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Bil has left for California

7 June 2019
Bil has left for California
Our sabbatical visitor and friend Prof. Bil Clemons from Caltech has left our lab after having spent a full year with us. 

We had a great time together both scientifically and socially. We will miss you, Bil. Good luck back home! And stop by when you pass through Prague. ;-)
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A new paper out

6 June 2019
A new paper on identifying a new methionine sulfoxide reducing enzyme using chiral fluorescent probes is out.

In collaboration with the Misek lab at Charles University, on identifying a new methionine sulfoxide reducing enzyme using chiral fluorescent probes. Just accepted. Congratulations to all authors!
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Šárka has graduated

6 June 2019
Šárka has graduated (MSc) with flying colours.

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Šárka has won a FEBS summer fellowship

19 May 2019
Well done and congratulations! :)

Anežka has passed her PhD viva

25 April 2019
Anežka has passed her PhD viva with flying colours!

Congratulations, Dr. Anežka Tichá! :)

Interview with Kvido in Trends in Biochemical Sciences

8 October 2018
To get a more personal idea about the PI, read a recent interview with Kvido Strisovsky by Trends in Biochemical Sciences.
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New paper from the group

27 July 2018
If you wonder what the hell rhomboid superfamily is, how rhomboid proteases and pseudoproteases work and why it matters, you should read this: 

Tichá, A., Collis, B., and Strisovsky, K. (2018) The Rhomboid Superfamily: Structural Mechanisms and Chemical Biology Opportunities. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 43: 726-739
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Sabbatical visitor

9 July 2018
Prof. Bil Clemons from Caltech will spend about a year of his sabbatical with us. We are excited! Welcome, Bil!
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Anička's BSc viva done

6 June 2018
Anička Deylová has had her BSc viva. Congratulations!
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New lab members from CU and ICT

25 May 2018
Students Ján Kuzmík (Charles University, CU) and Jan Šugar (Institute of Chemical Technology, ICT) join the lab. 

Looking forward to working with you, lads!
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