Photosynthetica 2010, 48(1):9-15 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-010-0003-x
Modeling individual leaf area of rose (Rosa hybrida L.) based on leaf length and width measurement
- 1 Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine, Lebanese University, Dekwaneh-Al Maten, Lebanon
- 2 Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine, Lebanese University, Dekwaneh-Al Maten, Lebanon
- 3 Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine, Lebanese University, Dekwaneh-Al Maten, Lebanon
- 4 Dipartimento di Geologia e Ingegneria Meccanica, Naturalistica e Idraulica per il Territorio, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
Accurate and nondestructive methods to determine individual leaf areas of plants are a useful tool in physiological and agronomic research. Determining the individual leaf area (LA) of rose (Rosa hybrida L.) involves measurements of leaf parameters such as length (L) and width (W), or some combinations of these parameters. Two-year investigation was carried out during 2007 (on thirteen cultivars) and 2008 (on one cultivar) under greenhouse conditions, respectively, to test whether a model could be developed to estimate LA of rose across cultivars. Regression analysis of LA vs. L and W revealed several models that could be used for estimating the area of individual rose leaves. A linear model having L×W as the independent variable provided the most accurate estimate (highest r 2 , smallest MSE, and the smallest PRESS) of LA in rose. Validation of the model having L×W of leaves measured in the 2008 experiment coming from other cultivars of rose showed that the correlation between calculated and measured rose LA was very high. Therefore, this model can estimate accurately and in large quantities the LA of rose plants in many experimental comparisons without the use of any expensive instruments.
Keywords: individual leaf area; linear measurements; nondestructive methods; Rosa hybrida L.; validation
Received: August 4, 2009; Accepted: December 1, 2009; Published: March 1, 2010Show citation
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