Research Centre for Palaeolithics and Paleoanthropology

Head: Mgr. Martin Novák, Ph.D.
Science and Research Workers: Ing. Petr Škrdla, Ph.D.doc. Mgr. Sázelová Sandra, Ph.D.PhDr. Petr Šída, Ph.D., Mgr. Soňa Boriová, Mgr. Tomáš Janoušek

Key Research Topics:

Human evolution, with emphasis on the emergence and expansion of Homo sapiens
Climatic and environmental framework of the Paleolithic settlement in the Middle Danube region
Settlement archeology of hunting populations in the Middle Danube basin on the level of a landscape and site – a GIS application
Analysis of sources, with emphasis on the structure of subsistence strategies, hunting and gathering
Technology of tool-making from stone and organic materials
The beginnings of symbolism, ritual behavior and art

The research topics are primarily addressed in the context of:

Early Upper Paleolithic (Brno basin, The Mladeč caves)
Gravettian and Epigravettian (Bohemia, Moravia – primarily including the settlement area Dolní Věstonice-Pavlov, Předmostí and Petřkovice sites, and the region of Middle Morava River)
Mesolithic (sandstone areas of Bohemia)
Comparative ethnoarchaeological research (Siberia, Africa)
