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«2018 2019 2020
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14 Jul 12 - 6 Oct 20
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Selected publications of Institute of Atmospheric Physics








  • Araujo-Pradere, E. A. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Fuller-Rowell, D. J. ; Fuller-Rowell, T. J., 2013: Initial results of the evaluation of IRI hmF2 performance for minima 22–23 and 23–24, Advances in Space Research, 51, 4, pp. 630-638
  • Beranová, Romana ; Kyselý, Jan, 2013: Relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation index and temperatures in Europe in global climate models, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 57, 1, pp. 138-153
  • Davídkovová, Hana ; Kyselý, Jan ; Kříž, B. ; Vojtíšek, P. ; Bobák, M., 2013: Trends in cardiovascular mortality and hospitalisations, and potential contribution of inhospital case-fatality rates to changes in national mortality in the Czech Republic 1994-2009, Heart, 99, 6, pp. 409-416
  • Eitzinger, J. ; Trnka, M. ; Semerádová, D. ; Thaler, S. ; Svobodová, E. ; Hlavinka, P. ; Šiška, B. ; Takáč, J. ; Malatinská, L. ; Nováková, M. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Žalud, Z., 2013: Regional climate change impacts on agricultural crop production in Central and Eastern Europe – hotspots, regional differences and common trends, Journal of Agricultural Science, 151, 6, pp. 787-812
  • Escoubet, C. P. ; Berchem, J. ; Trattner, K. J. ; Pitout, F. ; Richard, R. ; Taylor, M. G. G. T. ; Souček, Jan ; Grison, Benjamin ; Laakso, H. ; Masson, A. ; Dunlop, M. ; Dandouras, I. ; Reme, H. ; Fazakerley, A. ; Daly, P., 2013: Double cusp encounter by Cluster: double cusp or motion of the cusp?, Annales Geophysicae, 31, 4, pp. 713-723
  • Fischer, Milan ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Kučera, J. ; Deckmyn, G. ; Orság, Matěj ; Sedlák, Pavel ; Žalud, Z. ; Ceulemans, R. , 2013: Evapotranspiration of a high-density poplar stand in comparison with a reference grass cover in the Czech–Moravian Highlands, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 181, -, pp. 43-60
  • Fišák, Jaroslav ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Vojta, Jaroslav ; Bartůňková, Kristýna, 2013: Automatic Monitoring of the Amount of Deposited Precipitation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14, 2, pp. 670-676
  • Füllekrug, Martin ; Kolmašová, Ivana ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Farges, Thomas ; Bór, József ; Bennett, Alec ; Parrot, Michel ; Rison, William ; Zanotti, Ferruccio ; Arnone, Enrico ; Mezentsev, Andrew ; Lán, Radek ; Uhlíř, Luděk ; Harrison, Giles ; Soula, Serge ; van der Velde, Oscar ; Pinçon, Jean-Louis ; Helling, Christiane ; Diver, Declan, 2013: Electron acceleration above thunderclouds, Environmental Research Letters, 8, 3, pp. 035027/1-035027/6
  • Grison, Benjamin ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N. ; Masson, A. ; Engebretson, M. J. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Omura, Y. ; Robert, P. ; Nomura, R., 2013: EMIC triggered chorus emissions in Cluster data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 3, pp. 1159-1169
  • Habarulema, J. B. ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Zhang, Y. ; Seemala, G. ; Ngwira, Ch. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Opperman, B., 2013: A comparative study of TEC response for the African equatorial and mid-latitudes during storm conditions, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 102, pp. 105-114
  • Hayosh, Mykhaylo ; Pasmanik, D. L. ; Demekhov, A. G. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Titova, E. E., 2013: Simultaneous observations of quasi-periodic ELF/VLF wave emissions and electron precipitation by DEMETER satellite: A case study, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 7, pp. 4523-4533
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Passot, T. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2013: Quasi-linear heating and acceleration in bi-Maxwellian plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 20, 12, pp. -
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2013: Protons and alpha particles in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 9, pp. 5421-5430
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Štverák, Štěpán ; Matteini, L. ; Velli, M., 2013: Proton thermal energetics in the solar wind: Helios reloaded, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 4, pp. 1351-1365
  • Henri, P. ; Cerri, E. ; Califano, F. ; Pegoraro, F. ; Rossi, C. ; Faganello, M. ; Šebek, Ondřej ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Frederiksen, J. T. ; Nordlund, A. ; Markidis, S. ; Keppens, R. ; Lapenta, G., 2013: Nonlinear evolution of the magnetized Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: From fluid to kinetic modeling, Physics of Plasmas, 20, pp. 102118/1-102118/13
  • Herčík, David ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Johnson, J. R. ; Kim, E. -H. ; Hellinger, Petr, 2013: Mirror mode structures in the asymmetric Hermean magnetosheath: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 1, pp. 405-417
  • Chládová, Zuzana ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Brázda, Vladimír ; Svoboda, Jaroslav, 2013: Correlation of free-space optics link attenuation with sonic temperature, Optical Engineering, 52, 3, pp. -
  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Diendorfer, G. ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Baše, Jiří ; Hruška, František, 2013: Infrasound pulses from lightning and electrostatic field changes: Observation and discussion, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118, 19, pp. 50805/1-50805/12
  • Ijaz, M. ; Ghassemlooy, Z. ; Perez, J. ; Brázda, V. ; Fišer, Ondřej, 2013: Enhancing the atmospheric visibility and fog attenuation using a controlled FSO channel, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25, 13, pp. 1262-1265
  • Ijaz, M. ; Ghassemlooy, Z. ; Pešek, J. ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Le Minh, H. ; Bentley, E., 2013: Modeling of Fog and Smoke Attenuation in Free Space Optical Communications Link Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31, 11, pp. 1720-1726
  • Juruš, Pavel ; Eben, Kryštof ; Resler, Jaroslav ; Krč, Pavel ; Kasanický, Ivan ; Pelikán, Emil ; Brabec, Marek ; Hošek, Jiří, 2013: Estimating climatological variability of solar energy production, Solar Energy, 98, Part C, pp. 255-264
  • Kletzing, C. A. ; Kurth, W. S. ; Acuna, M. ; MacDowall, R. J. ; Torbert, R. B. ; Averkamp, T. ; Bodet, D. ; Bounds, S. R. ; Chutter, M. ; Connerney, J. ; Crawford, D. ; Dolan, J. S. ; Dvorsky, R. ; Hospodarsky, G. B. ; Howard, J. ; Jordanova, V. ; Johnson, R. A. ; Kirchner, D. L. ; Mokrzycki, B. ; Needell, G. ; Odom, J. ; Mark, D. ; Pfaff Jr, R. ; Phillips, J. R. ; Piker, C. V. ; Remington, S. L. ; Rowland, D. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Schnurr, R. ; Sheppard, D. ; Smith, C. W. ; Thorne, R. M. ; Tyler, J., 2013: The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on RBSP, Space Science Reviews, 179, 1-4, pp. 127-181
  • Kolmašová, Ivana ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2013: Properties of unipolar magnetic field pulse trains generated by lightning discharges, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, pp. 1637–1641
  • Krasnoselskikh, V. ; Balikhin, M. ; Walker, S. N. ; Schwartz, S. ; Sundkvist, D. ; Lobzin, V. ; Gedalin, M. ; Bale, S. D. ; Mozer, F. ; Souček, Jan ; Hobara, Y. ; Comisel, H. , 2013: The Dynamic Quasiperpendicular Shock: Cluster Discoveries, Space Science Reviews, 178, 2-4, pp. 535-598
  • Krupařová, Oksana ; Maksimovic, M. ; Šafránková, J. ; Němeček, Z. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Krupař, Vratislav, 2013: Automated interplanetary shock detection and its application to Wind observations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 8, pp. 4793–4803
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Gaál, L. ; Picek, J. ; Schindler, M., 2013: Return periods of the August 2010 heavy precipitation in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic) in the present climate and under climate change, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 4, -, pp. 265-286
  • Laštovička, Jan, 2013: Trends in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere: Recent progress, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics , 118, 6, pp. 3924-3935
  • Laštovička, Jan, 2013: Are trends in total electron content (TEC) really positive?, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 6, pp. 3831-3835
  • Menietti, J. D. ; Schippers, P. ; Katoh, Y. ; Leisner, J. S. ; Hospodarsky, G. B. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2013: Saturn chorus intensity variations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 9, pp. 5592–5602
  • Minářová, J., 2013: Climatology of precipitation in the Vosges mountain range area., AUC GEOGRAPHICA, 48(2), pp. 51-60
  • Mosert, M. ; Magdaleno, S. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Altadill, D. ; Gende, M. ; Gularte, E. ; Scida, L., 2013: Behavior of the equivalent slab thickness over three European stations, Advances in Space Research, 51, 4, pp. 677-682
  • Němec, F. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Hayosh, Mykhaylo ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., 2013: Conjugate observations of quasi-periodic emissions by Cluster and DEMETER spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 1, pp. 198-208
  • Němec, F. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Pickett, J. S. ; Hrbáčková, Zuzana ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., 2013: Azimuthal directions of equatorial noise propagation determined using 10 years of data from the Cluster spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 11 , pp. 7160–7169
  • Němec, F. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Pickett, J. S. ; Parrot, M. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., 2013: Quasiperiodic emissions observed by the Cluster spacecraft and their association with ULF magnetic pulsations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,, 118, 7, pp. 4210-4220
  • Píša, David ; Němec, F. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Rycroft, M., 2013: Additional attenuation of natural VLF electromagnetic waves observed by the DEMETER spacecraft resulting from preseismic activity, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, -, pp. 1-10
  • Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan, 2013: Projected evolution of circulation types and their temperatures over Central Europe in climate models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 114, 3-4, pp. 625-634
  • Púčik, T. ; Valachová, M. ; Zacharov, Petr, jr., 2013: Upper tropospheric conditions in relation to the cloud top features of 15 August 2010 convective storms, Atmospheric Research, 123, -, pp. 249-267
  • Ratnam, M. V. ; Kumar, G. K. ; Rao, N. V. ; Murthy, B. V. K. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Qian, L., 2013: Evidence of long-term change in zonal wind in the tropical lower mesosphere: Observations and model simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2, pp. 397-401
