
On 7th November 2013, the Czech National Bank decided to intervene on the foreign currency market, what resulted in weakening of exchange rate of koruna to euro.  In its January survey, CVVM investigated, what is the opinion of Czech citizens to this measure and its consequences. We asked, to what extend citizens understand the weakening of koruna to euro and to what extent they agree with it. We were further interested in knowing, if this measure is going to influence citizens’ willingness to safe money or to buy goods and what is expected impact of this measure to the economic development of the Czech Republic and to the living standard of respondent’s household. Approximately one tenth of the Czechs (12 %) agree with the weakening of koruna to euro. In comparison with previous period, the trust toward the Czech National Bank declined considerably and it amounts to 31 % now.

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According to the December survey of CVVM, 61% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 30% view it as neither good nor bad, and 8% consider it to be good.

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According to November 2013 survey 13 % of citizens regard taxation on high-income earners as high, 25 % say it is adequate and 53 % think it is low.

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According to the November survey of CVVM, 62% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 28% view it as neither good nor bad, and 8% consider it to be good.

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According to the October survey of CVVM, 64% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 28% view it as neither good nor bad, and 7% consider it to be good.

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According to the September survey of CVVM, 68% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 24% view it as neither good nor bad, and 7% consider it to be good.

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In June 2013 CVVM investigated, how Czech citizens evaluate material living conditions of their households and economic situation in the Czech Republic. During June and July comparable surveys on this theme were carried out also in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

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According to June survey 48% of Czechs are concerned with the situation regarding present economical crisis, 50% do not care about it.

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According to the June survey of CVVM, 66% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 27% view it as neither good nor bad, and 6% consider it to be good.

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According to the May survey of CVVM, 67% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 26% view it as neither good nor bad and 6% consider it to be good.

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