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Seminář / Pondělí, 06.01.2020 10:00

Dr. Barbora Spackova (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden)

Understanding chemical and biological processes at the single molecule level is crucial for numerous fields, such as biochemistry, biotechnology or medicine. However, the investigation of small biomolecules at the single molecule level is highly challenging and has long relied on involving steps which leads to undesirable modification of a biomolecule, e.g. fluorescent labelling or attachment of a molecule to a surface. We have recently developed a new technique – Nanochannel Scattering Microscopy (NSM) – which enables direct imaging of a freely moving small biomolecule in real-time. The key...

Workshop / Úterý, 21.01.2020 - Středa, 22.01.2020

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na mezinárodní workshop a diskuzi u kulatého stolu s názvem „Trends and challenges in laser processing – aerospace“. Workshop je určen odborníkům a zástupcům firem a zaměřuje se na laserové mikroobrábění, Laser Shock Peening (LSP) a 3D tisk. Další detaily naleznete v přiložené pozvánce. Pro více informací a potvrzení účasti nás můžete kontaktovat na solutionsathilase [dot] cz.

Seminář / Úterý, 21.01.2020 14:00

Sang Hyun Park (Korea Institute of Energy Research, Republic of Korea)

After the single-crystal thermoelectric SnSe results which showed high figure of merit of 2.6 in 2014 [1], many studies on high temperature thermoelectric materials were followed for a practical application of thermoelectric power generation [2,3]. Despite of the development of these materials, there have been few high temperature thermoelectric devices reported so far, due to the lack of proper metallization technique that can make good electrical and thermal contact at the electrode interfaces.

In this talk, several approaches KIER has been chased to fabricate high temperature...

Workshop / Čtvrtek, 06.02.2020 09:00 - Pátek, 07.02.2020 18:00

Michal Dušek, Václav Petříček, Jan Rohlíček

Workshopy "Ad hoc" o programu Jana2006 jsou dvoudenní akce pořádané autory krystalografického programu Jana2006. Účastníci workshopu si sami vybírají témata, která jsou vyvěšena na webové stránce, a workshop se koná, jakmile se několik osob shodne na výběru témat.

Minulé události

Seminář / Čtvrtek, 19.12.2019 14:00

Nanoparticles and nanostructuring of transition metal compounds for advanced applications

Seminář / Středa, 18.12.2019 15:00


Seminář / Úterý, 17.12.2019 10:00

Tip-Enhanced Spectroscopy Studies of 2D Materials

Seminář / Pondělí, 16.12.2019 16:00

Galaxy spins as probes of fundamental physics

Oznámení / Pátek, 13.12.2019 14:00

Geometry induced phase transitions at patterned surfaces

Seminář / Čtvrtek, 12.12.2019 16:00

Dark energy after gravitational wave observations

Seminář / Čtvrtek, 12.12.2019 15:00

Wentzel Jamnitzer’s work Perspectiva corporum regularium from 1568 and its relationship to emergence of modern science

Seminář / Úterý, 10.12.2019 15:00

Inchworm Impurity Solver for General Hybridizations and Interactions

Seminář / Úterý, 10.12.2019 10:00

Vortex ratchet effects in superconducting curved bridge

Seminář / Středa, 04.12.2019 14:00

Calorimetric studies of carbon nanomaterials