  • Rulfová, Zuzana ; Kyselý, Jan, 2013: Disaggregating convective and stratiform precipitation from station weather data, Atmospheric Research, 134, pp. 100-115
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Kitzmiller, D. ; Pešice, Petr ; Mejsnar, Jan, 2013: Comparison of precipitation nowcasting by extrapolation and statistical-advection methods, Atmospheric Research, 123, 1, pp. 17-30
  • Svoboda, Jaroslav ; Chládová, Zuzana ; Hošek, Jiří ; Pop, Lukáš, 2013: Statistical-dynamical downscaling of wind roses over the Czech Republic, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112, -, pp. 713-722
  • Trnka, M. ; Kersebaum,, K. C. ; Eitzinger, J. ; Hayes, M. ; Hlavinka, P. ; Svoboda, M. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Semerádová, D. ; Wardlow, B. ; Pokorný, E. ; Možný, M. ; Wilhite, D. ; Žalud, Z., 2013: Consequences of climate change for the soil climate in Central Europe and the central plains of the United States, Climatic Change, 120, 1-2, pp. 405-418
  • Wei, X. H. ; Cao, J. B. ; Zhou, G. C. ; Fu, H. S. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Reme, H. ; Dandouras, I. ; Cornilleau, N. ; Fazakerley, A. , 2013: Generation mechanism of the whistler-mode waves in the plasma sheet prior to magnetic reconnection, Advances in Space Research, 52, 1, pp. 205-210
  • Zacharov, Petr, jr. ; Řezáčová, Daniela ; Brožková, R., 2013: Evaluation of the QPF of convective flash flood rainfalls over the Czech territory in 2009, Atmospheric Research, 131, -, pp. 95-107
  • Zastenker, G. N. ; Šafránková, J. ; Němeček, Z. ; Přech, L. ; Čermák, I. ; Vaverka, I. ; Komárek, A. ; Vojta, Jaroslav ; Chesalin, L. S. ; Karimov, B. T. ; Agafonov, YU. N. ; Borodkova, N. L. ; Gavrilova, E. A. ; Gagua, T. I. ; Gagua, I. T. ; Dalin, P. A. ; D’yachkov, A. V. ; Koloskova, I. V. ; Leibov, A. V. ; Semena, N. P. ; Chernov, V. V. ; Markov, Ya. I. ; Ryazanova, E. E. ; Ryazanrtseva, M. O. ; Shevyrev, N. N. ; Chrapchenkov, V. V. ; Chugunova, O. M. ; Yurasov, A. S., 2013: Fast measurements of parameters of the Solar Wind using the BMSW instrument, Cosmic Research, 51, 2, pp. 78-89


  • Baranets, N. ; Ruzhin, Y. ; Erokhin, N. ; Afonin, V. ; Vojta, Jaroslav ; Šmilauer, Jan ; Kudela, K. ; Matišin, J. ; Ciobanu, M., 2012: Acceleration of energetic particles by whistler waves in active space experiment with charged particle beams injection, Advances in Space Research, 49, 5, pp. 859-871
  • Benson, R. F. ; Truhlík, Vladimír ; Huang, X. ; Wang, YL. ; Bilitza, D., 2012: Improving the automatic inversion of digital Alouette/ISIS ionogram reflection traces into topside electron density profiles, Radio Science, 47, -, pp. RS0L04/1-RS0L04/10
  • Bližňák, Vojtěch ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2012: The exploitation of Meteosat Second Generation data for convective storms over the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 103, -, pp. 60-69
  • Bochníček, Josef ; Davídkovová, Hana ; Hejda, Pavel ; Huth, Radan, 2012: Circulation changes in the winter lower atmosphere and long-lasting solar/geomagnetic activity, Annales Geophysicae, 30, - , pp. 1719-1726
  • Engebretson, M. J. ; Kahlstorf, C. R.G. ; Murr, D. L. ; Posch, J. L. ; Keiling, A. ; Lavraud, B. ; Reme, H. ; Lessard, M. R. ; Kim, E. -H. ; Johnson, J. R. ; Dombeck, J. ; Grison, B. ; Robert, P. ; Glassmeier, K. - H. ; Decreau, M. E., 2012: Cluster observations of band-limited Pc 1 waves associated with streaming H+ and O+ ions in the high-altitude plasma mantle., Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, -, pp. A10219/1-A10219/27
  • Fišák, Jaroslav ; Stoyanova, V. ; Bartůňková, Kristýna ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Shoumkova, A., 2012: Typical insoluble particles in fog water at Milešovka Observatory (Czech Republic), Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169, 5-6, pp. 1083-1091
  • Georgieva, K. ; Kirov, B. ; Koucká Knížová, P. ; Mošna, Z. ; Kouba, D. ; Asenovska, Y., 2012: Solar influences on atmospheric circulation, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 90-91, SI, pp. 15-25
  • Grábner, M. ; Kvičera, V. ; Fišer, Ondřej, 2012: Rain attenuation measurement and prediction on parallel 860-nm free space optical and 58-GHz millimeter-wave paths, Optical Engineering, 51, 3
  • Gutynska, O. ; Šimůnek, Jiří ; Šafránková, J. ; Němeček, Z. ; Přech, L., 2012: Multipoint study of magnetosheath magnetic field fluctuations and their relation to the foreshock, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, -, pp. A04214/1
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2012: On the quasi-linear diffusion in collisionless plasmas (to say nothing about Landau damping), Physics of Plasmas, 19, 6, pp. 062307/1-062307/5
  • Hirschi, M. ; Stoeckli, S. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Spirig, C. ; Calanca, P. ; Rotach, M. V. ; Fischer, A. M. ; Duffy, B. ; Samietz, J. , 2012: Downscaling climate change scenarios for apple pest and disease modeling in Switzerland, Earth System Dynamics , 3, 1, pp. 33-47
  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Athieno, R. ; Baše, Jiří ; Burešová, Dalia ; Hruška, František ; Laštovička, Jan ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Šindelářová, Tereza, 2012: Statistical investigation of horizontal propagation of gravity waves in the ionosphere over Europe and South Africa, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, - , pp. A03312/1-A03312/13
  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František ; Zedník, Jan ; Laštovička, Jan, 2012: Ionospheric disturbances (infrasound waves) over the Czech Republic excited by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, - , pp. A08319/1
  • Kouba, D. ; Koucká Knížová, P., 2012: Analysis of digisonde drift measurements quality, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 90-91, pp. 212-221
  • Krupař, Vratislav ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Cecconi, B. ; Maksimovic, M. ; Bonnin, X. ; Panchenko, M. ; Zaslavsky, A., 2012: Goniopolarimetric inversion using SVD: An application to type III radio bursts observed by STEREO, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, -, pp. A06101
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Beguería, S. ; Beranová, Romana ; Gaál, Ladislav ; López-Moreno, J. I, 2012: Different patterns of climate change scenarios for short-term and multi-day precipitation extremes in the Mediterranean, Global and Planetary Change, 98-99, - , pp. 63-72
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Plavcová, Eva, 2012: Declining impacts of hot spells on mortality in the Czech Republic, 1986-2009: adaptation to climate change?, Climatic Change, 113, 2, pp. 437-453
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Plavcová, Eva, 2012: Biases in the diurnal temperature range in Central Europe in an ensemble of regional climate models and their possible causes, Climate Dynamics, 39, 6, pp. 1275-1286
  • Laštovička, Jan, 2012: On the role of ozone in long-term trends in the upper atmosphere-ionosphere system, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 5, pp. 811-816
  • Laštovička, Jan ; Boška, Josef ; Burešová, Dalia ; Kouba, Daniel, 2012: High historical values of foEs — Reality or artefact?, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 74, -, pp. 51-54
  • Laštovička, Jan ; Solomon, S.C. ; Qian, L., 2012: Trends in the neutral and ionized upper atmosphere, Space Science Reviews, 168, 1-4, pp. 113-145
  • Matteini, L. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Landi, S. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Velli, M., 2012: Ion Kinetics in the Solar Wind: Coupling Global Expansion to Local Microphysics, Space Science Reviews, 172, 1-4, pp. 373-396
  • Mosert, M. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Magdaleno, S. ; de la Morena, B. ; Altadill, D. ; Ezquer, R. G. ; Scidá, L. A., 2012: An analysis of the scale height at the F2-layer peak over three middle-latitude stations in the European sector, Earth Planets and Space, 64, 6, pp. 493-503
  • Mošna, Z. ; Koucká Knížová, P., 2012: Analysis of wave-like oscillations in parameters of sporadic E layer and neutral atmosphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 90-91, SI, pp. 172-178
  • Němec, F. ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2012: Detailed properties of magnetospheric line radiation events observed by the DEMETER spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, - , pp. A05210/1-A05210/9
  • Němec, F. ; Santolík, O. ; Parrot, M. ; Pickett, J. S., 2012: Magnetospheric line radiation event observed simultaneously on board Cluster 1, Cluster 2 and DEMETER spacecraft, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, -, pp. L18103/1
  • Oliveros, J.C.M. ; Raftery, C. L. ; Bain, H. M. ; Krupař, Vratislav ; Bale, S. ; Krucker, S., 2012: The 2010 August 1 type II burst: A CME-CME interaction and its radio and white-light manifestations, Astrophysical Journal, 748, 1, pp. 66/1-66/6
  • Píša, David ; Němec, F. ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2012: Attenuation of electromagnetic waves at the frequency ~1.7 kHz in the upper ionosphere observed by the DEMETER satellite in the vicinity of earthquakes, Annals of Geophysics, 55, 1, pp. 157-163
  • Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan, 2012: Atmospheric circulation in regional climate models over Central Europe: links to surface air temperature and the influence of driving data, Climate Dynamics, 39, 7-8, pp. 1681-1695
  • Scidá, L. A. ; Ezquer, R. G. ; Cabrera, M. A. ; Mosert, M. ; Brunini, C. ; Burešová, Dalia, 2012: On the IRI 2007 performance as a TEC predictor for the South American sector, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 81-82, - , pp. 50-58
  • Shklyar, D. R. ; Storey, L. R. O. ; Chum, J. ; Jiříček, F. ; Němec, F. ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, O. ; Titova, E. E., 2012: Spectral features of lightning-induced ion cyclotron waves at low latitudes: DEMETER observations and simulation, Spectral features of lightning-induced ion cyclotron waves at low latitudes: DEMETER observations and simulation, 117, -, pp. A12206/1-A12206/16
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Pešice, Petr, 2012: Nowcasting of precipitation – Advective statistical forecast model (SAM) for the Czech Republic, Atmospheric Research, 103, -, pp. 70-79
  • Sokol, Zbyněk ; Zacharov, Petr, 2012: Nowcasting of precipitation by an NWP model using assimilation of extrapolated radar reflectivity, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138, 665, pp. 1072-1082
  • Souček, Jan ; Escoubet, C. P., 2012: Predictive model of magnetosheath plasma flow and its validation against Cluster and THEMIS data, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 6, pp. 973-982
  • Sundkvist, D. ; Krasnoselskikh, V. ; Bale, S. D. ; Schwartz, S. J. ; Souček, Jan ; Mozer, F., 2012: Dispersive Nature of High Mach Number Collisionless Plasma Shocks: Poynting Flux of Oblique Whistler Waves, Physical Review Letters, 108, 2, pp. 025002/1-025002/4
  • Šindelářová, Tereza ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Burešová, Dalia ; Chum, Jaroslav ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Athieno, R., 2012: Observations of wave activity in the ionosphere over South Africa in geomagnetically quiet and disturbed periods, Advances in Space Research, 50, 2, pp. 182-195
