Tuesday 5 September
09:00 10:00 registration
10:00 10:20 opening
10:20 11:20 Shapiro Reasoning with Slippery Predicates
11:20 12:00 Sorensen A Constructive Proof of the Vagueness of "Vague"
12:00 14:00 lunch
14:00 14:40 Bouchard Vagueness from an Epistemological Point of View
14:40 15:20 Foo Prototypes, Ontologies and Fuzzy Sets
15:20 15:40 coffee break
15:40 16:20 Hill The (Topo)Logic of Vagueness
16:20 17:00 Cerezo On the Inadequacy of Saliently Similar to Solve the Sorites Paradox
17:00 17:20 coffee break
17:20 18:00 Bjørdal The Limits of Vague Identity
Wednesday 6 September
09:00 10:00 Zach Vagueness and Fuzzy Logics
10:00 10:40 Ledda When Vagueness Meets Uncertainty: Fuzzy-Like Logics from Quantum Computation
10:40 11:00 coffee break
11:00 11:40 Běhounek A Model of Higher-Order Vagueness in Higher-Order Fuzzy Logic
11:40 12:20 Novák Fuzzy Logic Provides the Best Working Model of Vagueness
12:20 14:00 lunch
14:00 14:40 Verdee An Enriched Consequence Relation for Vagueness by Means of Adaptive Logic
14:40 15:20 van der Waart van Gulik Non-Intersective Concept Combination and Fuzzy Logic
15:20 15:40 coffee break
15:40 round table
Thursday 7 September
09:00 10:00 Keefe Vagueness and Indirect Speech Reports
10:00 10:40 Cobreros Supervaluations and Logical Consequence
10:40 11:00 coffee break
11:00 12:00 Greenough The Open Future
12:00 12:40 Egre Vagueness and Introspection
12:40 19:00 lunch & free afternoon
19:00 banquet
Friday 8 September
09:00 10:00 Milne Bets and Boundaries: Assigning Probabilities to Imprecisely Specified Events
10:00 10:40 Miller On Deductive Dependence
10:40 11:00 coffee break
11:00 11:40 Zardini Models of Tolerance
11:40 12:20 Yatabe Temporal States and the Contraction Rule
12:20 14:00 lunch
14:00 14:40 Vetterlein Equivalence Relations on Lattices and Residuated Lattices
14:40 15:20 Fermüller Measuring Uncertainty: On Probabilities, Possibilities, Likelihoods, Plausibilities and Degrees of Truth
15:20 15:40 closing