Mahmoud Said, Ph.D.
Tel.: +420 585 238 718, +420 721 981 634
Fax: +420 585 238 704
Šlechtitelů 31, 78371, Olomouc - Holice, Česká republika
Místnost č.: 302
Mahmoud Said CZ
2004-2010 Ph.D. in Plant cytogenetics, molecular genetics and wild relatives of cereals, University of Cordoba, Spain.
2002-2007 M.Sc. in Cereals Breeding and Plant Cytogenetics, International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
(CIHEAM-IAMZ), Zaragoza - Spain, with Headquarter in Paris - France.
Research Experiences
2013 – Present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry, Institute of Experimental Botany, Centre of
Structural and Functional Genomics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
2010 – 2013: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cordoba, Plant Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics, Wild relatives of Cereals. Cordoba –
2004 – 2010: PhD student, University of Cordoba, Plant Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics, Wild relatives of Cereals. Cordoba – Spain.
2002 - 2004: MSc Student, International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM-IAMZ), Plant Cytogenetics,
Molecular Genetics and Breeding of Cereals. Zaragoza - Spain.
Participation in research projects
(315160). Financed by Czech Science Foundation (GA CR).
Principal researcher: Jan Vrana. (Budget: CZK)
2008-2012: Cytogenetic studies for introgression of genes from Agropyron cristatum into Triticum aestivum and T. turgidum
(PET2007_0492_02). Financed by Spanish Inter-ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT).
Principal researcher: Adoracion Cabrera Caballero. (Budget: 50,000 €)
2006-2010: Genetic Resources in Plant Breeding. Financed by CICYT.
Principal researcher: Luis Miguel Martin Martin. (Budget: 140,000 €)
2004-2010: Obtaining deletion lines from H. chilense and their use in physical mapping (AGL2008-04358/AGR). Financed by CICYT.
Principal researcher: Adoracion Cabrera Caballero. (Budget: 120,000 €)
Professional activities and organizing symposia
2012 IIIrd International Ascochyta Workshop. April 22-26 Cordoba, Spain.
2010 VI Seminar of Cytogenetics. September 29-October 2 Cordoba, Spain.
Membership of scientific societies
2011-Now: European Association for Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA).
2008-Now: Spanish Association for Genetics (SEG). Spain.
2007-2009: Full scholarship (43,200.00 € for 2 years from Junta de Andalucía, Spain) for PhD research work (The second phase of PhD
program) at University of Cordoba, Spain.
2005-2007: Full scholarship (25,560.00 € for 2 years from Junta de Andalucía, Spain) for Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) (The first
phase of PhD program) at University of Cordoba, Spain.
2003-2004: Full scholarship (9,600.00 € for one year from International Center (CIHEAM-IAMZ) at Zaragoza, Spain for MSc research
(2nd phase of MSc program) at University of Cordoba, Spain.
2002-2003: Full scholarship (9,100.00 € for one year from CIHEAM-IAMZ) for Diploma of post-graduation Specialization Studies (1st
phase of MSc program) at CIHEAM-IAMZ. Zaragoza, Spain.
Research Interests
• Plant Cytogenetics
• Genomic in situ Hybridization (GISH)
• Cytogenetic mapping by FISH
• Single gene copy FISH
• Physical mapping by deletions
• Wild Relatives of Cereals (Agropyron cristatum)
• Alien Chromosome Introgression.
• Molecular Markers
Fellowship abroad
2015: Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA (2 months)
2016: Agricultural Res. Inst. Hungarian Academy of Sci., Martonvasar, Hungary (3 weeks)
Languages: English (Good) | Spanish (Fluent) | Egyptian (Mother tongue) | Arabic (Fluent) | German (Basic) | Czech (Learner).
Sports: Running | Half marathons | Biking | Hiking | Swimming | Inline skating | Bowling | Cross-country skiing | Orienteering.
Hobbies: Traveling | Photography | Nature | Culture | History | Camping | Open-air activities.
- Fourth Congress of Plant Breeding. October 14-16 (Cordoba) Spain 2008 Fulltext: veřejný PDF odkaz
- 5th Conference of Cytogenetics. April 17-20 (Cadiz) Spain 2008 Fulltext: veřejný PDF odkaz
- CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 13 146-149 2005 (External fulltext)
- 5th European Cytogenetics Conference. 4-7 June 2005 (Madrid) Spain 2005 Fulltext: veřejný PDF odkaz (External fulltext)
- 3rd International Crop Science Congress (ICSC). August 17-22 (Hamburg) Germany 2000 Fulltext: veřejný PDF odkaz
- Nile Valley and Red Sea Regional Program (NVRP) Ninth Annual Coordination Meeting (Cairo) Egypt. 11-15 September 1997 1997 Fulltext: veřejný PDF odkaz
- Nile Valley and Red Sea Regional Program (NVRP) Eight Annual Coordination Meeting (Cairo) Egypt 16-21 September 1996 1996 Fulltext: veřejný PDF odkaz