Atomic and molecular data for plasma modelling.

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The plasmas encountered in nuclear fusion reactors are extremely complex, consisting of a mixture of atoms, ions and molecules from a variety of species. These particles react with electrons and with each other. Examples of the types of reactions are electron and proton impact excitation and ionisation, charge exchange, radiative recombination, di-electronic recombination, as well as molecular formation and disintegration processes. The characteristics of the plasma depend on these interactions. Numerical models of such plasmas require large amounts of data for carrying out the simulation of the plasma. In order to carry out numerical simulations of such plasmas a large and complete database is required.
There are still significant areas lacking such databases. This CRP will identify the specific molecular processes that are in the plasma edge and plasma divertor regions and will provide data for some of these processes. Molecular species of high interest are hydrides and molecular hydrogen with all possible isotope distributions, hydrocarbons and at a minor level, CO, CO2, silicates, nitrogen compounds and H2O. Major processes investigted are: ionisation, recombination, attachment, detachment, excitation, de-excitation, dissociation, charge transfer, chemical reactions, energy transfer and plasma wall interactions.

prof. RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk DrSc.