  • Taylor, M. G. G. T. ; Hasegawa, H. ; Lavraud, B. ; Phan, T. ; Escoubet, C. P. ; Dunlop, M. W. ; Bogdanova, Y.V. ; Borg, A. L. ; Volwerk, M. ; Berchem, J. ; Constantinescu, O. D. ; Eastwood, J. P. ; Masson, A. ; Laakso, H. ; Souček, Jan ; Fazakerley, A. N. ; Frey, H. U. ; Panov, E.V. ; Shen, C. ; Shi, J. K. ; Sibeck, D. G. ; Pu, Z. Y. ; Wang, J. ; Wild, J. A., 2012: Spatial distribution of rolled up Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Earth"s dayside and flank magnetopause, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 6, pp. 1025-1035
  • Thaler, S. ; Eitzinger, J. ; Trnka, M. ; Dubrovský, Martin , 2012: Impacts of climate change and alternative adaptation options on winter wheat yield and water productivity in a dry climate in Central Europe, Journal of Agricultural Science, 150, 5, pp. 537-555
  • Titova, E. ; Demekhov, A. ; Kozelov, B. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Macúšová, Eva ; Rauch, J. L. ; Trotignon, J. G. ; Gurnett, D. ; Pickett, J. , 2012: Properties of the magnetospheric backward wave oscillator inferred from CLUSTER measurements of VLF chorus elements, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, -, pp. A08210/1-A08210/10
  • Truhlík, Vladimír ; Bilitza, D. ; Třísková, Ludmila, 2012: A new global empirical model of the electron temperature with the inclusion of the solar activity variations for IRI, Earth, Planets and Space, 64, pp. 531–543


  • Agapitov, O. ; Krasnoselskikh, V. ; de Wit, T. D. ; Khotyaintsev, Y. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Rolland, G., 2011: Multispacecraft observations of chorus emissions as a tool for the plasma density fluctuations’ remote sensing, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, -, pp. A09222/1-A09222/12
  • Andreeova, K. ; Pulkkinen, T. I. ; Juusola, L. ; Palmroth, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2011: Propagation of a shock‐related disturbance in the Earth’s magnetosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, -, pp. A01213/1-A01213/10
  • Baker, D. N. ; Odstrčil, D. ; Anderson, B.J. ; Arge, C. N. ; Benna, M. ; Gloeckler, G. ; Korth, H. ; Mayer, L. R. ; Raines, J.M. ; Schriver, D. ; Slavin, J.A. ; Solomon, S.C. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Zurbuchen, T.H., 2011: The space environment of Mercury at the times of the second and third MESSENGER flybys, Planetary and Space Science, 59, 15, pp. 2066-2074
  • Comisel, H. ; Scholer, M. ; Souček, Jan ; Matsukiyo, S., 2011: Non-stationarity of the quasi-perpendicular bow shock: comparison between Cluster observations and simulations, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 2, pp. 263-274
  • Ezquer, R. G. ; Cabrera, M. A. ; López, J. L. ; Albornoz, M. R. ; Mosert, M. ; Marcó, P. ; Burešová, Dalia, 2011: Critical frequency and maximum electron density of F2 region over four stations in the North American sector, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 4, pp. 420-429
  • Génot, V. ; Broussillou, L. ; Budnik, E. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Lucek, E. ; Dandouras, I., 2011: Timing mirror structures observed by Cluster with a magnetosheath flow model, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 10, pp. 1849-1860
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Matteini, L. ; Štverák, Štěpán ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Marsch, E., 2011: Heating and cooling of protons in the fast solar wind between 0.3 and 1 AU: Helios revisited, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, -, pp. A09105/1-A09105/9
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2011: Proton core-beam system in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, A11, pp. A11101/1-A11101/11
  • Hošek, Jiří ; Musílek, P. ; Lozowski, E. ; Pytlak, P., 2011: Effect of time resolution of meteorological inputs on dynamic thermal rating calculations, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 9, 5, pp. 941-947
  • Kitamura, N. ; Ogawa, Y. ; Nishimura, Y. ; Terada, N. ; Ono, T. ; Shinbori, A. ; Kumamoto, A. ; Truhlík, Vladimír ; Šmilauer, Jan, 2011: Solar zenith angle dependence of plasma density and temperature in the polar cap ionosphere and low-altitude magnetosphere during geomagnetically quiet periods at solar maximum, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, -, pp. A08227/1-A08227/13
  • Kocmánková, E. ; Trnka, Miroslav ; Eitzinger, J. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Štěpánek, P. ; Semerádová, D. ; Balek, J. ; Skalák, P. ; Farda, A. ; Juroch, J. ; Žalud, Z., 2011: Estimating the impact of climate change on the occurrence of selected pests at a high spatial resolution: a novel approach, Journal of Agricultural Science, 149, -, pp. 185-195
  • Krasnov, V. M. ; Drobzheva, Ya. V. ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2011: Infrasonic waves in the ionosphere generated by a weak earthquake, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 13, pp. 1930-1939
  • Križan, Peter ; Mikšovský, J. ; Kozubek, M. ; Wang, G. C. ; Bai, J. H., 2011: Long term variability of total ozone yearly minima and maxima in the latitudinal belt from 20° N to 60° N derived from the merged satellite data in the period 1979-2008, Advances in Space Research, 48, -, pp. 2016-2022
  • Kvičera, V. ; Grábner, M. ; Fišer, Ondřej, 2011: Long-Term Propagation Statistics and Availability Performance Assessment for Simulated Terrestrial Hybrid FSO/RF System, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, pp. 435262/1-435262/9
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Gaál, Ladislav ; Beranová, Romana, 2011: Projected changes in flood-generating precipitation extremes over the Czech Republic in high-resolution regional climate models, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 59, 4, pp. 217-227
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Gaál, Ladislav ; Beranová, Romana ; Plavcová, Eva, 2011: Climate change scenarios of precipitation extremes in Central Europe from ENSEMBLES regional climate models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 104, 3-4, pp. 529-542
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Gaál, Ladislav ; Picek, J. , 2011: Comparison of regional and at-site approaches to modelling probabilities of heavy precipitation, International Journal of Climatology, 31, 10, pp. 1457-1472
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Plavcová, Eva ; Davídkovová, Hana ; Kynčl, J., 2011: Comparison of hot and cold spell effects on cardiovascular mortality in individual population groups in the Czech Republic, Climate Research, 49, 2, pp. 113-129
  • Lichner, Ľ. ; Eldridge, D. J. ; Schacht, K. ; Zhukova, N. ; Holko, L. ; Šír, Miloslav ; Pecho, Jozef, 2011: Grass cover influences hydrophysical parameters and heterogeneity of water flow in a sandy soil, Pedosphere, 21, 6, pp. 719-729
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  • Menietti, J. D. ; Schippers, P. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Crary, F. ; Coates, A. J., 2011: Ion cyclotron harmonics in the Saturn downward current auroral region, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, -, pp. A12234/1-A12234/6
  • Mishin, E. ; Albert, J. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2011: SAID/SAPS‐related VLF waves and the outer radiation belt boundary, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, -, pp. L21101/1-L21101/4
  • Moliba Bankanza, Jacques Celestin, 2011: Time variation of the effect of geographical factors on spatial distribution of summer precipitation over the Czech Republic, Idöjárás, 115, 1-2, pp. 51-70
  • Müller, Miloslav ; Kašpar, Marek, 2011: Association between anomalies of moisture flux and extreme runoff events in the south-eastern Alps, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 3, pp. 915-920
  • Němec, František ; Morgan, D. D. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Duru, F. ; Truhlík, Vladimír, 2011: Dayside ionosphere of Mars: Empirical model based on data from the MARSIS instrument, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, -, pp. E07003/1-E07003/14
  • Paluš, Milan ; Novotná, Dagmar, 2011: Northern Hemisphere patterns of phase coherence between solar/geomagnetic activity and NCEP/NCAR and ERA40 near-surface air temperature in period 7-8 years oscillatory modes, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 18, - , pp. 251-260
  • Píša, David ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2011: Ionospheric density variations recorded before the 2010 Mw 8.8 earthquake in Chile, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, -, pp. A08309/1-A08309/8
  • Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan, 2011: Evaluation of daily temperatures in Central Europe and their links to large-scale circulation in an ensemble of regional climate models, Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 63A, 4, pp. 763-781
  • Qian, L. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Roble, R. G. ; Solomon, S.C, 2011: Progress in observations and simulations of global change in the upper atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, pp. A00H03/1-A00H03/16
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  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Jones, G. H. ; Schippers, P. ; Crary, F. J. ; Leisner, J. S. ; Hospodarsky, G. B. ; Kurth, W. S. ; Russell, C. T. ; Dougherty, M. K., 2011: Intense plasma wave emissions associated with Saturn, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, - , pp. L19204/1-L19204/7
  • Shoji, M. ; Omura, Y. ; Grison, Benjamin ; Pickett, J. ; Dandouras, I. ; Engebretson, M., 2011: Electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the helium branch induced by multiple electromagnetic ion cyclotron triggered emissions, 38, - , pp. L17102/1-L17102/5
  • Schejbal, V. ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Ondráček, O., 2011: Comments on "on the Power Absorbed and Scattered by an Antenna" [Letter to the Editor], IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 53, 2, pp. 172-174
  • Schriver, D. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Anderson, B.J. ; Ashour-Abdalla, M. ; Baker, D. N. ; Benna, M. ; Boardsen, S.A. ; Gold, R.E. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Ho, G.C. ; Korth, H. ; Krimigis, S.M. ; McNutt, Jr., R.L. ; Raines, J.M. ; Richard, R. L. ; Slavin, J.A. ; Solomon, S.C. ; Starr, R.D. ; Zurbuchen, T.H., 2011: Quasi-trapped ion and electron populations at Mercury, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, -, pp. L23103/1-L23103/6
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  • Stolle, C. ; Liu, H. ; Truhlík, Vladimír ; Lühr, H. ; Richards, G., 2011: Solar flux variation of the electron temperature morning overshoot in the equatorial F region, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, -, pp. A04308/1-A04308/13
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  • Štěpánek, P. ; Zahradníček, P. ; Huth, Radan, 2011: Interpolation techniques used for data quality control and calculation of technical series: an example of a Central European daily time series, döjárás. Quarterly journal of the Hungarian meteorological society, 115, 1-2, pp. 87-98
