Výsledky vyhľadávania
  1. 8. 1.

    It’s not all puppies and waterfalls for me in Bali, I’ve been working hard filled with the focus and motivation that Bali living brings me 😎 over 100 event photos edited and over 30 pages written of a User Manual! 🤘🏼

  2. 6. 1.

    It's 12am and I'm sitting in front of this computer working again... looking so tired! That's ok though... I spent my day with family and friends... blessed! Plus, as an entrepreneur you hope demanding business = growing business!🤓

  3. 6. 1.

    Morning! Hope your Monday is starting well. You might not be doing yoga on the beach, but at this point I would take a hot coffee and arriving on time as a win ☀️ (if you DID manage yoga on the beach today, you win January!)

  4. pred 13 hodinami

    Flexible working where possible needs to be seriously considered by employers in Ireland.

  5. pred 3 hodinami

    Some tips from one of our posts on balancing business and family life: ~ Get Smart With Your Diary - determine your absolute non-negotiable priorities. ~ Make peace with compromise. ~ Schedule some downtime.

  6. 30. 12. 2019

    Best of 2019 Revealed: the countries with the best work-life balance

  7. pred 11 hodinami

    Had a great time fishing with my Attending on his half clinic day on his boat! Happened to catch a big one while the film was rolling! 🎥🎞🎣

  8. 6. 1.

    I did it! I went on our computer system to look at scheduling but DID NOT check on my previously hospitalized patients. Success on avoiding unnecessary anxiety when it's my weekend.

  9. pred 3 hodinami

    First day working from home today has meant time for a run AND being able to get the kids ready for school/nursery before cracking open the laptop

  10. 7. 1.
  11. pred 22 hodinami

    An overload of sugar spikes dopamine levels and leaves you craving more. Nicole Avena Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Psychology explains why sweets and treats should be enjoyed in moderation.

  12. 8. 1.

    India is years away. Hope Indian corporates acknowledge the need for work life balance,close work,mails,calls at 8 pm, if not 6 pm! Strictl follow 5 day work. A CSR initiative which will make this country healthier physically and mentally

  13. 7. 1.

    1 year into the new job. Took a gamble & now reaping the rewards 😎

  14. 5. 1.

    The weekend has to come to an end.

  15. A3 My goal is to develop a stronger because it is very easy for me to get caught up with my passion for serving kids, families and community.

  16. 8. 1.
  17. 5. 1.
  18. pred 18 hodinami

    It’s good to be home. Even if it means going from 70 and sunny to 30 with snow.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  19. pred 15 hodinami
  20. 7. 1.

    In a holiday mood? Here's how to boost your in the workplace 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

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