Award for outstanding poster for Nikola Bašinová, IPE
Nikola Bašinová won an award for extraordinary poster at the International Crystallographic Conference ICCGE-19 in Colorado, USA.

Nikola Bašinová, a PhD student from the Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials research team, was awarded for an extraordinary poster at the ICCGE-19 (International Crystal Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy), held in USA, Keystone (Colorado) from June 28 to July 2, 2019. Nikola Bašinová presented the poster entitled Determination of Zn2 + Supersaturation in the Growth Solution for the Synthesis of ZnO Nanorods. Congratulations!

Ocenění za vynikající poster pro Nikolu Bašinovou, ÚFE

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