
2nd BIOCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar

2nd BIOCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar

Topic: Light Microscopy

Monday 4th February 2019 at 15:00 in the Milan Hašek Auditorium (IMG)

Light microscopy is a key tool in modern cell biology, having several features that make it ideally suited for imaging biology in cells: the resolution is well-matched to the sizes of subcellular structures, a diverse range of available fluorescent probes makes it possible to mark proteins, organelles, and other structures for imaging, and the relatively non-perturbing nature of visible light means that living cells can be imaged for long periods of time to follow their dynamics. In this 2nd ‘BIOCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar’ we will give you overview instrumentation and techniques available in Light Microscopy facility at IMG with focus to the several optical sectioning methods and approaches. The following speakers will present at the seminar:

Ing. Ivan Novotný, Ph.D., Institute of Molecular Genetics CAS, Light Microscopy Core Facility

Introduction to the light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and focus to the optical sectioning. Comparing of several optical sectioning methods, their advantages and limitations.

RNDr. Michaela Effenberková, Ph.D., Institute of Molecular Genetics CAS, Light Microscopy Core Facility

Image analysis and processing – general analysis workflow, practical applications in Matlab, Fiji and Imaris.

RNDr. Martin Čapek, Ph.D., Institute of Molecular Genetics CAS, Light Microscopy Core Facility

Image analysis and processing – practical applications in Fiji, Huygens and Arivis.

RNDr. Anna Malinová, Ph.D., Institute of Molecular Genetics CAS, Light Microscopy Core Facility

Overview of the methods available at the LMCF IMG; the facility work organization and important points and rules.