
Prof. Stein Ringen: Democracy and Autocracy – Is There a Competition?

30. 5. 2018
od 13 do 14:30 hod. v místnosti 212, budova FSV UK Hollar, Smetanovo nábř. 6, Praha 1.

The Institute of Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University and the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences cordially invite you to a public lecture.

Stein Ringen is Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Social Policy, an analyst of democratic functioning and a Fellow of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford. The Czech translation of his book Nation of Devils: Democratic Leadership and the Problem of Obedience, in which he analyzes the problems of democracy in developed countries, with special attention to the United States and the United Kingdom, was published last year by MUNIPRESS, Brno.  The book is available at:


Other recommended sources:

Professor Ringen’s blog:

Article: The Maozedongism of Chinese Politics and the Xi Factor (available at:

Article: When America’s Democracy Needs a Health-Check: Polarization and the Trump Factor (available at:

The lecture will take place as part of the Doctoral Student Conference of Sociology, Public and Social Policy and Related Social Sciences.

