see PDF

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CFP: Hellenism, Early Judaism and Early Christianity

Transmission and Transformation of Ideas
September 12–13, 2019, Prague
Conference organized by the Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy, CAS. Please send a registration form to the e-mail address
fialova@ics.cas.czdeadline: May 1, 2019. For more information see HERE

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CFP: Narrativity and Self-Creating Forms - Autopoiesis in Perspective

September 18–21, 2019, Prague, Kampus Hybernská
Conference organized by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. Paper proposals may be sent until May 20th, 2019 to the following e-mail address: autopoiesis.prague@gmail.com. For more information see HERE

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CFP Místo Komenského v dějinách evropského metafyzického myšlení

Mezinárodní konference, Pardubice, 13.–14. listopadu 2018
Pořádají Katedra filosofie FF UPCE a Oddělení pro komeniologii a intelektuální dějiny raného novověku FLÚ AV ČR. Přihlášku na konferenci spolu se stručnou anotací příspěvku (cca 100 slov) zasílejte (přednostně elektronicky) do 15. srpna 2018  Ivetě Marešové či Janě Stejskalové. Více informací ZDE.

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CFP: Experience and reasoning in scientific methodology

Experience and reasoning in scientific methodology: between antiquity and the early modern period
May 9-11, 2019, Prague, Villa Lanna
Conference organized by the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences. Written proposals should include: name and institution; short description of the applicant’s research interests (including relevant publications); description of the proposed topic; a preliminary list of passages on which the presentation will be based. Please submit your proposal by September 10, 2018. For more information see HERE.

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ResInfra@DR - Open Call Announcement

ResInfra@DR project partners would like to announce an open call for the involvement of research infrastructures and thematic experts in the mutual learning exercise. Applications must be submitted electronically no later than 25 June 2018, 14:00 CET. For more information, please click HERE.

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CFP: The Politics of Plasticity

On Solidarity and Mutual Aid with Catherine Malabou
February 23rd and 24th, 2018 - Prague, Institute of Philosophy
We invite all scholars in philosophy and related fields of research who are interested in the topic of the conference to submit their abstracts relevant to the problems of solidarity, mutual aid and cooperation. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and must be received via email by January 22, 2018. For more information see HERE.

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CFP Eirene. Studia graeca et latina, 54, 2018

Eirene. Studia graeca et latina, 54, 2018
We take the liberty to invite you to contribute to the journal's 54th volume which is to be published at the end of the year 2018. The deadline for submitting a paper is the end of June 2018 and the journal accepts submissions in English, German, French and Italian. More details HERE.

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CFP Hans Jonas: dílo a osobnost

Konference, Praha, Akademické konferenční centrum, 12.—13. prosince 2017
Pořádá Filosofický ústav AV ČR ve spolupráci s Filozofickou fakultou PU v Prešově. Přihlášku s abstraktem v rozsahu 80-150 slov posílejte do konce září na adresy:wendy.drozenova@seznam.cz a solcova@flu.cas.cz. Více informací ZDE.

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