  • Trnka, M. ; Brázdil, R. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Semerádová, D. ; Štěpánek, P. ; Dobrovolný, P. ; Možný, M. ; Eitzinger, J. ; Málek, J. ; Formayer, H. ; Balek, J. ; Žalud, Z., 2011: A 200-year climate record in Central Europe: implications for agriculture, Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 31, 4, pp. 631-341
  • Trnka, M. ; Eitzinger, J. ; Semerádová, D. ; Hlavinka, P. ; Balek, J. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Kubu, G. ; Štěpánek, P. ; Thaler, S. ; Možný, M. ; Žalud, Z., 2011: Expected changes in agroclimatic conditions in Central Europe, Climatic Change, 73, 5-6, pp. 623-626
  • Trnka, Miroslav ; Olesen, Jorgen Eivind ; Kersebaum, K. C. ; Skjelvag, A. O. ; Eitzinger, J. ; Seguin, B. ; Peltonen-Sainio, P. ; Rotter, R. ; Iglesias, A. ; Orlandini, S. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Hlavinka, P. ; Balek, J. ; Eckersten, H. ; Cloppet, E. ; Calanca, P. ; Vucetic, V. ; Nejedlík, P. ; Kumar, S. ; Lalic, B. ; Mestre, A. ; Rossi, F. ; Kozyra, J. ; Alexandrov, V. ; Semerádová, D. ; Žalud, Z. , 2011: Agroclimatic conditions in Europe under climate change, Global Change Biology, 17, 7, pp. 2298-2318
  • Třísková, Ludmila ; Truhlík, Vladimír ; Podolská, Kateřina, 2011: Time delays in the correlation between solar activity and the F2 region plasma frequency, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 5-6, pp. 623-626
  • Tsurutani, B. T. ; Falkowski, B. J. ; Verkhoglyadova, O. P. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Lakhina, D. G., 2011: Quasi-coherent chorus properties: 1. Implications for wave-particle interactions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, -, pp. A09210/1-A09210/18


  • Aubinet, M. ; Feigenwinter, C. ; Heinesch, B. ; Bernhofer, C. ; Canepa, E. ; Lindroth, A. ; Montagnani, L. ; Rebmann, C. ; Sedlák, Pavel ; Van Gorsel, E., 2010: Direct advection measurements do not help to solve the night-time CO2 closure problem: Evidence from three different forests, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 5, pp. 655-664
  • Briand, C. ; Souček, Jan ; Henri, P. ; Mangeney, A. , 2010: Waves at the electron plasma frequency associated with solar wind magnetic holes: STEREO/Cluster observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A12113/1-A12113/11
  • Burešová, Dalia ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; de la Morena, B. A., 2010: Evaluation of the STORM model storm-time corrections for middle latitude, Advances in Space Research, 46, č. 8, pp. 1039-1046
  • Cahynová, Monika ; Huth, Radan, 2010: Circulation vs. climatic changes over the Czech Republic: A comprehensive study based on the COST733 database of atmospheric circulation classifications, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 422-428
  • Fišer, Jiří ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Diendorfer, G. ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2010: Whistler intensities above thunderstorms, Annales Geophysicae, 28, 1, pp. 37-46
  • Grimald, S. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2010: Possible wave modes of wideband nonthermal continuum radiation in its source region, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A06209/1-A06209/8
  • Haque, N. ; Spasojevic, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Inan, U. S., 2010: Wave normal angles of magnetospheric chorus emissions observed on the Polar spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A00F07/1-A00F07/12
  • Hayosh, Mykhaylo ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M., 2010: Location and size of the global source region of whistler-mode chorus, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A00F06/1-A00F06/8
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2010: Langevin Representation of Coulomb Collisions for bi-Maxwellian Plasmas, Journal of Computational Physics, 229, 14, pp. 5432-5439
  • Huth, Radan, 2010: Synoptic-climatological applicability of circulation classifications from the COST733 collection: First results, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 388-394
  • Huth, Radan ; Beck, Ch. ; Tveito, O. E., 2010: Classifications of Atmospheric circulation Patterns - Theory and Applications - Preface, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 307-308
  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Laštovička, Jan ; Hruška, František ; Burešová, Dalia ; Baše, Jiří, 2010: Horizontal velocities and propagation directions of gravity waves in the ionosphere over the Czech Republic, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A11322/1-A11322/13
  • Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav, 2010: Variants of synoptic-scale patterns inducing heavy rains in the Czech Republic, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 477-483
  • Kocmánková, E. ; Trnka, M. ; Eitzinger, J. ; Formayer, H. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Semerádová, D. ; Žalud, Z. ; Juroch, J. ; Možný, M., 2010: Estimating the impact of climate change on the occurrence of selected pests in the Central European region, Climate Research, 44, 1, pp. 95-105
  • Kvičera, V. ; Grábner, M. ; Fišer, Ondřej, 2010: Propagation characteristics and availability performance assessment for Simulated Terrestrial Hybrid 850 nm/58 GHz System, Radioengineering, 19, 2, pp. 254-261
  • Kyselý, Jan, 2010: Coverage probability of bootstrap confidence intervals in heavy-tailed frequency models, with application to precipitation data, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 101, 3-4, pp. 345-361
  • Kyselý, Jan, 2010: Recent severe heat waves in central Europe: how to view them in a long-term prospect?, International Journal of Climatology, 30, 1, pp. 89-109
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Huth, Radan, 2010: Relationships between summer air masses and mortality in Seoul: Comparison of weather-type classifications, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 536-543
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Huth, Radan ; Kim, J., 2010: Evaluating heat-related mortality in Korea by objective classifications of "air masses", International Journal of Climatology, 30, 10, pp. 1484-1501
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Picek, J. ; Beranová, Romana, 2010: Estimating extremes in climate change simulations using the peaks-over-threshold method with a non-stationary threshold, Global and Planetary Change, 72, 1-2, pp. 55-68
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Plavcová, Eva, 2010: A critical remark on the applicability of E-OBS European gridded temperature data set for validating control climate simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, -, pp. D23118/1-D23118/14
  • Laštovička, Jan ; Baše, Jiří ; Hruška, František ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Horálek, Josef ; Zedník, Jan ; Krasnov, V., 2010: Simultaneous infrasonic, seismic, magnetic and ionospheric observations in an earthquake epicentre, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72, 16, pp. 1231-1240
  • Macúšová, Eva ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Décréau, P. ; Demekhov, A. G. ; Nunn, D. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Titova, E. E. ; Kozelov, B. V. ; Rauch, J. L. ; Trotignon, J. G., 2010: Observations of the relationship between frequency sweep rates of chorus wave packets and plasma density, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A12257/1-A12257/8
  • Mishin, E. V. ; Puhl-Quinn, P. A. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2010: SAID: A turbulent plasmaspheric boundary layer, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, pp. L07106/1-L07106/4
  • Müller, Miloslav ; Kašpar, Marek, 2010: Quantitative aspect in circulation type classifications – An example based on evaluation of moisture flux anomalies, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 484-490
  • Němec, František ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2010: Influence of power line harmonic radiation on the VLF wave activity in the upper ionosphere: Is it capable to trigger new emissions?, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A11301/1-A11301/9
  • Němec, František ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Rodger, C. J., 2010: Relationship between median intensities of electromagnetic emissions in the VLF range and lightning activity, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A08315/1-A08315/10
  • Omura, Y. ; Pickett, J. ; Grison, Benjamin ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Dandouras, I. ; Engebretson, M. ; Décréau, P. M. E. ; Masson, A. , 2010: Theory and observation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron triggered emissions in the magnetosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A07234/1-A07234/13
  • Orsini, S. ; Livi, S. ; Torkar, K. ; Trávníček, Pavel ; SERENA, team, 2010: A suite of four instruments (ELENA, STROFIO, PICAM and MIPA) on board BepiColombo-MPO for particle detection in the Hermean environment, Planetary and Space Science, 58, 1-2, pp. 166-181
  • Pešek, J. ; Fišer, Ondřej ; Svoboda, Jaroslav ; Schejbal, V., 2010: Modeling of 830 nm FSO Link Attenuation in Fog or Wind Turbulence, Radioengineering, 19, 2, pp. 237-241
  • Philipp, A. ; Bartholy, J. ; Beck, Ch. ; Erpicum, M. ; Esteban, P. ; Fettweis, X. ; Huth, Radan ; James, F. ; Jourdain, S. ; Kreienkamp, F. ; Krennert, T. ; Lykoudis, S. ; Michalides, S. C. ; Pianko-Kluczynska, K. ; Post, P. ; Álvarez, D. R. ; Schiemann, R. ; Spekat, A. ; Tymvios, F. S. , 2010: Cost733cat-A database of weather and circulation type classifications, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 360-373
  • Pickett, J. S. ; Grison, Benjamin ; Omura, Y. ; Engebretson, M. J. ; Dandouras, I. ; Masson, A. ; Adrian, M. L. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Décréau, P. M. E. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N. ; Constantinescu, D. , 2010: Cluster observations of EMIC triggered emissions in association with Pc1 waves near Earth"s plasmapause, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, 9, pp. L09104/1-L09104/5
  • Plavcová, Eva ; Kyselý, Jan, 2010: Relationships between sudden weather changes in summer and mortality in the Czech Republic, 1986–2005, International Journal of Biometeorology, 54, 5, pp. 539-551
  • Saito, Y. ; Sauvaud, J. A. ; Hirahara, M. ; Němeček, Z. ; Trávníček, Pavel ; BepiColombo, MMO/MPPE team, 2010: Scientific objectives and instrumentation of Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) onboard MMO, Planetary and Space Science, 58, 1-2, pp. 182-200
  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Grimald, S. ; Décréau, P. M. E. ; Parrot, M. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N. ; El-Lemdani Mazouz, F. ; Schriver, D. ; Meredith, N. P. ; Fazakerley, A., 2010: Wave-particle interactions in the equatorial source region of whistler-mode emissions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A00F16/1-A00F16/13
  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Pickett, J. S. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Menietti, J. D. ; Tsurutani, B. T. ; Verkhoglyadova, O., 2010: Survey of Poynting flux of whistler mode chorus in the outer zone, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A00F13/1-A00F13/13
  • Sedlák, Pavel ; Aubinet, M. ; Heinesch, B. ; Janouš, Dalibor ; Pavelka, Marian ; Potužníková, Kateřina ; Yernaux, M, 2010: Night-time airflow in a forest canopy near a mountain crest, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 5, pp. 736-744
