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Dr. J. Healey graduated with a degree in physics at Oxford University in 1987, where he also obtained a DPhil in physics in 1991. His doctoral thesis was concerned with the analysis of phase spaces reconstructed from time series data. In 1991 he was appointed to a post-doctoral position in the Engineering Department at Cambridge University to work on the laminar-turbulent transition of boundary layers. In 1996 he was appointed first to a temporary lectureship in the Mathematics Department at Brunel University, and then to a lectureship in the Mathematics Department at Keele University. His research is concerned with instabilities in fluid flows, and has included thermal boundary layers, three-dimensional boundary layers and swirling jets.
Annotation: Stability conditions for stratified flow are derived on the base of the linear stability method.
More information: František Maršík
12 May 2009: Thanks to the permission of the author you can download the presentation here.