Exploring the fundamental molecular interactions modulating glycocalyx bioactivity
Glycocalyx or extracellular matrix is a charged thick layer of biomacromolecules, which is bound to the membrane at the cell surface. It is constituted fundamentally of polymeric-sugars, proteins, and the underlying membrane. Although the molecular structure of glycocalyx is directly responsible for many functions and pathologies, it is far from being understood. In this project, we have the ambitious goal of getting a more in-depth insight into the molecular interactions between fundamental components of the glycocalyx, e.i., sugar–sugar, sugar–protein, sugar–membrane. This project mainly focuses on computational methods(Molecular and Quantum mechanics). The students are also expected to do complementary experimental work, primarily spectroscopic methods (e.g., Raman, Fluorescence, and NMR) but also other physical chemistry technics (e.g., measurements of osmotic coefficients).
Field of study: Computational & Physical Chemistry
- Vuorio, J.; Vattulainen, I. & Martinez-Seara, H. Atomistic fingerprint of hyaluronan-CD44 binding. PLoS computational biology, 2017, 13, e1005663
PhD students must be enrolled in a partner university and will be employed by the IOCB Prague at the same time (part-time or full time), which results in a competitive salary (a scholarship from the university + a salary from the IOCB). Each university has its own process, terms, and deadlines for PhD applications, which is separate from the IOCB recruitment process. You may discuss the details with the respective PI.
How to apply
Please return to the PhD projects at IOCB Prague – Call for Applications 2020 page and follow the instructions.