  • Shklyar, D. R. ; Parrot, M. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Titova, E. E., 2010: On the origin of lower- and upper-frequency cutoffs on wedge-like spectrograms observed by DEMETER in the midlatitude ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A05203/1-A05203/12
  • Schriver, D. ; Ashour-Abdalla, M. ; Coroniti, F.V. ; LeBoeuf, J. N. ; Decyk, V. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Winningham, D. ; Pickett, J. ; Goldstein, M. L. ; Fazakerley, A. N., 2010: Generation of whistler mode emissions in the inner magnetosphere: An event study, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, A9, pp. A00F17/1-A00F17/13
  • Sigsbee, K. ; Menietti, J. D. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Pickett, J. S., 2010: Locations of chorus emissions observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Instrument, Journal of Geophysical Research, pp. A00F12/1-A00F12/17
  • Stanislawska, I. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Bourdillon, A. ; Zolesi, B. ; Cander, Lj. R. , 2010: Monitoring and modeling of ionospheric characteristics in the framework of European COST 296 Action MIERS, Space Weather, 8, pp. S02001/1-S02001/7
  • Šimkanin, Ján ; Hejda, Pavel ; Saxonbergová-Jankovičová, Dana, 2010: Convection in rotating non-uniformly stratified spherical fluid shells in dependence on Ekman and Prandtl numbers, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 178, 3-4, pp. 39-47
  • Šimkanin, Ján ; Hejda, Pavel ; Saxonbergová-Jankovičová, Dana, 2010: Inertial waves in spherical shells at low Ekman numbers, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 54, 2, pp. 291-298
  • Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Schriver, D. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Herčík, David ; Anderson, B.J. ; Sarantos, M. ; Slavin, J.A., 2010: Mercury"s magnetosphere-solar wind interaction for northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field: Hybrid simulation results, Icarus, 209, 1, pp. 11-22
  • Trnka, M. ; Eitzinger, J. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Semerádová, D. ; Štěpánek, P. ; Hlavinka, P. ; Balek, J. ; Skalák, Petr ; Farda, A. ; Formayer, H. ; Žalud, Z., 2010: Is rainfed crop production in central Europe at risk? Using a regional climate model to produce high resolution agroclimatic information for decision makers, Journal of Agricultural Science, 148, -, pp. 639-656
  • Zeri, M. ; Rebmann, C. ; Feigenwinter, Ch. ; Sedlák, Pavel, 2010: Analysis of periods with strong and coherent CO2 advection over a forested hill, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 5, pp. 674-683


  • Altadill, D. ; Boška, Josef ; Cander, Lj. R. ; Gulyaeva, T. ; Reinisch, B. W. ; Romano, V. ; Krankowski, A. ; Bremer, J. ; Stanislawska, I. ; Jakowski, N. ; Scotto, C., 2009: Near Earth space plasma monitoring under COST 296, Annals of Geophysics, 52, 3/4, pp. 221-234
  • Barnhart, B. L. ; Kurth, W. S. ; Groene, J. B. ; Faden, J. B. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. A., 2009: Electron densities in Jupiter’s outer magnetosphere determined from Voyager 1 and 2 plasma wave spectra, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A05218/1-A05218/14
  • Borgogno, D. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Passot, T. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. , 2009: Alfvén wave filamentation and dispersive phase mixing in a high-density channel: Landau fluid and hybrid simulations, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 16, 2, pp. 275-285
  • Bremer, J. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Mikhailov, A. V. ; Altadill, D. ; Bencze, P. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Franceschi de, G. ; Jacobi, C. ; Kouris, S. S. ; Perrone, L. ; Turunen, E. , 2009: Climate of the upper atmosphere, Annals of Geophysics, 52, 3/4, pp. 273-299
  • Breneman, A. W. ; Kletzing, C. A. ; Pickett, J. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2009: Statistics of multispacecraft observations of chorus dispersion and source location, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A06202/1-A06202/12
  • Burešová, Dalia ; Nava, B. ; Galkin, I. ; Angling, M. ; Stankov, S. M. ; Coisson, P., 2009: Data ingestion and assimilation in ionospheric models, Annals of Geophysics, 52, 6/4, pp. 235-253
  • Cahynová, Monika ; Huth, Radan, 2009: Enhanced lifetime of atmospheric circulation types over Europe: fact or fiction?, 61, 3, pp. 407-416
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  • Deng, X. H. ; Zhou, M. ; Li, S. Y. ; Baumjohann, W. ; Andre, M. ; Cornilleau, N. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Pontin, D. I. ; Reme, H. ; Lucek, E. ; Fazakerley, A. N. ; Decreau, P. ; Daly, P. ; Nakamura, R. ; Tang, R. X. ; Hu, Y. H. ; Pang, Y. ; Büchner, J. ; Zhao, H. ; Vaivads, A. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Ng, C. S. ; Lin, X. ; Fu, S. ; Yuan, Z. G. ; Su, Z. W. ; Wang, J. F., 2009: Dynamics and waves near multiple magnetic null points in reconnection diffusion region, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A07216/1-A07216/7
  • Dubrovský, Martin ; Svoboda, M. D. ; Trnka, M. ; Hayes, M. J. ; Wilhite, D. A. ; Žalud, Z. ; Hlavinka, P., 2009: Application of relative drought indices in assessing climate-change impacts on drought conditions in Czechia, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 96, 1-2, pp. 155-171
  • Fišák, Jaroslav ; Stoyanova, V. ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Petrova, P. ; Daskalova, N. ; Tsacheva, Ts. ; Marinov, M. , 2009: The pollutants in rime and fog water and in air at Milesovka Observatory (Czech Republic), Biologia, 64, 3, pp. 492-495
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  • Fišer, Ondřej ; Wilfert, O., 2009: Novel Processing of Tipping-Bucket Rain Gauge Records, Atmospheric Research, 92, 3
  • Franceschi de, G. ; Alfonsi, L. ; Altadill, D. ; Bencze, P. ; Bourdillon, A. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Cander, Lj. R. ; Morena de la, B. A. ; Economou, L. ; Herraiz, M. ; Kauristie, K. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Pau, S. ; Rodriguez, G. ; Stamper, R. ; Stanislawska, I., 2009: The contribution to IHY from the COST296 Action MIERS: Mitigation of Ionospheric Effects on Radio Systems, Earth, Moon, and Planets, 104, 1-4, pp. 63-67
  • Gaál, Ladislav ; Kyselý, Jan, 2009: Comparison of region-of-influence methods for estimating high quantiles of precipitation in a dense dataset in the Czech Republic, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, 11
  • Génot, V. ; Budnik, E. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Passot, T. ; Belmont, G. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Lucek, E. ; Dandouras, I., 2009: Mirror structures above and below the linear instability threshold: Cluster observations, fluid model and hybrid simulations, Annales Geophysicae, 27, 2, pp. 601-615
  • Grebowsky, J. M. ; Benson, R. F. ; Webb, P. A. ; Truhlík, Vladimír ; Bilitza, D., 2009: Altitude variation of the plasmapause signature in the main ionospheric trough, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 16, pp. 1669-1676
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Kuznetsov, E. A. ; Passot, T. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2009: Mirror instability: From quasi-linear diffusion to coherent structures, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L06103, pp. L06103/1-L06103/5
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2009: On Coulomb collisions in bi-Maxwellian plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 16, 5, pp. 054501/1-054501/4
  • Hlavinka, P. ; Trnka, M. ; Semerádová, D. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Žalud, Z. ; Možný, M., 2009: Effect of drought on yield variability of key crops in Czech Republic, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149, 3-4, pp. 431-442
  • Huth, Radan ; Benestad, R. ; Lionello, P., 2009: Editorial, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 96, pp. 1-2
  • Huth, Radan ; Pokorná, Lucie ; Bochníček, Josef ; Hejda, Pavel, 2009: Combined solar and QBO effects on the modes of low-frequency atmospheric variability in the Northern Hemisphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 13, pp. 1471-1483
  • Chen, L. J. ; Bessho, N. ; Lefebvre, B. ; Vaith, H. ; Asnes, A. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Fazakerley, A. ; Puhl-Quinn, P. ; Bhattacharjee, A. ; Khotyaintsev, Y. ; Daly, P. ; Torbert, R., 2009: Multispacecraft observations of the electron current sheet, neighboring magnetic islands, and electron acceleration during magnetotail reconnection, Physics of Plasmas, 16, pp. 056501/1-056501/12
  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František ; Burešová, Dalia ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Hejda, Pavel ; Bochníček, Josef, 2009: Ionospheric oscillations caused by geomagnetic Pi2 pulsations and their observations by multipoint continuous Doppler sounding; first results, Advances in Space Research, 44, 6, pp. 667-676
  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S., 2009: Oblique lower band chorus waves: Time shifts between discrete elements observed by the Cluster spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A00F02/1-A00F02/13
  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M., 2009: Analysis of subprotonospheric whistlers observed by DEMETER: A case study, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A02, pp. A02307/1-A02307/17
  • Jacobi, C. ; Hoffmann, P. ; Liu, R. Q. ; Križan, Peter ; Laštovička, Jan ; Merzlyakov, E. G. ; Solovjova, T. V. ; Portnyagin, Yu. I., 2009: Midlatitude mesopause region winds and waves and comparison with stratospheric variability, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 14-15, pp. 1540-1546
  • Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav, 2009: Cyclogenesis in the Mediterranean basin: a diagnosis using synoptic-dynamic anomalies, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9, 3, pp. 957-965
  • Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav ; Kakos, Vilibald ; Řezáčová, Daniela ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2009: Severe storm in Bavaria, the Czech Republic and Poland on 12–13 July 1984: A statistic- and model-based analysis, Atmospheric Research, 93, 1-3, pp. 99-110
  • Kyselý, Jan, 2009: Trends in heavy precipitation in the Czech Republic over 1961-2005, International Journal of Climatology, 29, 12, pp. 1745-1758
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Beranová, Romana, 2009: Climate-change effects on extreme precipitation in central Europe: uncertainties of scenarios based on regional climate models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 95, 3-4, pp. 361-374
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Kim, J., 2009: Mortality during heat waves in South Korea, 1991 to 2005: How exceptional was the 1994 heat wave?, Climate Research, 38, 2, pp. 105-116
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  • Lammel, G. ; Dobrovolný, P. ; Dvorská, A. ; Chromá, K. ; Brázdil, R. ; Holoubek, I. ; Hošek, Jiří, 2009: Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in Africa. Part 2: Design of a network to monitor the continental and intercontinental background, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 11, 11, pp. 1964-1972
