Authors: Řeháková, Blanka
The study acquaints readers with two methods of measuring value orientations developed by S.H.Schwartz. Attention is focused especially on the Portrait Values Questionnaire that was used in the European Social Survey in 2002 and 2004. The analysis in the study uses ESS 2002 data...
Authors: Anýžová, Petra
This article investigates and tests the relationship between values (PVQ scale) and personality traits (NEO-FFI) using non-recursive structural modelling while controlling for other potentially significant variables (e.g. age, gender, attractiveness, cognitive skills), an approac...
26. 3. 2007
Seminář Sociologického ústavu AV ČR v.v.i. se koná v úterý 3. dubna ve 14 hodin.
Authors: Hašková, Hana
The article reviews cultural and structural explanations of low fertility in Central and Eastern Europe. Then it answers the following questions: What factors have influenced decisions on (not) entering parenthood in the Czec...
Authors: Smith, Michael L., Petr Matějů
Two decades ago, scholars predicted that the economic and political transformations underway in the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe would be accompanied by fundamental shifts in societal values and norms. Unlike political reforms, changes in societal norms were beli...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří (ed.)
The project The Adjustment of the Czech Labour Force: Changing Job Structures, Wage Disparities and Work Orientations aimed to use various data sources to describe changes in the field in the last decade. Studies on various topics are collected to provide a multidimensional pictu...
Authors: Jurik, Nancy, Křížková, Alena, Pospíšilová (Dlouhá), Marie
PurposeThis paper aims to utilize a mixed-embeddedness approach to examine how state welfare policies, employment conditions and gender norms shape orientations to divisions of business and domestic labor among Czech copreneurs, i.e. romantic couples involved in businesses togeth...
Authors: Matějů, Petr, Michael L. Smith
This article analyzes changes in the determination of Czech educational aspirations from 1989 to 2003, on the basis of social origin, ability, gender and other factors. The empirical research is based on a comparison of Czech data from the "Rodina ’89" and the 200...
Knihovna zajišťuje tuto službu pro zaregistrované knihovny po vyplnění a zaslání objednávky: REGISTRAČNÍ FORMULÁŘ PRO MVS ke stažení (formular_MVS.doc) – pro dosud neevidované knihovny. Některé knihy nabízíme knihovnám nevratně darem – částečný seznam je v sekci Nabídka knih.
Návrh na nákup literatury.
Authors: Šubrt, Jiří, Jiří Vinopal
This article describes the results of an initial survey which is a part of broader project ofsociological research into the historical consciousness of inhabitants of the Czech Republic. Firstly,the topic is put into the context of conceptions of historical consciousness and coll...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří
The article contributes to a critical reading of opinion data by the presentation of ISSP “Work Orientations” 1997 and 2005 in the CR. Methodological problems are presented first and the framework of systemic transition is set next. Third, a comparison is made of peop...
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