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Články / Papers

Klev, A.
The Harmony of Identity
Journal of Philosophical Logic 48, 2019, pp. 867–884

Klev, A.
Eta-Rules in Martin-Löf's Type Theory
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 25, 2019, pp. 333-359

Vlasáková, M.
Logic and Sets
Logic and Logical Philosophy, online first

Kolman, V.
The Truth of Proof: A Hegelian Perspective on Constructivism
C. Weiss (ed.): Constructive Cemantics, Springer, Cham, 2019, 149-172

Punčochář, V.
Substructural Inquisitive Logic
Review of Symbolic Logic, first view

Peregrin, J.
Intensionality in Mathematics
M. Piazza and G. Pulcini (eds.): Truth, Existence and Explanation, Springer, Cham, 2018, 57-70

Klev, A.
The concept horse is a concept
Review of Symbolic Logic 11, 547-572

Klev, A.
Husserl's logical grammar.
History and Philosophy of Logic 39, 232-269

Childers, T. & Majer, O.
Eliciting Uncertainties: A Two Structure Approach
Studia Logica 106 (3), 2018, pp 615–636

Klev, A.
The Justification of Identity Elimination in Martin-Löf’s Type Theory
Topoi, online first

Klev, A.
Husserl and Carnap on Regions and Formal Categories
In: Centrone S. (eds) Essays on Husserl's Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. Synthese Library (Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science), Springer, Dordrecht, 2017, pp 409-429

Svoboda, V.
A Lewisian taxonomy for denotic logic
Synthese 195 (7),2018, pp 3241–3266

Klev, A.:
Carnap on unified science
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 59, 2016, 53-67

Klev, A.:
Identity and Sortals (and Ceasar)
Erkenntnis 82 (1), 2017, pp 1–16

Punčochář, V.:
Algebras of information states
Journal of Logic and Computation 27 (5), 2017, pp 1643–1675

Klev, A.:
Dedekind's Logicism
Philosophia Mathematica 25 (3), 2017, pp 341–368


Klev, A.:
A Proof-Theoretic Account of the Miners Paradox
Theoria 82 (4), 2016, pp 351-369


Bílková, M., Majer, O. & Peliš, M.:
Epistemic Logic for Sceptical Agents
Journal of Logic and Computation 26 (6), 2016, pp 1815–1841

Svoboda, V. & Peregrin, J.:
Logically Incorrect Arguments
Argumentation 30(3), 2016, 263-287

Journal of Philosophical Logic

Punčochář, V.:
A Generalization of Inquisitive Semantics
Journal of Philosophical Logic
 45(4), 2016, 399-428

Peregrin, J. & Svoboda, V.:
Logical formalization and the formation of logic(s)
Logique et Analyse 59(233), 2016

Peregrin, J.:
Should one be left or right Sellarsian?
Metaphilosophy 47(2), 2016, 251–263

Punčochář, V.:
Weak negation in inqusitive semantics
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24(3), 2015, 323-355

Peregrin, J.:
Logic reduced to bare (proof-theoretical) bones
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24(2), 2015, 193-209

 Acta Analytica

Materna, P.:
Simple concepts
Acta Analytica 28(3), 2013, 295-319

Peregrin, J.:
Inferentialism and Normativity,
in M. Beaney (ed.): Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, 1082-1097


Materna, P.:
Equivalence of Problems
Axiomathes 23(4), 2013, 617-631


Peregrin, J. & Svoboda, V.:
Criteria for logical formalization
Synthese 190(14), 2013, 2897-2924

Studia Logica

Punčochář, V.:
Some modifications of Carnap's modal logic
Studia Logica 100(3), 2012, 517-543

Peregrin, J.:
The Normative Dimension of Discourse,
in K. Allan and K. Jasczolt (eds.): Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012, 209-225

Journal of Philosophical Logic

Peregrin, J.:
Inferentializing Semantics
Journal of Philosophical Logic
39(3), 2010, 255-274

Bílková, M., Majer, O., Peliš, M., and Restall, G.:
Relevant Agents
Advances in Modal Logic 8, 2010, 22-38

Peregrin, J.:
Logic and Natural Selection
Logica Universalis 4, 2010, 207-223

Cintula, P., Majer, O.:
Towards Evaluation Games For Fuzzy Logics,
in: Majer, O., Pietarinen, A., Tulenheimo, T. (eds.): Games: Unifying Logic, Language, and Philosophy, Springer, 2009, 117-138

20-03-2013 06:26:21