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Open Door Days at the Institute of Physics attracted hundreds of visitors

On 12-16 November 2019, all main facilities of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU) threw its door open to the public. Visitors could view the laboratory with the strongest laser in the world, observe atoms or test shape memory of alloys. The complete program of the Open Door Days at the Institute of Physics in Czech is available here.

The headquarters of the Institute of Physics at Ládví, which received 400 visitors this year, organised five thematic tours. These tours took visitors to laboratories which are not usually accessible to the public to find out more, among others, about how nanolayers with application in displays and solar cells are prepared, view airport baggage scanning technology, and to explore the structure of samples under an electron microscope.

We hope that the experiments shown at the Střešovice facility will be long remembered.

A trip to the nanoworld with an electron microscope was organised at the Střešovice facility, that was hosting a special popularisation programme for schools. Visitors could view details of everyday objects as well as hard-to-observe nanodiamond crystals. The tours were accompanied by experiments involving nitrogen. On Saturday, the buildings of the Institute - designed in the Art-Deco style - were also open to the public. The Střešovice facility received around 350 visitors.

The premises in Dolní Břežany opened its door to experimental halls at the ELI Beamlines and HiLASE centres. Visitors could hunt their lightsabres using what is known as diffraction method, test their brains in a Laser Maze game and, primarily, experience each laser‘s basic elements in action. There were also around 400 visitors.

Explaining laser principle and showing its practical examples; this was the Open Door Days in Dolní Břežany.