ASEP Publications
0497837 - FLU-F 2019 RIV SK cze J - Journal Article
Koubová, Alice - Urban, Petr
Vztahové pojetí morální subjektivity mezi etikou péče a teorií hry Donalda Winnicotta.
[The Relational Account of Moral Subjectivity between the Ethics of Care and Donald Winnicott’s Theory of Play.]
Filozofia. Roč. 73, č. 9 (2018), s. 717-730. ISSN 0046-385X
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-23046S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: Carol Gilligan * Donald Winnicott * Ethics of care * Moral subjectivity * Object relations theory * Psychoanalysis * Theory of emotional development * Theory of moral development
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Obor OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Permanent link:
0467215 - FLU-F 2017 RIV DE eng M - Monograph chapter
Urban, Petr
Edith Stein's Phenomenology of Woman's Personality and Value.
'Alles Wesentliche lässt sich nicht schreiben' : Leben und Denken Edith Steins im Spiegel ihres Gesamtwerks. Freiburg: Verlag Herder, 2016 - (Speer, A.; Regh, S.), s. 538-555. ISBN 978-3-451-34955-3
R&D Projects: GA ČR GPP401/12/P544
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: Edith Stein * phenomenology * feminism * woman * person * sexual identity
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0444053 - FLU-F 2016 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Enacting Care.
Ethics and Social Welfare. Roč. 9, č. 2 (2015), s. 216-222. ISSN 1749-6535
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GPP401/12/P544
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: ethics of care * enactivism * autonomy * social institutions * autism * exclusion
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0443736 - FLU-F 2016 RIV SK eng J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Enactivism and Care Ethics. Merging Perspectives.
Filozofia. Roč. 70, č. 2 (2015), s. 119-129. ISSN 0046-385X
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GPP401/12/P544
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: care ethics * enactivism * agency * autonomy * social institutions * transformation
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0463378 - FLU-F 2017 RIV SK cze J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Fenomenologické pojetí rozdílu ženy a muže u Edity Steinové.
[Edith Stein's Differentiating between Man and Woman: A Phenomenological Perspective.]
Filozofia. Roč. 71, č. 7 (2016), s. 572-582. ISSN 0046-385X
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-23046S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: Edith Stein * feminism * sexual difference * phenomenology * person * woman * human nature
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Obor OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Permanent link:
0451782 - FLU-F 2016 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Fenomenologie a interdisciplinarita. K otázce spolupráce fenomenologie a empirických věd.
[Phenomenology and Interdisciplinarity. On the Question of the Collaboration of Phenomenology with Empirical Sciences.]
Filosofický časopis. Roč. 63, mimořádné číslo 1 (2015), s. 31-47. ISSN 0015-1831
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GPP401/12/P544
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: phenomenology * empirical sciences * interdisciplinarity * naturalization
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0462677 - FLU-F 2017 RIV RU eng J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Foregrounding the relational domain - phenomenology, enactivism and care ethics.
Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology. Roč. 5, č. 1 (2016), s. 171-182. ISSN 2226-5260
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-23046S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: phenomenology * care ethics * phenomenological ethics * enactivism * the lived body * intersubjectivity * relationality
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Obor OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Permanent link:
0466723 - FLU-F 2017 RIV CZ cze B - Monograph kniha jako celek
Urban, Petr
Jak rozumíme druhým? Studie o sociálním rozumění a sdílení světa nejen u člověka.
[How do we understand others? On social understanding and sharing of the world in humans and other animals.]
Praha: Filosofia, 2016. 55 s. Parva philosophica, 23. ISBN 978-80-7007-457-2
R&D Projects: GA ČR GPP401/12/P544
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: social cognition * intersubjectivity * phenomenology * joint attention * shared intentionality * enactivism * animal behavior
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0433386 - FLU-F 2015 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Joint Attention and Anthropological Difference.
Environmental Philosophy. Roč. 11, č. 1 (2014), s. 59-70. ISSN 1718-0198
R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP401/10/1164
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: joint attention * anthropological difference * phenomenology * great apes * shared intentionality
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0462685 - FLU-F 2017 RIV DE eng M - Monograph chapter
Urban, Petr
Phenomenology and Interdisciplinarity.
Kontexte des Leiblichen. Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 2016 - (Nielsen, C.; Novotný, K.; Nenon, T.), s. 459-480. ISBN 978-3-95948-139-7
R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP401/10/1164
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: phenomenology * sciences * transcendental philosophy * eidetics * interdisciplinarity
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0490179 - FLU-F 2019 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Přínos fenomenologie pro filosofii sociality.
[The Contribution of Phenomenology to the Philosophy of Sociality.]
Filosofický časopis. Roč. 66, č. 2 (2018), s. 299-316. ISSN 0015-1831
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-23046S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: phenomenology * sociality * intersubjectivity * social ontology * collective intentionality * collective affectivity * collective agency
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Obor OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Permanent link:
0501465 - FLU-F 2019 RIV RU eng J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Revisting Husserl’s Account of Language in Logical Investigations.
Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology. Roč. 7, č. 2 (2018), s. 263-272. ISSN 2226-5260
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-23046S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: functions of language * symbolic thought * pure grammar * phenomenology * early Husserl * linguistic investigations * theory of science
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Obor OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Permanent link:
0433596 - FLU-F 2015 RIV SK cze J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Sociální rozumění u lidí a ostatních hominidů.
[Social Cognition in Humans and Other Hominids.]
Filozofia. Roč. 69, č. 7 (2014), s. 591-603. ISSN 0046-385X
R&D Projects: GA ČR GPP401/12/P544
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: Social cognition * Anthropological difference * Theory of mind * Interactive turn * Joint attention * Joint intentionality * Apes
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0490177 - FLU-F 2019 CZ cze J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr - Karul, R.
Téma: Ontologie a antropologie sociality.
[Theme: The Ontology and Anthropology of sociality.]
Filosofický časopis. Roč. 66, č. 2 (2018), s. 185-188. ISSN 0015-1831
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-23046S
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: ontology * anthropology
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Permanent link:
0438623 - FLU-F 2015 RIV CH eng J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Toward an Expansion of an Enactive Ethics with the Help of Care Ethics.
Frontiers in Psychology. Roč. 5, č. 1354 (2014), s. 1-3. ISSN 1664-1078
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GPP401/12/P544
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: enactivism * enactive ethics * feminist relational theory * the ethics of care * socially extended mind
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Impact factor: 2.560, year: 2014
Permanent link:
0462674 - FLU-F 2017 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Věda o well-being - několik (více méně kritických) poznámek.
[The science of well-being - some (more or less critical) remarks.]
Československá psychologie. Roč. 60, Suppl. 1 (2016), s. 13-21. ISSN 0009-062X
R&D Projects: GA ČR GPP401/12/P544
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: well-being * optimal development * happiness * politics * social relations
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Impact factor: 0.242, year: 2016
Permanent link:
0477990 - FLU-F 2018 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
Urban, Petr
Zmeškané setkání. Několik poznámek k recenzi Jiřího Pechara.
[A missed encounter. Several remarks concerning Jiří Pechar's review.]
Filosofický časopis. Roč. 65, č. 4 (2017), s. 633-636. ISSN 0015-1831
Institutional Support: RVO:67985955
Keywords: social cognition * intersubjectivity * anthropological difference
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy & Religion
Obor OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
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