Mgr. Hana Šedinová Ph.D.
+420 234 612 325
Department of Medieval Lexicography
senior scholar
Research focus
- Medieval Latin lexicography and etymology.
- Human monsters in medieval texts.
- Ancient and medieval mineralogy and the symbolism of the precious stones.
- Ancient and medieval zoology; reception of Aristotle´s names of animals in medieval encyclopaedias and glossaries through the Arabic and Latin translations of his "Historia animalium".
Academic websites profile ( etc.)
Master studies: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (study programme Philology, Latin-Greek), concluded by a defence of a thesis The Precious Stones in Medieval Lapidaries and Biblical Commentaries.
Doctoral studies: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (study programme Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin Studies), concluded by a defence of a thesis The Precious Stones in Manuscripts and Art of Medieval Bohemia: The Symbolism of the Precious Stones in St. Wenceslas Chapel.
Employment history
Institute for Classical Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
Co-researcher of the grant project GA ČR 401/97/0374 (main researcher prof. Lenka Karfíková, Palacký University, Olomouc) "Texts on the history of medieval thought I".
Co-researcher of the grant project GA ČR 401/00/0133 (main researcher prof. Lenka Karfíková, Palacký University, Olomouc) "Texts on the history of medieval thought II".
Co-researcher of the research programme MŠMT ČR LN00A011 (main researcher prof. Lenka Karfíková, Palacký University, Olomouc, second co-researcher prof. Jana Nechutová, Masaryk University, Brno) "Center for patristic, medieval and renaissance texts".
Participation in the grant project GA AV ČR (main researcher Zuzana Silagiová) "Latin Terminology of the Bohemian Texts (mathematics, medicin, mineralogy)".
Participation in the resarch programme MSM 6198959202 (main researcher prof. Pavel Floss) "Center for patristic, medieval and renaissance texts"
Participation in the research programme GA ČR P401/12/G168 (main researcher dr. Jan Dušek, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University of Prague, co-researchers dr. Vít Hušek, Palacký University, Olomouc, and dr. Jiří Beneš, Centre for classical studies) "History and Interpretation of the Bible".
Participation in the grant project MŠMT LD 13043 "Slovník středověké latiny v českých zemích - Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum" (main researcher Zuzana Silagiová).
Fellowships and research stays
1993 - Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch, München (short-term study, with the support of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae)
1994 - Istituto papirologico Vitelli, Firenze (short-term study, with the support of Istituto papirologico Vitelli)
1995 - Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch, München (short-term study, with the support of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae)
1997 - Warburg Institute, London (Mellon Research Fellowship)
Individual lectures (Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague):
2012 "Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat" (Introduction in Disciplines and Themes of Medieval Studies)
2012 "Lexikografický seminář" (Seminar of Lexicography)
2014 "Slovní zásoba středověké latiny" (The Vocabulary of Medieval Latin)
Conference papers and lectures abroad
1994 La terminologia di mineralogia e le lingue orientali (Istituto papirologico Vitelli, Firenze)
1997 The symbolism of the precious stones in St. Wenceslas Chapel (Warburg Institute, London)
International conferences:
1994 Terminologie latine médiévale de minéralogie et langues orientales (Prague, conference "Ibrahim ibn Ya´qub at-Tartushi: Christianity, Islam and Judaism Meet in East-Central Europe, c. 800-1300 A. D.")
2004 I mostri umani nell´eta classica e nel dizionario latino medievale intitolato Lactifer (Prague, conference "Europe and Antiquity. Tradition and Intertextuality")
2006 Nomen obscurum et incomprehensibile? I mostri marini nel Lexicon Bohemorum e gli animali acquatici di Aristotele (Prague, conference "Das Wörterbuch als Inspiration")
2012 Per errorem ad novum terminum. I nuovi termini di animali creati per incomprensione delle fonti (München, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, conference "Fachsprache(n) im mittelalterlichen Latein")
2016 Enigmatic Names of Animals in Lexion Bohemorum (Prague, "Lexikographische Matinee")
2016 Ut dicit Aristoteles. Gli enigmatici nomi di animali nel Glossario di Claretus e la loro origine nella traduzione araba e latina degli scritti zoologici di Aristotele (Prague, conference "Studying the Arts in Medieval Bohemia: Production, Reception and Transmission of Knowledge at the Arts Faculty of Prague University in the Middle Ages")
Editorial positions
The co-editor of the series "Fontes Latini Bohemorum" in the publishing house OIKOYMENH, Prague (with prof. Lenka Karfíková, since 2002 with dr. Zuzana Silagiová).
The co-editor of the series "Knihovna středověké tradice" (The Library of Medieval Tradition) in the publishing house OIKOYMENH, Prague (with prof. Lenka Karfíková).
Membership in universities’ subject area boards
Membre of the subject area board "Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies", Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague.
Honors and awards
Honorable mention of the rector of the Palacký University, Olomouc for the book Iohannes Aquensis, De monstruosis hominibus (Praha 2013).
Current projects
1. Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum (team project).
2. Latin names of the precious stones in the Vocabularius dictus Lactifer (1511) of Jan Vodňanský (Iohannes Aquensis).
3. Human monsters in the Glossary of Bartholomaeus de Solencia dictus Claretus (fl. 1365).
4. Latin names of animals in the Glossary of Claretus and in the encyclopaedia Liber de natura rerum of Thomas Cantimpratensis (saec. XIII).
5. Physiologus Latinus (versio B) - translation and commentary; reception of Physiologus in medieval encyclopaedias.