Miriam Haskell

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Miriam Haskell is a well-known American jewelry designer who frequently traveled to Europe during the 1920s and 1930s to buy beads and other jewelry gems/findings. I would like to find out if there are mentions of her in newspapers or magazines from that time period in your collection. She was often seen with Coco Chanel and Frank Hess (her designer).
I will be in Prague the week of March 17 and am wondering if someone can help me research this. I only know English.


Dear Madam,

We unfortunately did not find any mentions about American jewelery designer Miriam Haskell in our newspapers. We searched it in a digital library called Kramerius (http://kramerius.nkp.cz), where are available some old newpapers and books, in accordance with copyright law 121/2000 Sb. (free available there are periodicals published to the year 1890 and monographs to the year 1880 - in these cases you can see full text; the other are available only in the National Library of the Czech Republic). Using Kramerius is the only way, how to search full text of the old periodicals electronically. From the 20´s and 30´ s there are available main Czech periodicals (about politics, sport and culture), e.g.  Národní listy, Lidové noviny, Národní politika and periodicals about the women, fashion and culture e.g. Ženské listy, Modní revue. Alphabetic list of periodicals in Kramerius see at web sites http://kramerius.nkp.cz/kramerius/PShowChars.do?lang=en. Mrs. Miriam Haskell is not mentioned there.

Other newspaper, which are not available in the Kramerius, have to be ordered in paper form and browsing page after page, because there is not any retrospective Czech periodicals index from the years, which you need . However, we think that in the digital library Kramerius are the all most important periodicals, where you could find the information about Miriam Haskell.

Than we also tried to find another mentions about Mrs. Haskell (new artical, books), but again without the success (searched catalogs at web pages http://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=file&file_name=base-list&CON_LNG=ENG).

If you try to find the information in later articals (1945-1952 and 1953-1990), there are periodicals indexes and printed bibliography (see web page of the Reference Centre, where the information about  indexes are available http://www.nkp.cz/_en/pages/page.php3?page=sluz_refc_en.htm). But you have to search within the cards with the article topic - it is charged services, which is not done by Ask your Library, but our patrons can use these indexes. However, how it was said before, I´m not sure, if it would be usefull and it takes a lot of time.

When you will be in Prague, you can come in to the National Library of course, but I´m afraid we won´t be able to help you more than now (general information about National Library of the Czech Republic at web pages http://www.nkp.cz/_en/pages/page.php3?nazev=General_Information&submenu3=20 or home page http://www.nkp.cz/_en/).



Historie a pomocné historické vědy. Biografické studie




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

06.03.2012 08:55

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