  • Laštovička, Jan, 2009: Global pattern of trends in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere: Recent progress, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 14-15, pp. 1514-1528
  • Laštovička, Jan, 2009: Lower ionosphere response to external forcing: A brief review, Advances in Space Research, 43, 1, pp. 1-14
  • Laštovička, Jan ; Akmaev, R. A. ; Emmert, J. T., 2009: Long-term changes and trends in the upper atmosphere - An introduction, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 14-15, pp. 1511-1513
  • Laštovička, Jan ; Križan, Peter, 2009: Impact of strong geomagnetic storms on total ozone at southern higher middle latitudes, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 53, 1, pp. 151-156
  • Lembège, B. ; Savoini, P. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2009: Nonstationarity of a two-dimensional perpendicular shock: Competing mechanisms, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A03217, pp. A03217/1-A03217/21
  • Masson, A. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Carpenter, D. L. ; Darrouzet, F. ; Décréau, P. M. E. ; Mazouz, F. El-L. ; Green, J. L. ; Grimald, S. ; Moldwin, M. B. ; Němec, František ; Sonwalkar, V. S., 2009: Advances in Plasmaspheric Wave Research with CLUSTER and IMAGE Observations, Space Science Reviews, 145, 1-2, pp. 137-191
  • Menietti, J. D. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Abaci, P. C. , 2009: Chorus observations by the Polar spacecraft near the mid-altitude cusp, Planetary and Space Science, 57, 12, pp. 1412-1418
  • Menietti, J. D. ; Ye, S. - Y. ; Yoon, P. H. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Rymer, A. M. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Coates, A. J., 2009: Analysis of narrowband emission observed in the Saturn magnetosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A06206/1-A06206/13
  • Müller, Miloslav ; Kašpar, Marek ; Matschullat, J., 2009: Heavy rains and extreme rainfall-runoff events in Central Europe from 1951 to 2002, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9, 2, pp. 441-450
  • Müller, Miloslav ; Kašpar, Marek ; Řezáčová, Daniela ; Sokol, Zbyněk, 2009: Extremeness of meteorological variables as an indicator of extreme precipitation events, Atmospheric Research, 92, 3, pp. 308-317
  • Němec, František ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Rodger, C. J. ; Rycroft, M. J. ; Hayosh, Mykhaylo ; Shklyar, D. ; Demekhov, A., 2009: Survey of magnetospheric line radiation events observed by the DEMETER spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A05203/1-A05203/11
  • Němec, František ; Raita, T. ; Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Turunen, T., 2009: Conjugate observations on board a satellite and on the ground of a remarkable MLR-like event, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, pp. L22103/1-L22103/4
  • Němec, František ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M., 2009: Decrease of intensity of ELF/VLF waves observed in the upper ionosphere close to earthquakes: A statistical study, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A04303/1-A04303/10
  • Nunn, D. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Rycroft, M. ; Trakhtengerts, V., 2009: On the numerical modelling of VLF chorus dynamical spectra, Annales Geophysicae, 27, 6, pp. 2341-2359
  • Paluš, Milan ; Novotná, Dagmar, 2009: Phase-coherent oscillatory modes in solar and geomagnetic activity and climate variability, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 8-9, pp. 923-930
  • Parrot, M. ; Němec, František, 2009: MLR events and associated triggered emissions observed by DEMETER, Advances in Space Research, 44, 6, pp. 979-986
  • Persoon, A. M. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Kurth, W. S. ; Faden, J. B. ; Groene, J. B. ; Lewis, G. R. ; Coates, A. J. ; Wilson, R. J. ; Tokar, L. R. ; Wahlund, J.-E. ; Moncuquet, M., 2009: A diffusive equilibrium model for the plasma density in Saturn"s magnetosphere, A diffusive equilibrium model for the plasma density in Saturn"s magnetosphere, 114, pp. A04211/1-A04211/19
  • Pickett, J. S. ; Chen, L. J. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Grimald, S. ; Lavraud, B. ; Verkhoglyadova, O. P. ; Tsurutani, B. T. ; Lefebvre, B. ; Fazakerley, A. ; Lakhina, G. S. ; Ghosh, S. S. ; Grison, Benjamin ; Décréau, P. M. E. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Torbert, R. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N. ; Dandouras, I. ; Lucek, E., 2009: Electrostatic solitary waves in current layers: from Cluster observations during a super-substorm to beam experiments at the LAPD, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics , 16, 3, pp. 431-442
  • Plavcová E., Kyselý J., 2009: Vliv náhlých změn teploty a tlaku vzduchu na úmrtnost v ČR, Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie, 58, pp. 73-83
  • Radicella, S. M. ; Šauli, Petra ; Jakowski, N. ; Kouba, Daniel ; Portillo, A. ; Herraiz, M. ; Strangeways, H. J. ; Zernov, N. ; Gherm, V., 2009: Space Plasma Effects, Annals of Geophysics, 52, pp. 359-372
  • Radová, Michaela ; Kyselý, Jan, 2009: Temporal instability of temperature singularities in a long-term series at Prague-Klementinum, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 95, 3-4, pp. 235-243
  • Robertson, I. P. ; Sembay, S. ; Stubbs, T. J. ; Kuntz, K. D. ; Collier, M. R. ; Cravens, T. E. ; Snowden, S. L. ; Hills, H. K. ; Porter, F. S. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Carter, J. A. ; Read, A. M., 2009: Solar wind charge exchange observed through the lunar exosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, pp. L21102/1-L21102/5
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  • Santolík, O. ; Parrot, M. ; Inan, U. S. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2009: Propagation of unducted whistlers from their source lightning: a case study, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A03212/1-A03212/11
  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., 2009: Oblique propagation of whistler mode waves in the chorus source region, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A00F03/1-A00F03/12
  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2009: The origin of plasmaspheric hiss, Science, 324, 5928, pp. 729-730
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  • Šafránková, J. ; Hayosh, Mykhaylo ; Gutynska, O. ; Němeček, Z. ; Přech, L., 2009: Reliability of prediction of the magnetosheath Bz component from interplanetary magnetic field observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A12213/1-A12213/7
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  • Šindelářová, Tereza ; Burešová, Dalia ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František, 2009: Doppler observations of infrasonic waves of meteorological origin at ionospheric heights, Advances in Space Research, 43, 11
  • Štverák, Štěpán ; Maksimovic, M. ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Marsch, E. ; Fazakerley, A. N. ; Scime, E. E., 2009: Radial evolution of nonthermal electron populations in the low-latitude solar wind: Helios, Cluster, and Ulysses Observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, pp. A05104/1-A05104/15
  • Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Schriver, D. ; Herčík, David ; Slavin, J.A. ; Anderson, B.J., 2009: Kinetic instabilities in Mercury"s magnetosphere: Three-dimensional simulation results, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, pp. L07104/1-L07104/5
  • Trnka, M. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Svoboda, M. ; Semerádová, D. ; Hayes, M. ; Žalud, Z. ; Wilhite, D., 2009: Developing a regional drought climatology for the Czech Republic, International Journal of Climatology, 29, 6, pp. 863-883
  • Trnka, M. ; Eitzinger, J. ; Hlavinka, P. ; Dubrovský, Martin ; Semerádová, D. ; Štěpánek, P. ; Thaler, S. ; Žalud, Z. ; Možný, M. ; Formayer, H., 2009: Climate-driven changes of production regions in Central Europe, 55, 6, Plant, Soil and Environment, pp. 257-266
  • Trnka, Miroslav ; Kyselý, Jan ; Možný, M. ; Dubrovský, Martin, 2009: Changes in Central-European soil-moisture availability and circulation patterns in 1881-2005, International Journal of Climatology, 29, 5, pp. 655-672
  • Truhlík, Vladimír ; Bilitza, D. ; Třísková, Ludmila, 2009: Latitudinal variation of the topside electron temperature at different levels of solar activity, Advances in Space Research, 44, 6, pp. 693-700
  • Truhlík, Vladimír ; Třísková, Ludmila ; Bilitza, D. ; Podolská, K., 2009: Variations of daytime and nighttime electron temperature and heat flux in the upper ionosphere, topside ionosphere and lower plasmasphere for low and high solar activity, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 17-18, pp. 2055-2063
  • Vach, Marek ; Skřivan, Petr ; Rohovec, Jan ; Fišák, Jaroslav ; Kubínová, Petra ; Burian, Miloš, 2009: Inorganic pollutants in wet atmospheric deposition and the trajectories of their possible transport, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 169, 1-4, pp. 369-383
  • Vlček, Ondřej ; Huth, Radan, 2009: Is daily precipitation Gamma-distributed? Adverse effects of an incorrect use of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Atmospheric Research, 93, 4, pp. 759-766
  • Zacharov, Petr, jr. ; Řezáčová, Daniela, 2009: Using the fractions skill score to assess the relationship between an ensemble QPF spread and skill, Atmospheric Research, 94, 4, pp. 684-693


  • Altadill, D. ; Arrazola, D. ; Blanch, E. ; Burešová, Dalia, 2008: Solar activity variations of ionosonde measurements and modeling results, Advances in Space Research, 42, 4, pp. 610-616
  • Barriopedro, D. ; García-Herrera, R. ; Huth, Radan, 2008: Solar modulation of Northern Hemisphere winter blocking, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D14, pp. D14118/1-D14118/11
  • Beranová, Romana ; Huth, Radan, 2008: Time variations of the effects of circulation variability modes on European temperature and precipitation in winter, International Journal of Climatology, 28, 2, pp. 139-158
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  • Burešová, Dalia ; Laštovička, Jan, 2008: Pre-storm electron density enhancements at middle latitudes, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 15, pp. 1848-1855
  • Califano, F. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Kuznetsov, E. ; Passot, T. ; Sulem, P. L. ; Trávníček, Pavel, 2008: Nonlinear mirror mode dynamics: Simulations and modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, pp. A08219/1-A08219/20
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  • Hellinger, Petr, 2008: Comment on the drift mirror instability, Physics of Plasmas, 15, 5, pp. 054502/1-054502/2
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel M., 2008: Oblique proton fire hose instability in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, A10, pp. A10109/1-A10109/9
  • Hospodarsky, G. B. ; Averkamp, T. F. ; Kurth, W. S. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Menietti, J. D. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Dougherty, M. K., 2008: Observations of chorus at Saturn using the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science Instrument, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, 12, pp. A12206/1-A12206/13
