
Part of the September and October 2018 survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the municipal elections. The survey mapped the situation before the elections as well as satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the results of the election and the post-election arrangement in the management of municipalities.

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According to the May survey of CVVM, 45% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as good, 37% view it as neither good nor bad, and 16% consider it to be bad.

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In April 2019 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to genetically modified food. Specifically, it was investigated whether respondents are familiar with the issue. Respondents commented their interest in genetically modified food. Subsequently, how often respondents monitor data on genetically modifying food or product ingredients on product labels. The last part of the block was a set of statements regarding the safety and moral acceptance of eating such food, scientific knowledge of their impact on human health and the buying genetically modified food.

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As a part of its April survey, CVVM asked respondents several questions about food and, above all, food waste. Part of this block was constituted of questions dedicated to the purchase of visually not quite perfect fruit and vegetables. The respondents were specifically expressing what foods they would choose if they had possibility to choose from - whether perfect or less perfect and whether they would even think about the appearance of the selected vegetable or fruit. They also chose the reasons that would lead them to this choice. One of the questions was also focused on who, according to the respondents, decides which fruit and vegetables are going to get into the counter at the shops. The last point was respondents´ estimation of wasted food share due to visual imperfections towards total production.
According to results of the research, Czech consumers would prefer visually perfect fruit and vegetables before those with imperfections. This type of food have elected 55% of respondents. Among possible reasons that lead them to prefer perfect food, people chose mainly easier cutting and cleaning. Many respondents also think that buying visually perfect food is commonly normal.

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In April 2019 Public Opinion Research Centre AV ČR examined the attitudes declared by the Czech public to the basic dimensions of the issue of food wastage. Respondents evaluated the urgency of this problem, estimated amount of food thrown away in the household and for what reason and they also state reasons for not throwing away food. In the next section, we focused on therespondents' habits associated with food, specifically where and how often they buy, how much they spend monthly on buying food, whether they use a shopping list or whether they are affected by special offers (e.g. 1+1, XXL packaging, half price).

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In May 2019 the Public Opinion Researcch Centre investigated whether respondents trust to selected top politicians. They were given a list with 30 names of top politicians. In a survey there were included names of membres of government, president, chairmen of Senate and Chamber of Deputies, chairmen of parliamentary clubs of political parties in the Chamber of Deputies, chairman of Constitutional Court, governor of the Czech National Bank, and ombudsman.

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In May 2019, CVVM included a block of questions related to tolerance of Czech society towards homosexual oriented men and women into its regular survey Our Society. At the same time, there were questions focused on the attitudes of citizens whether homosexual people should have certain rights: right to enter into a registered partnership, to marry, to adopt children from "institutions" - so-called children's homes, and to adopt the children of their partner. The highest support has gained the right to enter into a registered partnership – 75 % of respondents stated that homosexuals should have this right. We also asked whether respondents have some homosexual people among their friends or acquaintances. According to our research, 39 % of Czech citizens have homosexual friends. On the other hand, 50 % of respondents said they have none.

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In May 2019 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to the Chambers of Parliament, the President, the Government, and Local and Regional Councils.

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In May 2019 survey we enquired a question in which respondents on a scale corresponding to school grades evaluated activity of individual ministries, the Government Office and the Office of the President over the past twelve months.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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According to the April survey of Public Opinion Research Centre, only 20% of Czech citizens approve the adoption of euro as legal tender in the Czech Republic, 75% oppose it.

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