ArticlesTomáš Klimek (National Library, Prague), Orientation in space through determining directions in the texts of the Bohemian Middle Ages
Wojciech Kozlowski (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary), Developing the Concept of "Succesion Crisis": New Questions to Social and Political Circumstances of Łokietek Rise to Power, 1304-1306
Milena Bartlová (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague), 'Prout lucide apparet in tabulis et picturis ipsorum.' The communicative role of pictures and texts at the beginnings of Hussitis
Lenka Hlávková Mráčková (Charles University, Prague), Neighing horses, cackling hens, heavy-footed vessel and barrel traders... Everyday life of a late medieval town through the eyes and ears of musicians
Olga Kotková (National Gallery, Prague), Lucas Cranach the Elder, Law and Grace: Luther, or Erasmus?
Research Digest
Jan Klípa, Tři knihy o umění doby Jana Lucemburského