Adriana Jesenková:
Marginalizácia starostlivosti v učiteľskej profesii na Slovensku – faktory, mechanizmy, kontext [62]

« ročník 13, číslo 1/2012: Péče: kritika, analýza, alternativy

Jesenková, Adriana. 2012. „Marginalizácia starostlivosti v učiteľskej profesii na Slovensku – faktory, mechanizmy, kontext .“ Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum 13 (1): 62-72

Abstract: The author deals with the issue of the marginalization of care in the teaching profession in Slovakia. The starting point is Selma Sevenhuijsen’s concept of care as a social, moral and political practice, and Iris M. Young’s concept of marginalization as a form of social oppression. Both these concepts are applied in order to gain an understanding of the situation of she-teachers and he-teachers in the context of a reform of the teaching profession and the education system in Slovakia. The author argues that the stereotypical conceptualization of care and the resulting marginalization of care in the teaching profession are key factors in explaining why the teaching profession is regarded as a job with the lowest social status.

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