Tomáš Pluskal


Postdoctoral fellow at the Whitehead’s Institute for Biomedical Research. Plant biochemistry, metabolomics, genomics, etc.

Na Twitteri od: október 2015


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  1. pred 23 hodinami

    Application for projects in my lab and other labs at IOCB open until February 23!

  2. Retweetol používateľ
    5. 1.

    Our RSC book "Processing Metabolomics and Proteomics Data with Open Software: A Practical Guide" is close to completion (I am reviewing the proofs). It will be part of the collection "New Developments in Mass Spectrometry"

  3. Retweetol používateľ
    30. 12. 2019

    Editorial: Many PhD students and postdoctoral researchers are overworked and overstressed — and their mental health is suffering because of it.

  4. Retweetol používateľ
    29. 12. 2019

    More than 30 exciting projects in organic and medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, bioinformatics, molecular biology, analytical, physical, and computational chemistry available at .

  5. Retweetol používateľ
    8. 12. 2019

    One of my ♥️ favorite: StereoIsomerism Nomenclature 💪😜 Happy Sunday ❄️⚗️: ➡️ made ⚙️🛠 with

  6. Retweetol používateľ
    6. 12. 2019

    The Molecular Networking Workshop using and at was a great success! We are planning a larger workshop at the Metabolomics 2020 conference in Shanghai! Thanks

  7. Retweetol používateľ
    25. 11. 2019

    Led by , Weng lab researchers have uncovered the missing steps in the molecular pathway that produces salicylic acid — a hormone that treats skin conditions:

  8. 20. 11. 2019

    My lab at is officially starting from May 2020! Now accepting applications for and positions!

  9. Retweetol používateľ
    31. 10. 2019

    We are hiring! Do you have experience analysing High Resolution Accurate Mass spectrometry data? Are you interested in supporting high-impact metabolism research through the use of LCMS Metabolomics? Please spread the word!

  10. 30. 10. 2019

    The project now has its own Twitter account . Please follow for updates and announcements!

  11. Retweetol používateľ
    30. 10. 2019

    If you are interested in learning more about MZmine2, GNPS and Feature-Based Molecular Networking, join us for a workshop on Dec 5 with

  12. Retweetol používateľ
    21. 10. 2019

    We are pleased to announce our preprint on Feature-Based Molecular Networking in the environment. It was truly a community effort not simply from a data perspective but a collaborative software development one.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  13. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 7. 2019

    New Article: "The biosynthetic origin of psychoactive kavalactones in kava" "Kava (Piper methysticum) is an ethnomedicinal shrub native to the Polynesian islands with well-established anxiolytic and analgesic properties."

  14. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 7. 2019

    In this video, learn about a study by in Jing-Ke Weng’s lab showing how kava produces pain-relieving and anti-anxiety molecules — providing a way to make large amounts of the compounds. More:

  15. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 7. 2019

    Kava plant compounds show promise in treating pain and anxiety, but making enough of the chemicals to study has proved challenging. A study led by in Jing-Ke Weng’s lab shows how to produce kava compounds efficiently in yeast & bacteria:

  16. Retweetol používateľ
    24. 6. 2019

    We are hiring a technical assistant! Ideal position for a recent college grad interested in using and to help scientists drive their cutting edge research forward . More info:


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