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PhD project

Molecular Machines in Supramolecular Systems

Jiří Kaleta
Jiří Kaleta Group
Molecular Devices


Molecular machines, particularly their 2-D and 3-D assemblies, are unique systems with huge potential in nanoelectronics. Here we would like to investigate a new approach towards regular 2-D arrays of molecular machines that is based on formation of host-guest complexes between properly designed guest molecules and cucurbit[n]urils (CBs). These rod-like guest molecules will carry functional unit on one of its termini and anchoring unit capable of interacting with CBs on the opposite one. The distribution of such supramolecular complexes on flat metallic surfaces should be dictated by packing and interactions between CBs and corresponding substrates. The aim of this complex project is comprised of designing a new class of (ideally light-triggered) molecular machines based on various switches or motors, synthesizing such complex systems, formation of supramolecular assemblies using a host-guest approach, and their subsequent studies both in solution and on various surfaces. Not surprisingly, this research covers several areas of chemistry, from organic, supramolecular, analytical, and physical to material.

Field of study: Organic chemistry


PhD students must be enrolled in a partner university and will be employed by the IOCB Prague at the same time (part-time or full time), which results in a competitive salary (a scholarship from the university + a salary from the IOCB). Each university has its own process, terms, and deadlines for PhD applications, which is separate from the IOCB recruitment process. You may discuss the details with the respective PI.

How to apply

Please return to the PhD projects at IOCB Prague – Call for Applications 2020 page and follow the instructions.

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