
Former CERGE Director Prof. Kánský Passed Away

20 September, 2019

It is with deep sadness that we inform you that Professor Karel Kánský passed away on Sunday, September 15. Professor Kánský played an important role in establishing CERGE-EI and contributed fundamentally to introducing the principles of the market economy to Czech and Slovak society after the fall of communism.

Read more: Former CERGE Director Prof. Kánský Passed Away


IMF Presentation on Demographic Trends at CERGE-EI

19 September, 2019

An IMF study on demographic trends in central and eastern European countries and their implications will be presented at CERGE-EI on October 23.

One of the authors, Andreas Tudyka (IMF) will speak about the problem of aging and decreasing population that is relevant for the whole region. These changes will inevitably affect growth, living standards and fiscal sustainability.

Read more: IMF Presentation on Demographic Trends at CERGE-EI


The MAE Program Opens the New Academic Year at CERGE-EI 

9 September, 2019

The new 2019/2020 academic year started at CERGE-EI today for the MA in Applied Economics program, with the PhD in Economics and MA in Economic Research programs joining in two weeks, on September 23.

Read more: The MAE Program Opens the New Academic Year at CERGE-EI 


New Faculty Members and Researchers at CERGE-EI

6 September, 2019

With the new academic year approaching, we are excited to welcome several new CERGE faculty members and Economics Institute researchers. Earlier this year, the hiring committee of the joint workplace (CERGE-EI) reviewed almost 400 applications from the international job market, and we are happy to announce one new tenure-track assistant professor, another one in due course, and one new postdoctoral fellow joining our international community.

Read more: New Faculty Members and Researchers at CERGE-EI


Teaching Fellows Course Participants Treated to Surprise Nobel Laureate Visit

19 August, 2019

Participants of the 2019 Teaching Fellows Course had an unexpected opportunity to meet with 2004 Nobel Prize in Economics Laureate Finn E. Kydland who was in Prague to work with CERGE-EI's faculty member Marek Kapicka and Carlos Zarazaga (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas).

Read more: Teaching Fellows Course Participants Treated to Surprise Nobel Laureate Visit