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Alexandria, VA
Na Twitteri od: september 2008


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  1. pred 16 hodinami

    More kernels in a corn cob? Yes, pls! 🌽 Manipulating a gene in the corn could be a way to increase crop yields by reprogramming how a plant balances its investments in growth and defense. More 👇

  2. pred 17 hodinami

    NSF has for decades invested in development that seeks to maintain U.S. leadership in this important field. One of our top priorities is supporting research that contribute to discovery related to AI fairness, ethics, accountability and transparency.

  3. 7. 1.

    At ? Look for booth 50000 and tell us about your tech. We’ll be here all week to talk innovation. Aluna (will be there!) is developing a device and game that helps children and adults with asthma. Watch!

  4. 7. 1.

    NSF-supported will now be called the Vera C. Rubin Observatory-- recognizing the role astronomer Rubin played in better understanding dark matter, which will be one of the observatory survey’s four main themes.

  5. 7. 1.

    Warming oceans around could have serious impacts on the larvae of invertebrates that are used to the stable cold temperatures in the Southern Ocean. 📷 : Mike Lucibella

  6. 6. 1.

    From the image to finding out how tiny mantis shrimp see wavelengths of light that are invisible to humans, 2019 was a busy year in science. Check the top 10 social stories:

  7. Retweetol používateľ
    5. 1.

    Counting down our Top 10 stories of 2019 at #1: TACC launched Frontera: the fastest supercomputer at any university and the 5th most powerful system in the world. Thank you , , , and everyone who helped make it possible.

  8. Retweetol používateľ
    6. 1.

    Now live! The funded for All Multiplex brings together over 800 videos from the STEM for All Showcases- Explore videos of interest & create and share playlists!

  9. Retweetol používateľ
    3. 1.

    The Earth makes it closest approach to the Sun (in the Northern Hemisphere) during the winter time, on January 5 at 2:47 am EST.

  10. 3. 1.

    research reveals how two penguin species, the gentoo (left) and the chinstrap, have dealt with more than a century of human impact in Antarctica:

  11. 3. 1.

    A single drop of seawater can contain a wide range of ocean microbes from around the world -- revealing new insights into the ecology, evolution and biotechnology potential of the global microbiome.

  12. Retweetol používateľ
    2. 1.

    . Meet the Inouye Solar Telescope - NSF's Flagship Telescope for the Sun. Managed and built by the National Solar Observatory (NSO), It's the most powerful solar telescope on Earth. . Learn More: .

  13. 2. 1.

    Happy New Year! This 2020, don’t be afraid to take chances, make mistakes, learn something new and be a (citizen) scientist! 📷: Kristen Stone 🌿 Sampling crew at NSF's field site in Sierra Nevada.

  14. 1. 1.

    Wishing you a stellar New Year! Thanks for following ✨ Found in nearby galaxies roughly 300 million light years away from Earth, astronomers found most massive black holes to date-- each with a mass equivalent to 10 billion suns. 📷 /

  15. 31. 12. 2019
  16. 30. 12. 2019

    The first EVER image of a black hole. Using , scientists obtained an image of the black hole at the center of galaxy M87, outlined by emission from hot gas swirling around it under the influence of strong gravity near its event horizon.

  17. 30. 12. 2019

    Going down memory lane with some of our . Here, women in science + Antarctica 👇

  18. Retweetol používateľ
    27. 12. 2019

    It’s a beautiful morning in the eastern Pacific Ocean where watching the daily launch never gets old. The sub is making dive number 5,046 so scientists can get a close look at the seafloor terrain, vents, and organisms.

  19. 27. 12. 2019

    Start the with these 10 ideas (supported by science!) to help your kids (and babies) learn and achieve their goals:

  20. 27. 12. 2019

    researchers at have developed an algorithm that can find patterns in the genetic code of microbes. This method could speed the development of medical treatments for microbiota-linked ailments such as Crohn's disease.


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