Výsledky vyhľadávania
  1. 21. 11. 2019

    Excited to represent at the this year. I've already talked to a bunch of really impressive students.

  2. 29. 12. 2019

    More than 30 exciting projects in organic and medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, bioinformatics, molecular biology, analytical, physical, and computational chemistry available at .

  3. 6. 11. 2019

    Inspired by captivating of scholars specifically , , and , I created dedicated to my on bones in . Follow here: .

  4. 19. 12. 2019

    Drilling slots for my Velcro straps in my probe holder! Getting shit done once there’s no classes to distract.

  5. 20. 11. 2019

    Here we go — First session of !

  6. pred 3 hodinami

    The structure, dynamics and composition of the Earth’s core

  7. pred 20 hodinami

    Anthropogenic Fire in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models: Generalised agent-based modelling

  8. 8. 1.

    Keeping the Earth habitable

  9. 7. 1.

    Microplastics in urban rivers

  10. 6. 1.

    Development of robust inhalation simulation procedures for measuring exposure to potentially harmful elements from soil particulates

  11. 6. 1.

    "What is your research about, again?" During the holidays, I followed 's advice and created a personal website with: a trilingual (!) description of my , talks, publications and, of course, some . Have a look!

  12. 3. 1.

    Evolutionary ecology of social insects and their parasites

  13. 3. 1.

    New methods for determining sources of atmospheric black carbon in urban areas

  14. 2. 1.

    The effects of the invasive Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, on native UK biota

  15. 2. 1.

    Statistical assessment and prediction of damage from post-earthquake damage surveys

  16. 1. 1.

    Genomic signatures of good genes sexual selection

  17. 31. 12. 2019

    Plant animal interactions – genetic diagnostics of species interactions

  18. 31. 12. 2019

    Reconstructing long-term trends in NW European insect biodiversity using subfossil chironomids

  19. 28. 12. 2019
  20. 23. 12. 2019

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