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What happened to truth in a time of populism? Tony Milligan, a specialist in moral philosophy from King's College, London, who published on topics as diverse as the nature of love, our attitudes to animals, ethics of space exploration, and political justice and activism, has recently completed a new book on one of the hottest issues of political ethics. Unlike many others who have despaired and concluded that we live in an era of "post-truth," Milligan believes that truth retains its fundamental importance. However, unlike some absolutists about truth, he also argues that telling lies is sometimes permissible, or even necessary. It should be noted that Dr. Milligan kindly agreed to release his latest book in Czech translation even before the publication of its English original.
The book launch & discussion will be moderated by Tomáš Hříbek of the Institute of Philosophy, who also serves as the editor-in-chief of the book series Dnešní svět, in which Tony Milligan's latest volume is published.
The book as well as all other titles in the Dnešní svět (Today’s World) series and a number of new releases will be available at a 30 % discount.
Kniha bude spolu se všemi ostatními svazky z edice Dnešní svět a vybranými novinkami k dispozici s 30% slevou.