  • Huth, Radan ; Beck, Ch. ; Philipp, A. ; Demuzere, M. ; Ustrnul, Z. ; Cahynová, Monika ; Kyselý, Jan ; Tveito, O. E., 2008: Classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns: Recent advances and applications, New York Academy of Sciences. Annals, 1146, pp. 105-152
  • Huth, Radan ; Kliegrová, S. ; Metelka, L., 2008: Non-linearity in statistical downscaling: does it bring an improvement for daily temperature in Europe?, International Journal of Climatology, 28, 4, pp. 465-477
  • Huth, Radan ; Kyselý, Jan ; Bochníček, Josef ; Hejda, Pavel, 2008: Solar activity affects the occurrence of synoptic types over Europe, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 7, pp. 1999-2004
  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Laštovička, Jan ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Burešová, Dalia ; Hruška, František, 2008: Peculiar transient phenomena observed by HF Doppler sounding on infrasound time scales, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 6, pp. 866-878
  • Jakowski, N. ; Stankov, S. M. ; Wilken, V. ; Borries, C. ; Altadill, D. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Burešová, Dalia ; Boška, Josef ; Šauli, Petra ; Hruška, František ; Cander, Lj. R., 2008: Ionospheric behaviour over Europe during the solar eclipse of 3 October 2005, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 6, pp. 836-853
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  • Kouba, Daniel ; Boška, Josef ; Galkin, I. A. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Šauli, Petra, 2008: Ionospheric drift measurements: Skymap points selection, Radio Science, 43, 1, pp. RS1S90/1-RS1S90/11
  • Kozelov, B. V. ; Demekhov, A. G. ; Titova, E. E. ; Trakhtengerts, V. Y. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Macúšová, Eva ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S., 2008: Variations in the chorus source location deduced from fluctuations of the ambient magnetic field: Comparison of Cluster data and the backward wave oscillator model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, A6, pp. A06216/1-A06216/10
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  • Kyselý, Jan ; Kříž, B., 2008: Decreased impacts of the 2003 heat waves on mortality in the Czech Republic: an improved response?, International Journal of Biometeorology, 52, 8, pp. 733-745
  • Laštovička, Jan ; Akmaev, R. A. ; Beig, G. ; Bremer, J. ; Emmert, J. T. ; Jacobi, C. ; Jarvis, M.J. ; Nedoluha, G. ; Portnyagin, Yu. I. ; Ulich, T, 2008: Emerging pattern of global change in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 5, pp. 1255-1268
  • Laštovička, Jan ; Yue, X. ; Wan, W., 2008: Long-term trends in foF2: their estimating and origin, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 3, pp. 593-598
  • Menietti, J. D. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Rymer, A. M. ; Hospodarsky, G. B. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Coates, A. J., 2008: Analysis of plasma waves observed in the inner Saturn magnetosphere, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 9, pp. 2631-2644
  • Menietti, J. D. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Rymer, A. M. ; Hospodarsky, G. B. ; Persoon, A. M. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Coats, A. J. ; Young, D. T. , 2008: Analysis of plasma waves observed within local plasma injections seen in Saturn"s magnetosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, 5, pp. A05213/1-A05213/11
  • Němec, František ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Berthelier, J. J., 2008: Spacecraft observations of electromagnetic perturbations connected with seismic activity, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, 5, pp. L05109/1-L05109/5
  • Němec, František ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Bortnik, J., 2008: Power line harmonic radiation observed by satellite: Properties and propagation through the ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, 8, pp. A08317/1-A08317/9
  • Parrot, M. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Brochot, J. - Y. ; Berthelier, J. J., 2008: Observation of Intensified Lower Hybrid Noise in the Midlatitude Ionosphere, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 36, 4, pp. 1164-1165
  • Pickett, J. S. ; Chen, L. J. ; Mutel, R. L. ; Christopher, I. W. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Lakhina, G. S. ; Singh, S. V. ; Reddy, R. V. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Tsurutani, B. T. ; Lucek, E. ; Lavraud, B., 2008: Furthering our understanding of electrostatic solitary waves through Cluster multispacecraft observations and theory, Advances in Space Research, 41, 10, pp. 1666-1676
  • Santolík, Ondřej, 2008: New results of investigations of whistler-mode chorus emissions, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 15, 4, pp. 621-630
  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Macúšová, Eva ; Titova, E. E. ; Kozelov, B. V. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Trakhtengerts, V. Y. ; Demekhov, A. G., 2008: Frequencies of wave packets of whistler-mode chorus inside its source region: a case study, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 6, pp. 1665-1670
  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2008: Propagation Spectrograms of Whistler-Mode Radiation from Lightning, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 36, 4, pp. 1166-1167
  • Saxonbergová-Jankovičová, Dana ; Vörös, Zoltán ; Šimkanin, Ján, 2008: The effect of upstream turbulence and its anisotropy on the efficiency of solar wind – magnetosphere coupling, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 15, 4, pp. 523-529
  • Saxonbergová-Jankovičová, Dana ; Vörös, Zoltán ; Šimkanin, Ján, 2008: The influence of solar wind turbulence on geomagnetic activity, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 15, 1, pp. 53-59
  • Sigsbee, K. ; Menietti, J. D. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Blake, J. B., 2008: Polar PWI and CEPPAD observations of chorus emissions and radiation belt electron acceleration: Four case studies, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 14, pp. 1774-1788
  • Souček, Jan ; Lucek, E. ; Dandouras, I., 2008: Properties of magnetosheath mirror modes observed by Cluster and their response to changes in plasma parameters, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 113, A4, pp. A04203/1-A04203/14
  • Šauli, Petra ; Bourdillon, A., 2008: Height and critical frequency variations of the sporadic-E layer at midlatitudes, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 15, pp. 1904-1910
  • Štverák, Štěpán ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Maksimovic, M. ; Marsch, E. ; Fazakerley, A. ; Scime, E. E., 2008: Electron temperature anisotropy constraints in the solar wind, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, A3, pp. A03103/1-A03103/10
  • Tkachenko, O. ; Šafránková, J. ; Němeček, Z. ; Šimůnek, Jiří ; Přech, L., 2008: Observations of vortex-like structure in the cusp-magnetosheath region during northward IMF orientation, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 11, pp. 1904-1910
  • Vogiatzis, I. I. ; Sarris, T. E. ; Sarris, E. T. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Dandouras, I. ; Robert, P. ; Fritz, T. A. ; Zong, Q.-G. ; Zhang, H., 2008: Cluster observations of particle acceleration up to supra-thermal energies in the cusp region related to low-frequency wave activity – possible implications for the substorm initiation process, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 3, pp. 653-669
  • Vörös, Zoltán ; Nakamura, R. ; Sergeev, V. ; Baumjohann, W. ; Runov, A. ; Zhang, T. L. ; Volwerk, M. ; Takada, T. ; Saxonbergová-Jankovičová, Dana ; Lucek, E. ; Reme, H., 2008: Study of reconnection-associated multiscale fluctuations with Cluster and Double Star, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, A7, pp. A07S29/1-A07S29/9
  • Yordanova, E. ; Vaivads, A. ; Andre, M. ; Buchert, S. C. ; Vörös, Zoltán, 2008: Magnetosheath plasma turbulence and its spatiotemporal evolution as observed by the Cluster spacecraft, Physical Review Letters, 100, 20, pp. 205003/1-205003/4
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  • Kyselý, Jan ; Picek, J., 2007: Regional growth curves and improved design value estimates of extreme precipitation events in the Czech Republic, Climate Research, 33, 3, pp. 243-255
  • Kyselý, Jan ; Picek, J. ; Huth, Radan, 2007: Formation of homogeneous regions for regional frequency analysis of extreme precipitation events in the Czech Republic, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 51, 2, pp. 327-344
  • Matteini, L. ; Landi, S. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Pantellini, F. ; Maksimovic, M. ; Velli, M. ; Goldstein, B. E. ; Marsch, E., 2007: Evolution of the solar wind proton temperature anisotropy from 0.3 to 2.5 AU, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 20, pp. L20105/1-L20105/5
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  • Němec, František ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Berthelier, J. J., 2007: Comparison of Magnetospheric Line Radiation and Power Line Harmonic Radiation: A Systematic Survey Using the DEMETER Spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, A4, pp. A04301/1-A04301/8
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  • Parrot, M. ; Manninen, J. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Němec, František ; Turunen, T. ; Raita, T. ; Macúšová, Eva, 2007: Simultaneous observation on board a satellite and on the ground of large-scale magnetospheric line radiation, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, 19, pp. L19102/1-L19102/4
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  • Trakhtengerts, V. Y. ; Demekhov, A. G. ; Titova, E. E. ; Kozelov, B. V. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Macúšová, Eva ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Rycroft, M. J. ; Nunn, D., 2007: Formation of VLF chorus frequency spectrum: Cluster data and comparison with the backward wave oscillator model, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 2, pp. L02104/1-L02104/5
  • Trávníček, Pavel ; Hellinger, Petr ; Schriver, D., 2007: Structure of Mercury"s magnetosphere for different pressure of the solar wind: Three dimensional hybrid simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 5, pp. L05104/1-L05104/5
  • Trávníček, Pavel ; Hellinger, Petr ; Taylor, M. G. G. T. ; Escoubet, C. P. ; Dandouras, I. ; Lucek, E., 2007: Magnetosheath plasma expansion: Hybrid simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 15, pp. L15104/1-L15104/5
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  • Třísková, Ludmila ; Galkin, I. ; Truhlík, Vladimír ; Reinisch, B. W., 2007: Application of seamless vertical profiles for use in the topside electron density modeling, Advances in Space Research, 39, 5, pp. 774-778
  • Valentini, F. ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Califano, F. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Mangeney, A., 2007: A hybrid-Vlasov model based on the current advance method for the simulation of collisionless magnetized plasma, Journal of Computational Physics, 225, 1, pp. 753-770
