Dne 18. září 2019 od 15:00 jste sdrdečně zváni na přednáška prof. Yuzo OBARY s názvem Crack Front Geometry and Stress Intensity Factor of Semi‑circular Bend Specimens with Straight Through and Cracked Chevron Notches. Přednáška proběhne v zasedací místnosti Centra Telč na adrese Batelovská 854, 588 56 Telč.
Pozvánka na přednášku (PDF verze)
Crack Front Geometry and Stress Intensity Factor of Semi‑circular Bend Specimens with Straight
Through and Cracked Chevron Notches
prof. Yuzo OBARA
Kumamoto University, Japan
The semi-circular bending (SCB) test is one of the most useful testing methods for
determining the mode-I fracture toughness of rocks. A SCB specimen with an artificial notch is
loaded at three points including two lower points and a single upper point during the test. In
general, there are two types of geometries for artificial notches: straight through and chevron
notches. The straight through notch is commonly adopted for the SCB (STNSCB) test as the suggested
method for estimating mode-I fracture toughness of rocks in ISRM, while the cracked chevron notch
SCB (CCNSCB) test using a specimen with a chevron notch has been performed by some researches. In
this presentation, by means of the commercial finite element software ABAQUS, cracking behavior
from the tip of an artificial notch during STNSCB and CCNSCB tests is analyzed with Extended Finite
Element Method (XFEM) in order to clarify crack front geometry in the process of cracking. The
relationship between the crack length and the stress intensity factor can be obtained by analyzing
stress intensity factors of the specimen with FEM, based on crack front geometries calculated with
XFEM during the cracking process. Using this relationship, the minimum stress intensity factor at a
critical crack length is determined for estimating mode-I fracture toughness of the rock for the
CCNSCB test. Furthermore, by performing the SCB tests using Kimachi sandstone specimens with two
different artificial notch geometries, fracture toughness of the sandstone is determined from the
SCB test. Consequently, it is concluded that the values of fracture toughness from the test with
two notch geometries are almost the same.
Yuzo OBARA is professor from Kumamoto University (Japan). He obtained Dr. Eng. in
1986 from Nagoya University. He worked as a research associate in Nagoya University, and moved to
Kumamoto University in 1983. Since 1997, he is a Professor in the Graduate school of Science and
Technology, Kumamoto University. He was the co-chairman of 2nd and 3rd International Symposium on
Rock Stress and International workshop of X-ray CT for geomaterials held at Kumamoto City, Japan.
He was the head of GeoX CT center in Kumamoto University, and also a Vice-Dean of Faculty of
Engineering from 2011 to 2013 and 2016 to 2018.
Ing. Leona Vavro, Ph.D., ÚGN AV ČR, email: leona.vavro@ugn.cas.cz
doc. Ing. Daniel Kytýř, Ph.D., ÚTAM AV ČR, email: kytyr@itam.cas.cz
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