Výsledky vyhľadávania
  1. 5. 3. 2018

    CYTO-WATER Newsletter #3 Learn more about the new online system for and detection in industrial and environmental waters.

  2. 26. 12. 2019

    YtfK activates the by triggering the alarmone synthetase SpoT in

  3. 22. 11. 2018
  4. Necesito agradecer a de la ciudad de que me enviaron muestras gratis de p el tratamiento de profilaxis q hace Angelina para evitar infecciones urinarias y a su vez eliminar asintomatica que tiene .Aqui no conseguíamos

  5. 6. 5. 2019

    ToI covers Yarok Microbio: Israeli startup identifies dangerous bacteria in produce in under 45 minutes —instead of days— saving lives and costs. READ: via

  6. 4. 4. 2018

    Recently accepted in MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY: transcription factor NusG binds to 70S ribosomes

  7. V odpovedi používateľovi

    Not surprising my favourite is my main research species

    Large collection of streaked and incubated SBA plates sitting on lab bench.
    Antimicrobial sensitivity test of E. coli isolates
    White E. coli isolates on Sheep blood agar from poultry samples.
  8. 28. 11. 2018

    session at kicks off with talking about Meat, Urine & Time machines...and chickens, UTI and & how to see their ‘uniforms’

  9. 5. 1. 2019
  10. 6. 3. 2018

    My students successfully performed a transformation. Everyone worked! I am a proud professor

  11. 15. 8. 2017
  12. 22. 4. 2019
  13. V odpovedi používateľom

    Australia would have to be surely based on the new $5 note

  14. 19. 5. 2018

    Smartphone-based rapid quantification of viable bacteria by single-cell microdroplet turbidity imaging

  15. 25. 3. 2018
  16. 8. 3. 2018
  17. 1. 8. 2019

    Il ministro dell’Interno da giorni a Milano Marittima e il mare romagnolo si riempie di . Un caso? Io non credo

  18. 21. 11. 2019

    Phenotypic and Molecular of ESBL-, AmpC-, and Carbapenemase-Producing in Northern and Eastern

  19. 17. 10. 2018
  20. 2. 8. 2017

    is a bacteria found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms which can cause food poisoning

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