  • Vörös, Zoltán ; Baumjohann, W. ; Nakamura, R. ; Runov, A. ; Volwerk, M. ; Asano, Y. ; Jankovičová, Dana ; Lucek, E. A. ; Rème, H., 2007: Spectral scaling in the turbulent Earth, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 14, 4, pp. 535-541
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  • Akalin, F. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Averkamp, T. F. ; Persoon, A. M. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Kurth, W. S. ; Hospodarsky, G. B. , 2006: First whistler observed in the magnetosphere of Saturn, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, 20, pp. L20107/1-L20107/5
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  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel, 2006: Parallel and oblique proton fire hose instabilities in the presence of alpha/proton drift: Hybrid simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 111, A1, pp. A01107/1-A01107/7
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  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Jiříček, František ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Diendorfer, G. ; Fišer, Jiří, 2006: Assigning the causative lightning to the whistlers observed on satellites, Annales Geophysicae, 24, 11, pp. 2921-2929
  • Krasnov, Valerij Michailovič ; Drobzheva, Yana Viktorovna ; Laštovička, Jan, 2006: Recent advances and difficulties of infrasonic wave investigation in the ionosphere, Surveys in Geophysics, 27, č. 2, pp. 169-209
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  • Laštovička, Jan, 2006: Forcing of the ionosphere by waves from below, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 68, 3-5, pp. 479-497
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  • Laštovička, Jan ; Križan, Peter, 2006: Trends in laminae in ozone profiles in relation to trends in some other middle atmospheric parameters, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 31, 1-3, pp. 46-53
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  • Lebreton, J. P. ; Štverák, Štěpán ; Trávníček, Pavel M. ; Maksimovic, M. ; Klinge, A. ; Merikallio, S. ; Lagoutte, D. ; Poirier, B. ; Blelly, P. L. ; Kozáček, Z. ; Salaquarda, M. , 2006: The ISL Langmuir probe experiment processing onboard DEMETER: Scientific objectives, description and first results, Planetary and Space Science, 54, 5 , pp. 472-486
  • Matteini, L. ; Landi, S. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Velli, M., 2006: Parallel proton fire hose instability in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, -, pp. A10101/1-A10101/8
  • Menietti, J. D. ; Mutel, R. L. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Scudder, J. D. ; Christopher, I. W. ; Cook, J. M., 2006: Striated drifting auroral kilometric radiation bursts: Possible stimulation by upward traveling EMIC waves, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A4, pp. A04214/1-A04214/9
  • Němec, F. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Parrot, M. ; Berthelier, J. J., 2006: Power line harmonic radiation (PLHR) observed by the DEMETER spacecraft, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A4, pp. A04308/1-A04308/7
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  • Prot, O. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Trotignon, J. G. ; Deferaudy, H., 2006: An entropy regularization method applied to the identification of wave distribution function for an elf hiss event, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A6, pp. A06213/1-A06213/11
  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Parrot, M. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., 2006: Propagation of whistler mode chorus to low altitudes: Spacecraft observations of structured ELF hiss, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A10, pp. A10208/1-A10208/13
  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Němec, F. ; Parrot, M. ; Lagoutte, D. ; Madrias, L. ; Berthelier, J. J., 2006: Analysis methods for multi-component wave measurements on board the DEMETER spacecraft, Planetary and Space Science, 54, -, pp. 512-527
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  • Šauli, Petra ; Abry, P. ; Altadil, D. ; Boška, Josef, 2006: Detection of the wave-like structures in the F-region electron density: two station measurements, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 50, 1, pp. 131-146
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  • Třísková, Ludmila ; Truhlík, Vladimír ; Šmilauer, Jan, 2006: An empirical topside electron density model for calculation of absolute ion densities in IRI, Advances in Space Research, 37, 5, pp. 928-934


  • Aubinet, M. ; Berbigier, P. ; Bernhofer, C. ; Cescatti, A. ; Feigenwinter, C. ; Granier, A. ; Grünwald, T. ; Havránková, Kateřina ; Heinesch, B. ; Longdoz, B. ; Marcolla, B. ; Montagnani, L. ; Sedlák, Pavel, 2005: Comparing CO2 storage and advection conditions at night at different carboeuroflux sites, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 116, -, pp. 63-94
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  • Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel, 2005: Magnetosheath compression: Role of characteristic compression time, alpha particle abundance, and alpha/proton relative velocity, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, -, pp. A04210,1-A04210,11
  • Hellinger, Petr ; Velli, M. ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Gary, S. P. ; Goldstein, B. E. ; Liewer, P. C., 2005: Alfvén wave heating of heavy ions in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, -, pp. A12109/1-A12109/11
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  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Jiříček, František ; Šmilauer, Jan, 2005: Nonducted propagation of chorus emissions and their observation, Planetary and Space Science, 53, 1-3, pp. 307-315
  • Chum, Jaroslav ; Santolík, Ondřej, 2005: Propagation of whistler-mode chorus to low altitudes: divergent ray trajectories and ground accessibility, Annales Geophysicae, 110, -, pp. D10107/1/-D10107/11
  • Krasnov, Valerij Michailovič ; Drobzheva, Yana Viktorovna, 2005: The acoustic field in the ionosphere caused by an underground nuclear explosion, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 67, -, pp. 913-920
  • Križan, Peter ; Laštovička, Jan, 2005: Trends in positive and negative ozone laminae in the Northern Hemisphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, -, pp. D10107/1/-D10107/11
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  • Laštovička, Jan, 2005: On the role of solar and geomagnetic activity in long-term trends in the atmosphere-ionosphere system, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 67, 1-2, pp. 83-92
  • Laštovička, Jan, 2005: Progress in trend studies: Highlights of the TREND2004 Workshop, Advances in Space Research, 35, -, pp. 1359-1365
  • Laštovička, Jan ; Križan, Peter, 2005: Geomagnetic storms, Forbush decreases of cosmic rays and total ozone at northern higher middle latitudes, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 67, 1-2, pp. 119-124
  • Menietti, J. D. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Pickett, J. S. ; Gurnett, D. A., 2005: High resolution observations of continuum radiation, Planetary and Space Science, 53, 1-3, pp. 283-290
  • Merka, J. ; Šafránková, J. ; Němeček, Z. ; Šimůnek, Jiří, 2005: Magion-4 High-Altitude Cusp Study, Surveys in Geophysics, 26, 1-3, pp. 57-69
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  • Pickett, J. S. ; Chen, L. J. ; Kahler, S. W. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Goldstein, M. L. ; Lavraud, B. ; Décréau, P. M. E. ; Kessel, R. ; Lucek, E. ; Lakhina, G. S. ; Tsurutani, B. T. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N. ; Fazakerley, A. ; Rème, H. ; Balogh, A., 2005: On the generation of solitary waves observed by Cluster in the near-Earth magnetosheath, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 12, - , pp. 181-193
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  • Řezáčová, Daniela ; Kašpar, Marek ; Müller, Miloslav ; Sokol, Zbyněk ; Kakos, Vilibald ; Hanslian, David ; Pešice, Petr., 2005: A comparison of the flood precipitation episode in August 2002 with historic extreme precipitation events on the Czech territory, Atmospheric Research, 77, -, pp. 354-366
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  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Macúšová, E. ; Yearby, K. H. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N. ; Alleyne, H. StC. K., 2005: Radial variation of whistler-mode chorus: first results from the STAFF/DWP instrument on board the Double Star TC-1 spacecraft, Annales Geophysicae, 23, -, pp. 2937-2942
  • Santolík, Ondřej ; Persoon, A. M. ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Décréau, P. M. E. ; Pickett, J. S. ; Maršálek, O. ; Maksimovic, M. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N., 2005: Drifting field-aligned density structures in the night-side polar cap, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, -, pp. L06106-1
  • Sotnikov, V. I. ; LeBoeuf, J. N. ; Deeney, C. ; Coverdale, C. A. ; Hellinger, Petr ; Trávníček, Pavel ; Fiala, Vladimír, 2005: Hybrid simulation of the Z-pinch instabilities for profiles generated during wire array implosion in the Saturn pulsed power generator, Physics of Plasmas, 12, 9, pp. -
  • Souček, Jan ; Krasnoselskikh, V. ; Dudok de Wit, T. ; Pickett, J. ; Kletzing, C., 2005: Nonlinear decay of foreshock Langmuir waves in the presence of plasma inhomogeneities: Theory and Cluster observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, A8, pp. A08102/1-A08102/10
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  • Titova, E. E. ; Yahnin, A. G. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Jiříček, František ; Rauch, J. L. ; Lefeuvre, F. ; Frank, L. A. ; Sigwarth, J. B. ; Mogilevsky, M. M., 2005: The relationship between auroral hiss at high altitudes over the polar caps and the substorm dynamics of aurora, Annales Geophysicae, 23, -, pp. 2117-2128
  • Trávníček, Pavel ; Hellinger, Petr ; Schriver, D. ; Bale, S. D., 2005: Structure of the lunar wake: Two-dimensional global hybrid simulations, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, -, pp. L06102/1-L06102/4
  • Trnka, M. ; Žalud, Z. ; Eitzinger, J. ; Dubrovský, Martin, 2005: Global solar radiation in Central European lowlands estimated by various empirical formulae, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 131, 1-2, pp. 54-76
  • Truhlík, Vladimír ; Třísková, Ludmila ; Šmilauer, Jan, 2005: Manifestation of solar activity in the global topside ion composition – a study based on satellite data, Annales Geophysicae, 23, -, pp. 2511-2517
  • Tříska, Pavel ; Czapek, Alexandr ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František ; Šimůnek, Jiří ; Šmilauer, Jan ; Truhlík, Vladimír ; Vojta, Jaroslav, 2005: Space weather effects on the MAGION-4 and MAGION-5 solar cells, Annales Geophysicae, 23, -, pp. 3111-3113
  • Yearby, K. H. ; Alleyne, H. S. C. K. ; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Balikhin, M. A. ; Walker, S. N. ; Fazakerley, A. ; Lahiff, A., 2005: Observations of lion roars in the magnetosheath by the STAFF/DWP experiment on the Double Star TC-1 spacecraft, Annales Geophysicae, 23, -, pp. 2861-2866