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Konference ProteCHt2save

At the end of June, ITAM CAS and Municipal District - Prague Troja will host an international conference with theme „Managing the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Changing Environment”. The conference will take place on June 27th, 2019 in mUnicipal House in the centre of old Prague. The venue is especially fitting for the ProteCHt2save conference, as the historic centre of Prague is a Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) site at risk posed by climate change impacts (in this case floods from the Vltava river enveloping the city). As part of the conference, there will be a technical visit focused on this issue.

For registration and additional information, contact

The main objective of the event is to present the latest development in the Interreg Central Europe project ProteCHt2save to European and local authorities and stakeholders, with special accent on experiences in historic Prague, and to present a perspective and experiences from the point of view of management of cultural heritage protection in a changing environment.


Venue: Municipal House, nám. Republiky 5, 111 21 Staré Město




08:30 Registration, light breakfast
09:00 Welcome by the first Deputy Mayor of Prague Petr Hlaváček and Stanislav Pospíšil, Director of ITAM CAS


Chair: Miloš Drdácký
09:15 Interreg Central Europe, ProteCHt2save Project
Alessandra Bonazza, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Bologna (I)

9:30 ProteCHt2SAVE- Risk mapping
Alessandro Sardella, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Bologna (I)

9:50 ProteCHt2SAVE- Decision support tools
Riccardo Cacciotti, ITAM, Czech Academy of Science, Prague (CZ)


10:10 Discussion

10:30 Coffee Break


11:00 ProteCHt2SAVE- Evacuation plans and preparedness strategies I
Christian Hanus, Danube University, Krems (A)

11:20 ProteCHt2SAVE- Evacuation plans and preparedness strategies II: CHRT and video game
Anna Kaiser & Kimberly Himmer, Danube University, Krems (A)

11:40 ProteCHt2SAVE- Pilot site: Troja, Prague, Czech Republic
Tomáš Drdácký, Municipality of Troja, Prague (CZ)

12:00 Discussion

12:20 Lunch

13:00 Guided Technical excursion to Municipal House



Chair: Alessandra Bonazza
14:00 Experience from dealing with aftermaths of 2002 floods
Ivana Kopecká, Kateřina Šupová, National Technical Museum (CZ)
14:20 Interreg Central Europe project: RAINMAN
Pavel Balvín, T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute (CZ)
14:40 RainBo project: Urban plan and Risk analysis
Franco Cima, Life RainBo Project Manager - Lepida Scpa – Bologna (I)
15:00 Interreg Alpine Space project: CHEERS: Cultural HEritagE Risks and Securing activities
Giulia Pesaro, Project Manager of the CHEERS project, Lombardy Foundation for the Environment (FLA) (I)
15:20 Digital flood plan and Exercise of construction of flood control measures of the City of Prague
Jana Kuklová, Head of Department of Preventive Protection, Prague City Hall (CZ)


15:40 Discussion

16:00 Coffee break


Chair: Christian Hanus
16:30 Interreg Central Europe project: ProteCHt2SAVE Resilience supporting tools for CH managers and owners
Miloš Drdácký, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)

16:45 River Flood and Flood Hazard from Torrential Rainfall in Relation to Cultural Heritage in CR
Milena Forejtníková/Miriam Dzuráková, T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute in Brno (CZ)

17:05 Projects of Imperial Island Conception in context of cultural heritage and climate change
Marek Kundrata, Prague Institute of Planning and Development (CZ)

17:15 Conceptual approach to flood barriers in protected heritage areas, Case Study Kampa and Chatteau Troja
Miroslav Cikán, Architecture studio MCA (CZ)

17:25 Examples of NANOTEC photoactive nanomaterials and technologies applied on cultural heritage objects
František Peterka, NANOTEC System (CZ)


17:40 Discussion

17:55 Closing remarks

18:00 End of the Conference / glass of wine


17 May 2019