doc. Mgr. Jiří Hoblík Ph.D.,
+420 234 612 319
Department of Biblical Studies
associate scholar
Research focus
At the Department of Political Science and Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, I teach the science of religion, the philosophy of religion and ethics. In the science of religion I deal with the history of religious thought, the theory of religion, the aesthetics of religion, the question of the state and religion, and the analysis of religious texts. In addition to standard courses of the science of religion and philosophy of religion, I also teach religion aesthetics, "State and religion", the courses "Life and Death in the History of Religion" and "The Philosophy of Love". I also deal with the philosophical transformation of religious ideas into modern thinking and the ancient sources of the philosophy of history.
Within the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague (Centre for Classical Studies), I deal with early Jewish thought, early Christian literature, and the links between Judaism and early Christianity.
Academic websites profile ( etc.)
1999-2005 student of the postgraduate program at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the Charles University in Prague, specializing in science of religion
1995 study stay in Germany (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 1 semester)
1993-1994 study stay in Germany (Philipps Universität Marburg, 2 semesters)
1989-1996 Master's degree at the at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the Charles University in Prague, specializing in science of religion
1986-1989 studied at the Faculty of Journalism of the Charles University in Prague
1981-1985 grammar school Arabská (Prague 6)
Employment history
2012 Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and Philosophy of the UJEP Faculty of Arts in Ústí nad Labem
2008 Associate Scholar at the Institute of Philosophy ASCR (Cabinet for Classical Studies)
2006 Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the UJEP in Ústí nad Labem
2005 postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy ASCR (Cabinet for Classical Studies)
2003 Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the Faculty of Education, UJEP, Ústí nad Labem
Fellowships and research stays
Study stays: 2008 Lausanne, 2010 Marburg, 2013 Marburg, 2016 Berlin, 2017 Heidelberg
Participation in conferences:
12-14. November 2009, Heidelberg, the conference "Intelektuelle Redlichkeit" (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Group "Religiöse Individualisierung in historischer Perspektive")
Department of Political Science and Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts, University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem
Conference papers and lectures abroad
"Idol, Mediation und Objektheit", Religion after Metaphysics? 16th conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion (ESPR) 1. - 4.9. 2006 in Tübingen
"Last und Gewinn der religiösen Desorientierung", Transforming Religion, European Society for Philosophy of Religion, 20th Conference 28.-31. 8. 2014 in Münster
"Das Subjekt als Objekt der Religionsgeschichte“, Les objets de l’histoire des religions, 6.11.2015 in Geneva
Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic
"Pseudoclementines and their witness about the judeo-christianity", Patristic conference 2008, Olomouc, November 7-8, 2008
"Globus sinks in the cosmos", conference Cultural Aspects of Globalization: Intercultural and Transcultural Dialogue, 19.11.2008 (Center for Global Studies, AS CR)
"Destiny of Destiny", conference at the occasion of the 80th birthday of prof. Milan Balaban, ETF UK, Prague 9.10.2009
"Iústinos a proroci", Patristic conference 2012, Olomouc, August 20-21, 2012
"Commissioning of the prophet to harden the people", Interactions and Intterpretation, Conference organized as part of the research project GAČR P401/12/G168 History and Interpretatiion of the Bible Held at Charles Un niversity, Prootestant Theollogical Faculty, Černá 9, P Prague May 4–5, 2017 (May 5)
"Die Prophetisierung der Weisheit: Zur Rezeption der jesajanischen Prophetie im Buch der Weisheit", The Greek Isaiah and the Greek Book of Psalms and their reception in the early Christian tradition, Conference organized as part of the research project GAČR P401/12/G168 History and Interpretatiion of the Bible, in Olomoucon June 15-16, 2017 (June 15)
"Chelčický a Tolstoj", přednáška a diskuse 15.7.2016, při Meziprostoru na Skalákově mlýně14.-17. 7. 2016
Editorial positions
Ergot: Revue for the philosophy and social sciences (redactor)
Memberships in academic associations and other academic bodies
Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Religionsphilosophie
Международный центр изучения русской философии (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет)
Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies
Patristická společnost České republiky
Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love
Honors and awards
Rector's award for the most valuable book of the year "Prophets, Their Words and Their World" (2009)
Current projects
Analysis of Hebrew texts.
Relationship between wisdom and philosophy.
History and Reception of the Hebrew Prophecy.